从8月6日开始我们为大家带来北京市人民政府外事办公室与北京广播电视台外语广播联合推出的《识北京(IN Beijing)——市民讲外语公益讲座》。讲座邀请北京广播电视台外语广播富有外语教学经验的主持人、外语专家为你解读《北京市国际交往语言环境建设条例》,展示北京国际交往语言环境建设最新成果,和你一起学英语、讲英语。节目播出时间:每周六/周日12:00-12:30、16:30-17:00
The Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Improving Language Environment for International Exchanges is the first local regulations on improving international language environment. It covers three areas, i.e. foreign language facilitation in public services, standardization of foreign language signage, and public engagement.
The Regulations aim to improve Beijing's foreign language environment for international exchanges, facilitate all-round opening up and boost the city's quality development.
Food culture is an important part of China's fine traditional culture. With the development of globalization, Chinese cuisine is loved by more and more foreign friends with its diverse materials, unique cooking methods, exquisite shapes and rich tastes.
After thousands of years of exploration and innovation, different geography, climate, resources and produce and food habits of various parts of China have contributed to the formation of eight regional cuisines. It's estimated there are thousands of dishes.
Bilingual menus are indispensable for foreign friends to enjoy Chinese cuisine and get a glimpse of Chinese food culture. To regulate the translation of public signs in catering service, including Chinese food names, we've put forward Guidelines for the Use of English for Public Signs: Accommodation and Catering.
After more than a dozen years of efforts, most hotels and restaurants in Beijing now provide bilingual menus, which have become the most common form of foreign language facilitation in the catering service.
如此丰富多彩的中文菜名要怎么翻译才能让外籍人士听明白?如何才能避免让人啼笑皆非的“神翻译”(比如“四喜丸子”译为Four Glad Meat balls)?今天,我们带大家一起了解小小菜单中蕴含的外语便利化服务。
How to correctly translate menus, and avoid ridiculous translations? In the following part, we will introduce the basic principles of menu translation.
为让外籍人士一眼就能看懂菜名,菜单翻译过程中主要采用意译原则,主要有如下五个原则:一是以主料为主、配料或配汁为辅的翻译原则。比如“松仁香菇”,可以译为Chinese Mushrooms with Pine Nuts。
To make it clear to international friends the meaning of the Chinese food names, free translation is adopted. There are five main principles for translation. The first is main food materials supplemented by ingredients or sauces. For example, “松仁香菇” can be translated as Chinese Mushrooms with Pine Nuts.
二是以烹制方法为主,原料为辅的翻译原则。比如“川北凉粉”,可以译为Tossed Clear Noodles with Chili Sauce。
The second is cooking methods supplemented by food materials. For example, “川北凉粉” can be translated as Tossed Clear Noodles with Chili Sauce.
三是以形状、口感为主、原料为辅的翻译原则。比如“脆皮鸡”,可以译为Crispy Chicken。
The third is shapes or taste supplemented by food materials. For example, “脆皮鸡” can be translated as Crispy Chicken.
四是以人名、地名为主,原料为辅的翻译原则。比如“北京炸酱面”,可以译为Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style。
The fourth is names of persons or places supplemented by food materials. For example, “北京炸酱面”can be translated as Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style。
The fifth principle is the translation acts as a carrier of Chinese food culture, where transliteration is a proper way. Those traditional foods with Chinese characteristics that are familiar to foreign friends can be translated in this way. For example, Jiaozi, Baozi, Mantou etc.
还有一些传统食品,中文名称无法体现其做法及主配料,使用汉语拼音音译时,要加英文注释。比如“油条”,在音译的同时要标注Deep-Fried Dough Sticks,进行解释说明,让外籍人士在享用美味时明白这究竟是什么做的、怎么做的。
When transliterating, we need to provide English annotations for those which are not so familiar to foreigners. This is because their Chinese names do not reflect the cooking methods or the main food materials. For example, Youtiao can be further explained as Deep-Fried Dough Sticks, to help our international friends to get a basic knowledge of the delicious food when enjoying it.
Dear listeners, do you get it? Let's join hands to promote the five principles for menu translation to improve our language environment for the further development of the capital's international exchange center.
a table for two 两人桌
reasonable 合理的
I'm starving 我太饿了
authentic 正宗的
cuisine 菜肴
recommend 推荐
depend on 取决于
spicy hot 麻辣
figure out 想出
crispy chicken 脆皮鸡
Peking roast duck 北京烤鸭
noodles with soy bean paste, Beijing style 老北京炸酱面
enjoy your meal 请慢用
Waiter: Good evening, Sir. Can I help you?
Customer: A table for two by the window,please.
Waiter: This way, please.
Customer: This is my favorite restaurant. The food here is excellent and the price is reasonable. I'm starving. I feel like trying some authentic Chinese food. What would you recommend?
Waiter: You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines like Sichuan cuisine and Hunan cuisine. It depends on your preference.
Customer: I think they are both spicy hot.
Waiter: That's right. If you like spicy hot dishes, you can try some.
Customer: They might be too hot for me.
Waiter: Well, you may try Cantonese cuisine and Jiangsu cuisine.
Customer: I'd better have a look at the menu to figure out what I want.
Waiter: Certainly, here you are.
Customer: The crispy chicken looks really good, but I think the Peking roast duck is better. I can't decide between the crispy chicken and the Peking roast duck. What would you recommend?
Waiter: I'd recommend Peking roast duck. It is served in well-cut slices and the meat is served with very thin pancakes.
Customer: That sounds great. We'll have a half portion of that and a dish of greens.
Waiter: Anything else you would like to order, Sir?
Customer: The noodles with soy bean paste, Beijing style looks very interesting, we will have that as well.
Waiter: OK.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Yes, I'd like chrysanthemum tea.
Waiter: (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: Can I get you anything else?
Customer: No, thanks. I'd like the check, please.
Waiter: That'll be 198 yuan.
Customer: Here you are.
Waiter: Thank you! Have a good day!