来源:Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal Government


Delivered at the Fourth Session of the Fifteenth Beijing Municipal
People's Congress on January 23rd, 2021

Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments and suggestions from members of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Part I Economic and Social Development

During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020)

The 13th Five-Year Plan period was a milestone in the development of Beijing. We have been working under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and the direct leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee. We have also received support and supervision from the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee. Following Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, visions outlined at the 19th CPC National Congress, the second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of its 19th Central Committee and instructions of General-Secretary Xi Jinping in his important speeches on Beijing, we have advanced the city's initiatives with a pioneering spirit, fulfilled main objectives and tasks set forth in the 13th Five-Year Plan, made decisive achievements in taking on the “three critical challenges”, completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects ahead of other regions, and made solid progress in building a world-class metropolis that is harmonious and livable.

Keeping to the strategic positioning of Beijing as the national capital, we have taken new steps in the transformation and development of the city. Faster steps were taken to strengthen Beijing's position as the “four centers”, and the city's capacity to deliver “four services” was significantly enhanced. While reducing the sizes of population, construction land and building area, we have raised labor productivity (as measured by output per worker) from 212,000 yuan in 2015 to over 280,000 yuan. Solid steps have been taken in promoting reduction-based growth of this super large city.

Staying committed to the new development philosophy, we have pushed Beijing's high-quality development to new heights. The GRP has grown from 2.5 trillion yuan to 3.6 trillion yuan, or 24,000 US dollars in per capita terms, meeting the standard for medium-level developed economies. We have made significant progress in improving the business environment and the economic structure. The share of the digital economy in Beijing has reached 38%, ranking among the highest in China.

Following the vision of people-centered development, we have improved people's well-being. Residents' per capita disposable income rose to 69,000 yuan and the average life expectancy rose to 82.43 years. Beijing is among the first in China to put in place an urban-rural unified social security system covering all its residents. It has remained one of the best in China in terms of education, healthcare, cultural, sports and other public services.

With tenacious efforts, we have addressed issues associated with big cities and turned Beijing into a more livable city. We have made impressive progress in ecological conservation. Forestry coverage has reached 44.4%. Traffic congestion has been eased. We have also made significant headway in pollution control. No water body cross-section registers quality lower than Class V. The annual average concentration of fine particulate matters (PM2.5) has dropped accumulatively by 53% to less than 40 μg/m3. Beijing's success in air pollution prevention and control has been included in UNEP's case studies.

In the past five years, the municipal government has mainly completed the following work.

First, we have highlighted the guiding role of the Master Plan of Beijing (2016-2035) in our effort to improve the city's functions as the national capital.

Critical decisions concerning the planning of the capital have been submitted to the CPC Central Committee for approval. The capital planning system has been substantially improved. We have significantly enhanced the city's capacity to serve as the national political center and delivered quality services to the celebrations of the PRC's 70th anniversary and other major events. As the national cultural center, Beijing has gained more strength and appeal with the establishment of the general framework of “a historical and cultural city with three belts and two zones and upholding core socialist values”. We have enhanced the role of Beijing as the center for international exchange and opened the city wider to the world. Great efforts have been made in building Beijing into a national innovation center. As we continue to reform the management system for science and technology, improve the innovation ecosystem and inspire greater creativity, a large number of key proprietary technologies have been developed, making Beijing one of the most vibrant cities in the world for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Second, we have relieved Beijing of functions nonessential for the capital and pushed for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development with solid steps.

We have carried out special operations to upgrade the city through function transfer and remediation. The tasks of shutting down businesses in general manufacturing and relocating regional wholesale markets have been basically completed. The appearance of 3,500 backstreets and alleys has been improved. Over 6,000 convenience stores have been built or upgraded, making the city more convenient and livable for the people. The city's Municipal Administrative Center (BMC) has taken shape. The first group of municipal-level government bodies have moved in smoothly. The Central Green Forest Park has opened. We have offered support to the development of the Xiong'an New Area, opened Beijing Daxing International Airport, and achieved significant results in regional coordinated development in priority areas.

