“读懂北京Keywords 2022”包括高质量发展、规划建设、基层民生等6个版块,用28个新鲜出炉的政务关键词,带您一起了解首都的新发展、新成就。
6. 城市更新
Urban renewal
This refers to continuous efforts to improve and adjust the city's spatial organization and urban functions in the developed areas. Beijing will strictly control large-scale demolition and construction, implement strict safety standards, and rigorously protect the ecosystem. This renewal is small scale, incremental and sustainable.
It focuses on the following: strengthening Beijing's position as "the four centers"[1] and the capital of the nation; improving infrastructure such as urban public spaces, public service facilities and public transportation; optimizing residential housing conditions as well as the environs and supporting facilities of residential communities; upgrading under- or mis-utilized buildings; protecting and utilizing historical and cultural areas, and transforming and renovating industrial parks and old industrial buildings.
[1] This refers to the capital's strategic position as the national political center, cultural center, center for international exchanges and center for national innovation.
7. 韧性城市
A resilient city
This is a city that has an ability to withstand, adapt to and recover quickly from an adverse or changing environment. They represent a new paradigm for urban growth in a safe environment.
A city is resilient in the sense that it has built up a cushion against unexpected shocks, and it can reorient itself depending on the circumstances when a natural disaster or a major accident occurs, especially in the event of major safety accidents, extreme weather, earthquakes, floods, major epidemics and other emergencies. As a result, it is able to deal with the pressure, adapt, survive, and quickly return to the path of sustainable development. In its Guidelines on building a resilient city, the municipal government laid down a master plan for building up the city's resilience in areas including urban space planning, construction, urban management and society.
8. 航空“双枢纽”
Two aviation hubs
These refer to Beijing Daxing International Airport, which opened on September 25th, 2019, and Beijing Capital International Airport. Beijing is now a city with two aviation hubs.
9. 多网融合
Integration of transit networks
As it continues its efforts to integrate urban and suburban rail services, intercity rail links and trunk railways, Beijing is also working on better connections between rail and other modes of transportation, such as bus services, cycling routes and pedestrian facilities. Such an integration makes it easier for travelers to change between different means of transportation, using a system of multiple transit networks that include rail, bus and slow traffic facilities.
10. 轨道微中心
Transit-centered communities
Based on well-planned transportation networks and spatial organization, Beijing will develop a number of vibrant, mixed-use and compact communities centered around rail and subway stations. With complete facilities and services, these developments will be desirable places to live and work, with easy access to public transportation. They will be given priority for construction permits and land use.