




Strive to Make New Advances in Beijing in Fully Building a Modern Socialist China under the Guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics For a New Era

Delivered at the Thirteenth Beijing Municipal Congress Of the Communist Party of China

June 27, 2022

Cai Qi


XI. Strengthening Party leadership over work in all areas in Beijing and exercising full and strict self-discipline over Party organizations and members


Ensuring Party leadership and that the Party exercises full and strict self-discipline in every respect is crucial to realizing our goals on the new journey. We should be keenly aware of the importance of conducting self-reform, and enhance our political awareness of the fact that full and strict self-discipline is a never-ending process. We should continue to advance the great new initiative of strengthening the Party in the new era, so as to provide political, theoretical and organizational support for Beijing's development in the new era.


We will ensure that the Party exercises overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all stakeholders. 

We will improve the systems for upholding the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership. We will improve systems for the Party to exercise its leadership in the following organizations: local people's congresses, government bodies and CPPCC committees, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial bodies, armed forces, people's organizations, enterprises and public institutions, community-level self-governance institutions and social organizations.

We will support trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations, and other people's organizations in better playing their roles, and ensure overall Party leadership in all aspects and areas of work in Beijing. We will strengthen the role of the decision-making, deliberative, and coordinating institutions of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and better regulate its working bodies. A sound framework for Party committees (Party leadership groups) will be developed at all levels to ensure observance of democratic centralism and well-informed, democratic, and law-based decision-making. Thus, the Party committes will have greater capacity to chart our course, craft overall plans, make decisions and ensure implementation.


We will take strengthening the Party as the overarching principle. 

All Party members in Beijing should take the lead in upholding our Party's decision to establish Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and to establish Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding principle. We should heighten awareness of the need to maintain political commitment, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We should boost confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

Party members should continuously strengthen the capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation. Political oversight will be reinforced to see that major decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee and the guidance given by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his remarks, instructions and written comments are fully implemented. Major issues and matters concerning Beijing's development as the capital will be submitted to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner for guidance and approval. We will tighten political discipline and rules, take stern actions against the seven types of misconduct[23], fulfill the three requirements[24] and stop four forbidden practices[25]. 

We will improve the Party's rules and regulations, implement the Code of Conduct for Internal Party Activities under New Conditions and ensure regular activities of the Party organization, including meetings of criticism and self-criticism among Party members in leadership positions, Party branch general meetings, meetings of the Party branch committee, Party group meetings, and Party lectures, and develop a positive and healthy atmosphere in the Party. Tenacious efforts will be made to strengthen the political work of Party organizations in institutions of higher learning.


We will intensify efforts to arm the Party members with the Party's thinking and theories.

We will equip ourselves with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, translate it into practice to guide our work, and make continued efforts to gain a good understanding of it and apply it effectively. We will see that all Party members gain a solid understanding of the Party Constitution and Party regulations, and ensure that Party members learn about the Party's history on a regular and long-term basis. We will see that all Party members in Beijing remain firm in their ideal and conviction, and enhance their commitment to the Party. 

We will lead by example to ensure that Party committees and Party leadership groups at all levels gain a good understanding of Party theories. Lectures on new development dynamics will continue to be held. Training of Party members will be improved. We will organize study sessions to keep our people updated of the Party's latest theoretical development. We will strengthen support to leading think tanks and Party newspapers and periodicals in Beijing. The Beijing sub-portal of xuexi.cn, an online platform for learning about theory, will be put to better use.


We will build a strong contingent of Party officials.

We will follow clear-cut principles in selecting and appointing officials in the new era, with political commitment as the primary criterion, so as to produce a constant stream of dedicated, responsible and high-caliber officials with integrity.

We will make sure that those who are honest and hardworking and who are at the forefront of our endeavors are not sidelined or lose heart, while those who have committed misconducts will not be promoted. We will act in strict accordance with Party regulations on the selection, appointment and appraisal of officials, and improve the system of merits-based selection and appointment of officials. We will implement the program for strengthening Party and government leadership teams and see that leadership teams are well structured and deliver. 