Preparations for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games have been going on well. Construction of all competition venues has been completed. Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway and Beijing-Chongli Expressway have been put into operation. The “High-tech Olympics” program has been inaugurated. The vision, emblem and mascots of Beijing 2022 were unveiled. We have launched a public engagement program to encourage participation in ice and snow sports.

Third, we have continued to implement the innovation-driven development strategy and promoted high-quality economic growth.

Progress has been made in nurturing the “three science cities and one hi-tech area” and developing the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone. We have pooled resources from the whole city in building national laboratories, five big-science facilities including the integrated experimental device for extreme conditions, and 13 cross-disciplinary research platforms including research in materials genomes. Seizing the opportunities, we opened a number of new-type R&D institutions on quantum, brain research, etc., and advanced key projects in such areas as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. The Regulations on Promoting Commercialization of Research Results have been implemented. The Policy Measures on Deepening Reform of the Science and Technology System and Accelerating the Building of Beijing as the National Innovation Center (also known as the 30-Article Policy) and 13 documents on promoting high-end, precision and sophisticated industries have been formulated and implemented. Beijing now hosts 29,000 national-level high-tech enterprises. It also hosts 93 unicorns, more than any other cities in the world. The supply-side structural reform has been deepened. The new generation of information technology and the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry continue to be the double growth engines for the economy. The value added of high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries has accumulatively grown by 56.9% and 58.5% respectively, and that of modern service sectors such as finance, technology and information now accounts for a greater share of the GRP, reflecting a fast emerging economic structure centering on high-end, precision and sophisticated industries.

Fourth, we have further advanced reform and opening-up to create a world-class business environment.

We have advanced reform to improve the city's business environment by steadily upgrading the policy package from version 1.0 to 4.0. Online and “All in One Go” government services are now available for 98% of the public service items, reducing costs and uncertainties for businesses and individuals. We have fully implemented national policies on tax and fee reduction, thus removing a financial burden off businesses and individuals of over 470 billion yuan. Reforms on state-owned assets management and SOEs have moved forward. NAURA and other SOEs have become reform examples and the strengths and competitiveness of the state-owned sector have grown remarkably. The integrated pilot program for further opening Beijing's services sector has been launched. A total of 403 new measures have taken effect and a large number of iconic foreign-invested enterprises have registered in Beijing. The city now accounts for about 1/5 of China's trade in services. Construction has started for the Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Fifth, we have strengthened efforts in super-large city governance to make Beijing more harmonious and livable.

We have improved precision governance of Beijing with meticulous efforts. Public concerns are addressed through the mechanisms of “quick answer to community calls” and “swift response to public complaints”. We have introduced comprehensive transit governance through a wide range of measures that increased supply, controlled demand and strengthened regulation. The slow transportation system has been upgraded. The integration of high-speed rail, inter-city rail, suburban railway and metro is well underway. The total service mileage of urban rail transit has reached 727 kilometers. A total of 197 collector roads have been constructed, and 943 frequently congested road sections have been addressed through a tiered approach. The parking order has been improved and green commuting has become a way of life for many people.

We have tightened regulation on non-road mobile machinery and phased out 1.09 million old motor vehicles. The dust fall has dropped from 7.5 tons/km2 per month in 2018 to 5.1 tons/km2. Sewage disposal rate has gone up to 95%. The regulations on municipal solid waste and property management have come into force. The average daily amount of sorted domestic kitchen waste has increased by 12.7 times compared with the period before the regulations were implemented, and the coverage of property management service has reached 90.9%. A total of 433 old and run-down communities have been renovated and 1,843 lifts have been installed in old residential buildings. We have vigorously carried out the “Count-Me-In” voluntary service initiative at the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan area, and completed the tasks set in the first three-year action plan for this area.

Sixth, we have fully implemented the rural revitalization strategy to balance urban and rural development.

