




Strive to Make New Advances in Beijing in Fully Building a Modern Socialist China under the Guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics For a New Era

Delivered at the Thirteenth Beijing Municipal Congress Of the Communist Party of China

June 27, 2022

Cai Qi


X. Ensuring both development and security and resolutely safeguarding security and stability of Beijing


We should take a holistic approach to national security, be prepared to handle worst-case scenarios, stay alert against potential dangers, and take proactive steps to forestall and defuse risks and safeguard political security, social stability and people's lives in Beijing.


We will give top priority to maintaining political security.

We will improve coordination mechanisms for political security, strengthen the system of suppressing terrorism and violent crimes, and improve the crime response mechanism to forestall violent crimes and terrorist acts. We will strictly implement the system of responsibility for work on political education, strengthen oversight of the Internet and other fronts, and foster a positive and healthy online culture. We will improve our ability to foresee and mitigate risks.


We will better ensure safety and security in Beijing. 

We will put in place an inter-agency coordination mechanism for ensuring safety and security in Beijing, and advance trials on modernizing municipal social governance. We will continue to apply the "Fengqiao experience" and build on it in the new era by better handling people's complaints. We will improve the mechanisms for resolving public disputes at the source through multiple channels so as to resolve problems at the community level as soon as they emerge.

We will strengthen the multidimensional and IT-supported smart system for crime prevention and control and continue to suppress organized crimes and local mafia on a regular basis. We will take targeted measures to deal with all types of crime in accordance with the law.

We will ensure that accountability for workplace safety is rigorously implemented, and give priority to identifying and removing potential dangers in key sectors. Food and drug safety monitoring will be strengthened.


We will forestall systemic risks. 

We will see that the mechanism for coordinating local financial regulation and risk management plays its role, and forestall and mitigate risks in the financial and other sectors in a well-ordered way. We will strengthen supervision over business activities and data security of platform companies, and support healthy and well-regulated development of capital. We will better regulate government debt financing, defuse government debt risks, and prevent rise in debt in disguised forms. Our capability to conduct oversight in an open environment will be enhanced.


We will make Beijing a more resilient city. 

A full range of indicators and criteria for building a resilient city will be adopted. We will improve the city's spatial layout for disaster prevention, see that emergency shelters are included in building public facilities, and promote the public use of civil air defense works. Pipelines such as those for gas transmission will be upgraded, so that the lifeline infrastructure of the city can better cope with emergencies.

We will strengthen the construction of disaster prevention projects and enhance response to extreme weather conditions by bolstering our capacity for forecasting and early warning. We will ensure the effective and smooth functioning of the command system for emergency response and coordination, improve the network for primary- and community-level emergency mobilization, response and services, and keep the public well-prepared in case of emergencies. The system of emergency rescue will be upgraded; we will see that our city always has enough reserve of emergency supplies and the capacity to produce daily supplies.