“读懂北京Keywords 2022”包括高质量发展、规划建设、基层民生等6个版块,用28个新鲜出炉的政务关键词,带您一起了解首都的新发展、新成就。
24. 朱雀计划
The Zhuque Plan
Zhuque is a legendary Chinese bird which symbolizes talent. The Zhuque Plan is a talent recruitment program for sci-tech project managers. It aims to attract and develop high-caliber project managers who understand scientists' needs, possess engineering skills and are able to mobilize resources for innovation. They will work at important research institutes including national laboratories and new-type R&D institutions, as well as in key development areas such as the "three science cities and one hi-tech area"[1].
[1] These are Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, Beijing Future Science Park and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, which serve as major platforms for building Beijing into a national innovation center.
25. “三校一院”交钥匙项目
Turn-key projects of "three schools and one hospital"
These projects including a kindergarten, a primary school, a secondary school and a general hospital are financed and built by Beijing. Upon completion, they will be transferred to the jurisdiction of Xiong'an New Area, which will then invite first-class education and medical groups from Beijing to operate them: Beijing Beihai Kindergarten, Shijia Hutong Primary School, Beijing No. 4 High School and Xuanwu Hospital.
26. 一村一室
One clinic per village
This initiative aims to deliver better health service in the rural areas of Beijing with improved allocation of medical resources. In 2021, clinics were built in 650 villages which previously had no medical facilities, thus ensuring a clinic in every administrative village.
27. 漫步北京
Roaming Beijing
In 2020, Beijing launched "Roaming Beijing", a citywide project to promote leisure activities and tourism for both residents and visitors. Over the last two years, Beijing has rolled out dozens of tourist routes, both vehicular and pedestrian. These take into account seasonal changes and traditional holidays, follow the "Central Axis" through the city that is now applying for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site status, and showcase Beijing's traditional architecture and modern locations. "Roaming Beijing" has become a new way for both residents and tourists to explore the city in depth.
28. 双奥之城
The "Dual Olympic City"
The Summer and Winter Olympics City
This refers to Beijing being the only city in the world to date to have hosted both the Summer Olympics (2008) and the Winter Olympics (2022).