Agriculture has been better integrated with the technology and service sectors to generate more income for farmers. Annual average growth of rural residents' per capita disposable income has outpaced that of urban residents. The target of improving the living environment for 3,254 villages has been basically met. Substantial progress has been made in building a beautiful countryside. Rural reform has deepened. We have prevented farmland from being used for non-agricultural purposes by adopting the management rules on rural homesteads and housing construction, removing the so-called “green shelters” illegally built on farmland and rectifying other illegal acts in planning and use of natural resources. The Three-year Action Plan for Faster Development in the Southern Part of Beijing (2018—2020) has been completed. The new Shougang area has become a popular tourist destination promoted by social media influencers. We have largely completed urbanization of 6 rural townships in the first greenbelt area and continued to increase transfer payments to eco-conservation areas as a compensation to those who protect the ecology.

We have fulfilled the development assistance tasks assigned by the central government and helped 73 partner banners and counties and over 2 million people there out of poverty. We have strengthened efforts to help low-income rural households in Beijing, raise their income above the low-income line and cut the number of low-income villages to zero.

Seventh, we have improved government service through the “seven accesses” and “five expectations” initiatives to improve our people's well-being.

Under the policy of prioritizing employment, we have helped 742,000 disadvantaged people find jobs and supported flexible employment through multiple channels. The surveyed urban unemployment rate has been kept under 5%. Budgetary expenditure on pre-school education has increased by a large margin, creating another 230,000 places in kindergartens. A total of 126 primary and middle schools have been built or upgraded. More support has been given to institutions of higher learning in Beijing that are on the “Double First Class” lists. The reform of separating prescription from drug sales and the coordinated reform on hospital service and medical consumables price have been successful, further cutting medical expenditure for patients. We have set up a home-based elderly care service system supported by the government at the community, sub-district, district and municipal levels and opened over 1,000 community-based elderly care and service stations. Social relief policies have been harmonized and the average subsistence allowance has increased to 1,170 yuan per month. Supply of housing for low-income groups has gone up. A total of 414,000 units of government-subsidized housing of various types have been delivered. Sports development has gained momentum. In the past five years, we have delivered, with dedicated efforts, 152 practical services important for people's life.

As special campaigns on workplace safety and hazards removal have been carried out, workplace related accidents and deaths have fallen by 33.2% and 35.4% respectively. A robust financial regulatory system and a financial risks mitigation mechanism are in place, defusing in an orderly way existing financial risks and forestalling the occurrence of new ones. We have strengthened efforts in risk screening and mitigation and organized special campaigns to combat organized crimes and root out local mafia, contributing to a harmonious and secure city. Initiatives on defense mobilization and mutual support between the military and civilians have proved successful. A veteran service system has been basically established. Civil air defense capabilities and civil-military integration have been further strengthened. Fresh progress has been made in affairs concerning women, children, ethnic minorities, religion and overseas Chinese.

Eighth, we have resolutely followed the requirement on full and rigorous governance over the Party and strengthened the government's capacity.

We have had trainings on Party discipline compliance and thematic campaigns to remind ourselves of our party's founding mission. In the past five years, we have processed 18 motions and 4,722 suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and 4,893 proposals made by Municipal CPPCC Committee members and submitted drafts of 43 local regulations to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress for deliberation. We have smoothly completed the municipal and district-level institutional reform and advanced joint law enforcement reform. Being aware of the tight budget, we have extended the total-cost and performance-based budgeting to all areas and saved 26.14 billion yuan, cut general expenditures by 15.9 billion yuan and reduced spending on official overseas visits, vehicles, and hospitality by 39.8%. With the removal of unnecessary formalities and bureaucracy, we have cut the number of forms communities are required to fill from 44 to 3 and citywide evaluation items from 75 to 16, and removed all certification items required by the city and district level governments. We have made continuous efforts to foster a healthy political culture of integrity and honesty by assuming responsibilities for enforcing full and rigorous Party governance and expanding the scope and depth of auditing-based oversight.

