读懂北京Keywords 2022(五)



“读懂北京Keywords 2022”包括高质量发展、规划建设、基层民生等6个版块,用28个新鲜出炉的政务关键词,带您一起了解首都的新发展、新成就。


20. 两个“关键小事”

Two important "minor" details


These are waste sorting and property management, which have in recent years become the focus of government efforts to improve the life of the people through meticulous municipal management.

21. 每月一题

"One issue per month"


This is a mechanism for dealing with public complaints. In 2021, Beijing began to select thorny chronic issues that call for municipal-level policies and coordination from among public complaints made via the "12345" hotline in the previous year.

Each month, one such issue with two to three specific problems is addressed through action initiatives, deployment planning and focused supervision. For each issue, a lead department works under a municipal leader responsible for coordinating cross-departmental efforts, in order to solve the issue to the public's satisfaction.

22. 时间银行

Time banking


Time banking is a mode of voluntary service for the benefit of senior citizens. Beijing will develop a three-tiered time banking system for eldercare at the city, district, and sub-district/township levels. For this purpose, it will put in place an integrated information platform and standard procedures.

Time banking uses one hour as a service time unit and records savings in the form of time coins. When volunteers or their spouses who have reached the age of 60 need care services, they may redeem services from other volunteers with their previously credited service hours in the Time Bank.

23. 一抓三保五强化 

One focus on employment with three priorities and five measures


This is a package of policy measures aimed at fuller and higher-quality employment. Their focus is on improving operations of the employment system, which is key to our employment strategy.

The three priorities are ensuring employment access for priority groups, providing development opportunities for SMEs, and encouraging and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. These are critical measures that hold the line on employment. Policy and financial support for these measures will be increased. The five measures are efforts to formulate more consistent policies, make services more easily accessible, give the market a greater role, offer more effective training, and improve law enforcement.

This approach was cited as a best practice by the General Office of the State Council.