The Three-Year Action Plan for Strengthening Governance Capacity of Officials in Beijing will be carried out to enhance competence training for Party officials and strengthen their capabilities through carrying out major tasks on the ground. A regular mechanism to train and select outstanding young officials will be put in place. We will be both strict and caring toward Party officials, strengthen their management and supervision, and provide more incentives and protection for officials who do their work with a keen sense of responsibility. We will recruit public servants through more channels and improve their mix, and strengthen the leadership teams of enterprises and public institutions.


We will build a big pool of high-caliber talent.

The Party's overall leadership over talent will be strengthened. We will enhance both political guidance and services to get more talents involved in Beijing's development. We will cultivate and attract scientists working in strategic sectors, outstanding individuals and teams of technology innovation, young scientists and high-caliber engineers, and fully leverage their strengths. A strategic talent pool with desired age structure will be created for Beijing. Reforms of mechanisms of nurturing, using, evaluating and motivating talents will continue to create an internationally competitive talent management system that suits Beijing's conditions.


We will take solid steps to strengthen primary- and community-level Party organizations.

We will improve the system of Party-led primary- and community-level governance, and give full play to the role of such mechanisms as coordination committee on strengthening the Party and dual report[26]. Solid steps will be taken to boost rural revitalization through strengthening the Party. Efforts will be made to improve weak and poorly performing village Party organizations, and upgrade village organizations of different types. We will provide differentiated and targeted guidance for strengthening the Party in institutions such as Party and government bodies, state-owned enterprises, schools and public hospitals. We will press ahead with the reform to see that principals of primary and middle schools take full responsibility under the leadership of school Party organizations. We will improve the Party working committees on new economic and social organizations at both municipal and district levels, establish Party organizations in businesses of new forms and in people engaged in new types of employment, and explore an effective way of conducting governance in all sectors under the guidance of the Party organizations. 

We will ensure that Party branches meet their standards in development and Party members are more competent, so that the Party's flag will fly high at every primary- and community-level Party organization. 


We will keep improving our work conduct.

We will act in strict accordance with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on conduct, and keep working to overcome acts of favoring form over substance, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance, and improve work conduct. We will upgrade relevant systems and mechanisms to guard against and overcome formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucracy, take resolute measures to hold accountable officials who fail to perform their duties, behave irresponsibly or engage in falsification, and continue to ease the burden of those working on the ground. We will promptly rectify misconducts causing grave public concern once they emerge, and resolutely prevent the resurgence of hedonism and extravagance.

We will give more priority to doing well work on the ground, and continue and refine such systems and practices as on-site meetings on advancing key tasks and monthly performance review meetings of heads of Party committees and leadership groups of the districts and municipal departments. We will strictly follow the Party's guideline of staying engaged with the people in the new era, improve investigation and research, maintain close ties with the people and solve their problems at their doorsteps. Party members will be urged to keep to the Party's good traditions and conduct, and a long-term mechanism will be put in place to improve their work conduct. 


We will see that officials are deterred from committing corruption, cannot afford to commit it and have no desire to commit it.

We have secured a sweeping victory in cracking down on corruption and fully consolidated gains made in this struggle. However, the fight to prevail over corruption remains an intense one and it has acquired new features of the current period. We must see that no place is out of bounds, no ground left unturned, and no tolerance shown in the fight against corruption. We will maintain a powerful force to suppress and punish corruption and secure victory against corruption in this major political battle that we cannot and must not lose. 

We will increase supervision to ensure effective oversight over the heads of leadership teams and the "key few" in leadership positions.

We will keep a close watch on priority areas and key projects that receive strong policy support, large investments and substantial resources, make targeted efforts for improvement, and step up investigation and punishment of corruption in hidden and new forms.