Fellow deputies,

2020 was a year like no other. Globally, the situation was grave and complex; at home, we faced daunting tasks of reform, development and maintaining stability. On top of that, Covid-19 hit hard. General-secretary Xi Jinping has personally directed nationwide responses. He twice visited frontline healthcare workers in Beijing. His important instructions helped us win this all-out war against the pandemic and succeed on all fronts of the capital city. Our top priority has been to control Covid-19 and save lives. Under the command of the central leadership, we strengthened confidence and stayed united, mounted a targeted defense against the disease enabled by science-based decision-making, and scored major victories in curbing inbound cases and the Xinfadi wholesale market cluster. Initiatives and action plans have been rolled out to strengthen the public health emergency management system, which will help consolidate the victory in Covid-19 prevention and control.

As we fought the virus, we also advanced economic and social development. We managed to stabilize the “six fronts”, guarantee the “six priorities” and give support to market players, who hold the key to job security and people's life. We promptly introduced policies to help businesses in distress and did our best to reopen the economy towards reaching full production capacity. Last year, tax and fee reductions increased by over 200 billion yuan; 148.24 billion yuan in social security contributions was reduced, exempted or given a grace period; micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises saved 8.45 billion yuan in the form of reduced or exempted rents; 4.76 billion yuan of unemployment insurance premium was refunded to businesses; 7.27 billion yuan was paid out as post allowance and social security contribution subsidy.

We saw to it that essential, everyday supplies were available at stable prices and bulk commodities were well stocked and dispatched. A total of 170 million yuan of temporary price subsidy was provided under an improved emergency relief program to households in difficulty and entitled groups. We worked in every possible way to stabilize investment and promote consumption. The policy of promoting new forms and models of business in five areas was rolled out in response to changing circumstances and to turn a crisis into an opportunity for high-quality development. As a result, the economy improved by quarter, providing strong support for people's well-being. According to preliminary calculations, the GRP grew by 1.2%; the general public budget revenue stood at 548.39 billion yuan, down 5.7%; both were above the moderated targets for the year. A total of 261,000 urban jobs were created, and consumer price rise was 1.7%.

We traveled an extraordinary journey to win these results. When faced with adversity and crisis, our people were united as one to fight and overcome difficulties. They showed an admirable understanding of the Party and government. They have demonstrated solidarity and provided mutual support. Especially deserving our respect were those who worked on the frontline and came to people's rescue wherever and whenever the coronavirus hit. They put their lives on the line. They were the most beautiful guardians of our homes. We commend their selflessness, dedication, and love for the country.

In the past five years, our work focused on “what the national capital should be like and how to build it”. We made concerted efforts against all odds and scored major progress in reform, opening-up and modernization. Our great city has undergone profound transformation. The achievements are attributable to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee led by General-Secretary Xi Jinping and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They are also attributable to the support of all ethnic groups across the country, all sectors of society, and particularly the resolute and tenacious efforts of the people in Beijing. Here, on behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I would like to express our heart-felt thanks to all people of Beijing, to deputies of the Municipal People's Congress and members of the CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee, to other political parties, people's organizations and personages from all sectors of society, to all CPC central organs and central government departments, to other municipalities, provinces, and autonomous regions, to officers as well as rank-and-file members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force based in Beijing, and to our fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and overseas Chinese and international friends who have cared for and given support to the capital's development.

While being aware of our achievements, we should also be cool-headed. There are still uncertainties about the pandemic and in the external environment. The foundation for overall economic recovery remains weak. Bottlenecks in core technologies are serious. Businesses are still struggling with difficulties. The consumer market is not fully recovered. The government is facing mounting pressure in increasing revenue. Precision governance needs to be improved. Heavy tasks remain for urban renewal under the philosophy of reduction-based development. There are still gaps in development between urban and rural areas and among sub-regions as well as weaknesses in public services and public security. The overall competency of officials is not satisfactory. Great efforts are needed to modernize the governance system and enhance governance capacity. We must work hard and take effective measures to overcome all these challenges.

Part II Objectives and Tasks for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period (2021-2025)

After the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is achieved, the 14th Five-Year Plan period marks the first five years on a new journey towards the second centenary goal--fully building a modernized socialist country. The period is also crucial in Beijing's endeavor to achieve its strategic positioning as the national capital and build itself into a harmonious and livable world-class metropolis. Based on the proposal of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, we formulated the draft Program of Beijing's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035.

