读懂北京 每日一词:“六链五群”产业布局

为讲好北京故事、传递北京声音,展示北京高质量发展的重要举措和成效,帮助在京外国机构、外籍人士更好了解北京,读懂北京,市外办翻译中心与北京第二外国语学院中国公共政策翻译研究院联合推出“读懂北京 每日一词”系列,从北京市《政府工作报告》配套名词解释中精心选取37个年度政策热词,并翻译发布权威英文译法


The 6/5 Industrial Framework


This framework encompasses six industries - hydrogen energy, biomedicine, IoT, high-end machine tools, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, and robotics - and five advanced manufacturing industry clusters for integrated circuits, cybersecurity, biomedicine, electric power equipment, and equipment for safety and emergency response.

Such a framework provides a strategic focus for enhanced innovation and collaboration across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Notably, detailed roadmaps have already been finalized for the growth of the six key industries, thanks to joint efforts by the three regions. Additionally, two industry clusters, life sciences and health, along with electric power equipment, have been included in the national list for advanced manufacturing clusters.