读懂北京 每日一词:“一网统管”

为讲好北京故事、传递北京声音,展示北京高质量发展的重要举措和成效,帮助在京外国机构、外籍人士更好了解北京,读懂北京,市外办翻译中心与北京第二外国语学院中国公共政策翻译研究院联合推出“读懂北京 每日一词”系列,从北京市《政府工作报告》配套名词解释中精心选取37个年度政策热词,并翻译发布权威英文译法


An integrated network for urban operations


This refers to a multi-level urban operation system that spans the community, sub-district, district, and municipal levels, involving all relevant departments. With unified grid-based management and one single task list of all urban operational responsibilities, it is designed to address key challenges in urban governance, with a particular focus on the city's major incidents. The network aims to achieve full-spectrum oversight of the city's operations, through several key functionalities: real-time information updating, key performance indicator monitoring, unified incident handling, intelligent dispatching, collaborative response, and supervision and evaluations.