With the long-term objective of leading the country in achieving the second centenary goal of socialist modernization, and guided by the principles laid down by the CPC Municipal Committee on Beijing's economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period and the positioning of Beijing as the national capital, we will build an open and people-oriented economy, underpinned by green growth, innovation, safety and security, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development. To this end, we have set the following objectives:

Strengthen Beijing's role as the capital. Our capacity to deliver services to state activities will be enhanced. The city's role as the national cultural center will be strengthened. We will foster a more enabling environment and improve our services for international exchanges. The goal of becoming an international center for innovation will be basically realized. The Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be held successfully to further enhance the capital's international stature.

Make greater headway in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development. Relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital will yield more fruitful results, and the basic structure of the BMC will be completed. The rail network connecting Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will provide greater convenience than ever before, and the inter-provincial cooperation mechanism for environmental protection will be improved. We will make breakthroughs in the spatial distribution of the region's innovation chains, industrial chains and supply chains, and the general structure of a world-class city cluster with the capital at its core will take shape.

Improve the quality and performance of the economy. There will emerge a modernized economy, reflective of the capital's unique features. Labor productivity and output per unit of land will continue to rise. To be specific, labor productivity will reach 350,000 yuan and per capita GRP 210,000 yuan. The digital economy will become a new growth driver; emerging sectors with strategic importance and industries of the future will grow stronger. The services sector will enjoy greater strength, and there will be a higher-level dynamic balance between supply and demand, in which supply generates new demand and is driven by demand. We will foster more balanced development between urban and rural areas and achieve greater breakthroughs in the reform of major fields and key areas. The open economy will be taken to a new stage.

Make greater ecological progress. Green development will take root in people's hearts; producing and living green will be widely embraced. Waste sorting will become a voluntary act of all citizens. The use of energy and resources will become much more efficient; energy and water consumption per unit of the GRP will continue to drop. Total production and domestic water use will be kept within three billion cubic meters. We will steadily reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and take solid steps toward carbon neutrality. Beijing will become a model of global climate actions. Total emissions of major air pollutants will continue to drop, and heavy pollution episodes will be closed by and large. No waterbody will be of quality lower than Class V. Forest coverage will increase to 45% on average, and 32% in the plain area, marking significant progress in making Beijing greener.

Improve people's well-being. We will attain fuller and higher-quality employment, with registered urban unemployment rate within 5%.Per capita disposable income will basically grow in step with the economy, while wages will increase generally in step with labor productivity. The income distribution structure will significantly improve, with the middle-income group continuously expanding. The Healthy Beijing initiative will be fully advanced, and we will see substantial progress in the public health emergency response system. We will further improve public services in education, social insurance, housing, elderly care, culture, and sports, among others, and lead the country in equalizing access to basic public services.

Develop more modernized systems and stronger capability for the capital's governance. Fundamental institutions for city governance in all sectors will take shape, with community-level governance greatly improved. Social governance will become more and more efficient. Our citizens' social etiquette and civility will be enhanced. We will make Beijing safer, continuously improve the institutions and mechanisms for forestalling and defusing major risks, and substantially improve our capability for public emergency response, which will then translate into greater resilience of the city in all respects and greater security for development.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we are to fulfill the following tasks in economic and social development:

· Deliver quality services as the national political center;

· Make solid headway in serving as the national cultural center;

· Strengthen Beijing's role as the center for international exchange;

· Grow faster into an international center for innovation;

· Advance Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development;

· Build a modern economy featuring unique qualities and vitality;

· Develop Beijing into a high-quality city with greater livability;

· Make Beijing a greener city;

· Join hands with all stakeholders in advancing the Healthy Beijing initiative;

· Secure and improve people's welfare;

· Advance more effective reform and opening-up; and

· Make Beijing safer.

