




Strive to Make New Advances in Beijing in Fully Building a Modern Socialist China under the Guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics For a New Era

Delivered at the Thirteenth Beijing Municipal Congress Of the Communist Party of China

June 27, 2022

Cai Qi


IX. Developing a good understanding of how to govern a super-large city and continuously modernizing the governance of Beijing


We should bear in mind that our city should be built by the people and for the people, improve law-based, precision and participatory city governance with meticulous efforts, establish an effective system for super-large city governance, and strive to make life in Beijing more healthy, convenient, comfortable and happy for its residents.


We will further implement the Master Plan of Development for Beijing (2016-2035). 

Guided by the principle that the authority of capital planning lies with the Party Central Leadership, we will task the Capital Planning and Development Commission to lead this work and improve the coordination mechanism between the central authorities and the local government. Beijing's system of spatial planning for land use will be improved, and the key functional zone planning, planning for special programs and development control plans for street blocks will be better integrated. We will practice strict control on the population size and construction scale. We will link newly-added cropland quotas with the amount of land used for construction, so as to ensure that land for rural and urban construction will be cut in size but for better use. An appropriate amount of land will be vacated to leave space for future development, and regular check-ups and evaluations of the city's infrastructure will continue. 

We will continue to address problems in planning and natural resources, stop unapproved housing building on farmland, consolidate gains made in curbing unapproved villa construction, and establish such long-term mechanisms as putting village land use under the management of district government to address land-related problems. We will stand on principle and say no whenever we should to uphold the authority of the city's planning.


We will upgrade the city's infrastructure.

We will increase strategic reserve of water resources, expand the capacity of the central route of the South-North Water Diversion Project, and plan the construction of the eastern route. Infrastructures such as the green electricity to Beijing transmission lines will be built. We will strengthen the contingent reserve of natural gas and the heating network, and boost capacity of waste treatment facilities. Underground spaces will be used to build an integrated network of utility tunnels. We will improve the citywide transport network, increase the density of urban road network and improve traffic flow on feeder roads. We will carry out construction of phase III rail transit, open more suburban railways and promote the integration of multiple transit networks.


We will advance precision governance of Beijing.

We will push ahead with the environmental improvement of backstreets and alleys and upgrade the living conditions there. We will create better public space and improve the design of street furniture. Public toilets will continue to be upgraded. We will push forward solid waste sorting to reduce waste at the source and improve public civility. We will tackle acute problems in property management and adopt a full range of measures to address problems in property management of old and run-down residential compounds.

Public transport will continue to be developed on a priority basis, and their routes and the layout of terminals will be improved. Pedestrian walks and bicycle lanes will be upgraded to create a convenient and pleasant environment for green travel. Parking lot management will be improved.


We will strengthen the foundation for primary- and community-level governance.

The Regulations on Sub-district Government Organizations will be implemented. Primary- and community-level governance will be strengthened. We will further reform the system for sub-district (township) administration and strengthen the integrated law enforcement teams. Fully urbanized townships will be turned into sub-districts in a prudent way.

We will assign more personnel to community offices, improve primary- and community-level governance, and give play to the role of social organizations, street heads, alley stewards and government-hired planning supervisors. Voluntary public order supervisors such as "Chaoyang residents"[21] and "Xicheng Dama"[22] will be fully mobilized. We will push forward the innovative "Count-Me-In" volunteer service initiative in the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan areas, improve guidance through Party strengthening initiatives and encourage participation of residents and other stakeholders in improving governance of large communities.


[21] "Chaoyang residents" refers to retirees in residential compounds wearing red armbands who oversee community management.

[22] "Xicheng Dama" is a nickname referring to a group of volunteers, usually retired women, who alert the police about public security risks in Xicheng District in Beijing.