Guidance for Employers to Protect the Staff Against COVID-19

If your employees develop symptoms like fever and dry cough, immediately take the following steps:


Tell employees with symptoms to put on masks immediately, and keep them in quarantine on site in a single room to avoid close contact with others.


Report the case immediately to the epidemic control authorities or the healthcare center of the local community.


Infected employees should go to the nearest fever clinic for medical treatment each in a single vehicle instead of taking public transport. Severely infected employees should be sent to the nearest hospital fever clinic by an ambulance (dial 120 for service).


Check to ensure that all employees wear masks.


Keep track of employees’ activities in Beijing and their travel history outside Beijing, monitor their health conditions on a daily basis, keep a log of their body temperatures, and ask anyone showing symptoms like fever and dry cough to refrain from coming to work.


Ensure good indoor ventilation. Keep warm, and ventilate office rooms two to three times a day for at least 30 minutes each time.


Ensure sufficient sanitation items such as hand-washing facilities, hand sanitizers, and soaps in people’s working and living areas.


Maintain good public hygiene, conduct daily ventilation and cleaning, and regularly conduct preventive disinfection of public items and places touched by people. Disinfect places where symptomatic employees stayed.


Once a suspected or confirmed case is established, the employer should cooperate with the local center for disease control and prevention in conducting epidemiological investigation, tracking close contacts and carrying out terminal disinfection.


Those identified as being close contacts should receive a 14-day medical observation in isolation in a designated place.

Source: Beijing Center for Diseases Prevention and Control

Picture: Fan Yibing