Part III Major Tasks for 2021

This year marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. It is the start of both the 14th Five-Year Plan and the new journey of achieving the second centenary goal of becoming a modernized socialist country. In this year of special importance to China's modernization drive, it is vital that we fulfill our tasks in Beijing. We should bear in mind what is unfolding in China and the world and develop a keen appreciation of the profound and complex changes at home and abroad. Guided by systematic thinking, we should know where chances and risks are and be able to sail into the wind and turn crisis into opportunities. We must take a solid first step and make a fresh start in building the new development paradigm. We must be aware that the prevention and control of Covid-19 remains a challenging and complex task. We will take strict, science-based and targeted measures to protect the life and health of the people. Meanwhile we must always fulfill our responsibilities as the country's capital and deliver quality service to the centenary celebration of the CPC. We must also make good preparations for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and meet the expectations of the Party and the people.

To accomplish this year's tasks, we must:

· Follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

· Follow the visions outlined at the 19th CPC National Congress, the second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of its 19th Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, and instructions of General-Secretary Xi Jinping in his important speeches on Beijing;

· Continue to make progress while ensuring stable performance and follow the new development philosophy;

· Implement the strategies of advancing cultural, technological and green development in the context of building the national capital;

· Strengthen Beijing's position as the “four centers” and enhance its capacity to deliver “four services”;

· Pursue high-quality growth, supply-side structural reform and innovation to meet people's growing needs for a better life;

· Turn Beijing into an international innovation center and advance Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development through the relocation of functions nonessential for the capital;

· Open up at higher standards to create new strengths in international cooperation and competition;

· Stabilize the “six fronts”, guarantee the “six priorities” and coordinate the development and security needs of Beijing;

· Explore an effective way to shape the new development paradigm and modernize the governance system, and enhance the governance capacity of Beijing;

· Exercise full and rigorous Party governance at deeper levels, and work with greater diligence to promote new development of the capital; and

· Ensure a good start for the 14th Five-Year Plan and mark the centenary of the CPC with outstanding performance.

With the above and the 14th Five-Year Plan in mind and in the context of the current situation, the main targets for economic and social development this year are set as follows:

· GRP growth above 6%;

· Increase in general public budget revenue above 3%;

· Surveyed urban unemployment rate below 5%;

· CPI around 3%;

· Steady increase in personal income; and

· Further improvement in ecological and environmental protection.

To meet these targets, we will focus on the following.

First, we will strengthen the core position of innovation and build the international center of innovation with a faster pace.

We will seek self-reliance in technology and continue to implement the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the strategy on developing a quality workforce, and the innovation-driven development strategy in order to build a nation strong in science and technology.

Create a national strategic force for science and technology. Taking advantage of the capacity to pool resources from the whole country under our socialist market system, we will build national labs in Zhongguancun, Changping and Huairou, and work to restructure key national labs. We will make full use of resources made available for innovation by central Party and government organizations located in Beijing to optimize and share technology resources of all kinds. Innovative platforms and new-type research institutes will be established and collaborate for breakthroughs in quantum information, artificial intelligence, life sciences and other frontier, key or core technologies.

Work for deeper integration of the “three science cities and one hi-tech area”. Zhongguancun Science City must reform the innovation system, provide good services to innovative enterprises and build capacity for systematic innovation. Huairou Science City must foster an ecology for innovation and entrepreneurship and facilitate the construction and operation of big-science devices and inter-disciplinary research platforms. Beijing Future Science Park must work faster to catch up in life sciences and facilitate the clustering of globally advanced energy businesses. Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area must attract the right strategic industries to its expanded area and make itself more international. It should facilitate the launch of a number of major projects. We will continue to build the Shunyi Innovative Industrial Cluster Demonstration Zone.

Create a world-class environment for talent. Focusing on innovation chains and industrial chains, we will attract high-caliber foreign nationals and foster a large number of outstanding young talent in order to form an ecology of multi-tiered innovative personnel. Expat communities, international schools and hospitals will be built to provide them with working and living conditions up to international standards so that they can be best devoted to their work and contribute to China's development.