We will strengthen oversight over the mechanism of giving swift response to public complaints and over areas that are important to people's well-being, and suppress corruption that occurs on the people's doorsteps. We will continue efforts to repatriate fugitives, keep them from fleeing, and see that their illicit gains are returned. We will adopt a proactive approach in the fight against corruption by strengthening day-to-day management and supervision and making good use of the four forms of oversight[27] to ensure compliance with discipline. With multiple lines of defense in place, we will see that problems are addressed as soon as they emerge. Internal Party supervision will play the leading role in coordinating oversight of all types that covers all areas of our work on a regular and long-term basis.

We will intensify political inspection, ensure effective disciplinary inspections by the municipal Party committee, improve the system that enhances coordination in disciplinary inspections conducted at different levels, and rectify problems exposed in inspections.

We will further reform the disciplinary inspection and supervision systems and strengthen the relevant regulatory framework. Regular activities will be conducted to alert officials against misconduct and see that they draw lessons from corruption cases handled. All these efforts will foster ethical standards and a healthy political atmosphere of integrity. 


We will see that Party leadership groups assume full responsibility of exercising strict Party discipline.

We should bear in mind that strengthening the Party is the most important achievement when it comes to delivering a good work performance, strictly observe the regulations on the responsibilities of Party committees (Party leadership groups) for exercising full and strict Party discipline, and see that Party committees (Party leadership groups) at all levels plan, advance and evaluate efforts to strengthen the Party together with those to promote social and economic development.

We will improve the mechanism of strengthening the Party by Party committees (Party leadership groups) under which the head of a Party leadership team is in charge of strengthening the Party and other members of the team fulfill their respective responsibilities for strengthening the Party in areas of work they cover.

We will improve performance evaluation of both enforcing Party discipline and strengthening the Party by Party committees (Party leadership groups), and we will improve performance evaluation of heads of Party committees and Party leadership groups on strengthening the Party at the primary and community level by their work reports, to see that inspections and evaluations function as important tools in assessing the political environment.


Comrades, Advancing Beijing's development in the new era and leading China in basically realizing socialist modernization is a lofty cause, and we need to build on past achievements and strive for new progress in advancing this cause. We should bear in mind our mission and forge ahead on this journey. We should forget ourselves when it comes to fame, but we should always have a sense of historical mission of contributing our due share to the success of our cause. We will forge ahead with resolve, pass the test, and score even greater victories on this new journey. We will stay true to the founding mission of the Party and always be at the service of the people. We will stand on their side, meet their expectations and work together with them. By doing so, we will create a mighty force that galvanizes all, and working together, we will deliver an even brighter future for the capital city of Beijing.


Let us rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, remain true to our Party's founding mission, and forge ahead with solid steps. Let us make good preparations for the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress with concrete actions and work tirelessly to make new advances in Beijing in fully building a modern socialist China.


[23] The "seven types of misconduct" refers to engaging in cronyism, discriminating against those who do not belong to their grouping; forming self-serving cliques; anonymously lodging false accusations and fabricating rumors; engaging in popularity-courting and the rigging of elections; promising others official posts and celebrating mutual appointments; acting willfully and feigning compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them; overestimating their influence and making presumptuous comments on the decisions of the Central Committee.

[24] The "three requirements" refers to obeying commands of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; building up a team of officials absolutely loyal to and trusted by the Party Central Committee to guard against potential risks; and generating more outcomes in Beijing in the process of applying to practice Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to better meet people's aspiration for a better life.

[25] The "four forbidden practices" refers to making presumptuous comments on the decisions of the Party Central Committee, feigning compliance and practicing double-dealing, conniving at and following wrong trends of thought, and engaging in clique activities.

[26] "Dual report" refers to a mechanism whereby primary-level Party organizations of businesses or public institutions report for duty to the Party committees or working commissions of the sub-districts (townships) where they are located; and Party members report for duty to the communities (villages) where they live.

[27] The "four forms of oversight" refers to criticism and self-criticism activities and oral and written inquiries which are to be conducted regularly, to ensure that those who have committed minor misconduct are made to "redden and sweat"; light penalties and minor organizational adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in the majority of cases; heavy penalties and major adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in a small number of cases; and investigation and prosecution, which are to be undertaken in a very small number of cases involving serious violations of discipline and suspected criminal activity.