Continue to optimize the ecology for innovation and entrepreneurship. We will push for the coordinated development of Zhongguancun Science Park (also known as Z-Park) and its sub-parks. We will improve policies and mechanism, and create an enabling environment where society rewards innovation, respects science, and values the courage to innovate and hard work. We will promote comprehensive legislation on intellectual property rights, establish green channels for patent application, and encourage innovators to create patent pools in key areas. We will support the building of public platforms that serve science and technology, attract domestic and international venture capital, and facilitate the upgrading of specialized incubators. We will foster hidden champions, unicorns and gazelles, and strengthen international exchanges on science and technology.

Second, we will build the “two zones” to high standard and strive for new progress in reform and opening-up.

We will continue to promote reform and development through opening-up. The building of the “two zones” presents us with a major opportunity for all-directional opening and contributes to China's new development paradigm.

Strive for high-standard, institutionally supported openness. The 251 measures for greater openness in the “two zones” will be implemented through better municipal coordination, in order to form investment, trade and services systems compatible with international standards. We will implement policies calibrated against international rules and best practices to break bottlenecks in the allocation of such factors as land, funding, human resources, technology and data. We will set up an international commercial arbitration center, introduce cross-border data flow on a trial basis, and build an international IT and digital trade port. We will construct precincts in different locations of the pilot free trade zone; upgrade the capital airport economic demonstration zone; put into operation phase I of the Daxing International Airport comprehensive bonded zone; and further develop China-Germany and China-Japan international innovation parks. We will ensure success of the CIFTIS, the Zhongguancun Forum and the Financial Street Forum. We will promptly establish a global alliance for trade in services, and support international organizations and multinationals in registering their Chinese ventures in Beijing. We will encourage enterprises and social organizations to take part in the Belt and Road Initiative and deepen exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Vigorously support the opening-up and growth of the financial sector. We will provide good services as the national financial regulation center, and be among the first to implement national policies for financial openness. We will launch experimental zones for green finance and innovation finance, build the national-level Fintech Innovation and Professional Services Demonstration Zone, conduct trials of the digital currency, improve the “regulatory sandbox” mechanism, and boost new financial services such as wealth management and infrastructure financing. We will push for NEEQ reform, ensure the functioning of service centers for first loans, loan renewal, rights confirmation, and IP pledge financing, and promptly establish a financial court.

Continue the Version 4.0 reform to improve the business environment. We will promote the separation of permits from business license and the notification and commitment system, and eliminate hidden barriers. We will strengthen interim and ex post supervision, and improve oversight through random selection of targets and inspectors and timely release of inspection results. We will standardize law enforcement, make credit- and risk-based supervision throughout the business life cycle, and minimize interruption for businesses. The “All in One Go” service package will be introduced for all business registration and personal application for essential government services. We will make sure more service items can be processed online and across district boundaries, to save time and travel for people and businesses. We will steadily advance the strategic restructuring of SOEs and step up performance-based assessment of public service enterprises. We will improve “service packages” and “steward service”, implement regulations on the promotion of SME development, and roll out inclusive policies to assist private businesses. We will improve our capacity to regulate new business forms and models and create a level playing field.

Third, we will develop the digital economy and foster new strength in high-quality development.

We will prioritize the digital economy, implement the policy of promoting new forms and models of business in five areas, and build Beijing into a global model city of digital economy.

Accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure. We will spread the application of kilomega fixed networks and IPv6, add 6,000 5G base stations, and build blockchain-based reliable digital infrastructure. We will speed up the construction of an AI open service platform based on computing power, algorithm and data integration, and make an overall plan for the development of satellite internet, industrial internet and edge computing nodes. An international big data exchange will be built to promote efficient and orderly flow of data resources and their in-depth processing and utilization.

Develop high-end, precision and sophisticated industries led by digital technology. We will improve our policies supporting these industries and carry out major projects. We will expand advantageous sectors such as information technology, healthcare services, intelligent manufacturing, blockchain application and advanced computation, build up our strength in the integrated circuit industry, new materials and other strategic emerging industries, construct the high-level auto driving demonstration zone, and boost the growth of the satellite and space industry and the production of precision instruments and sensors. Projects will be launched for rebuilding industrial foundations and upgrading major technologies, and an SME digitalization initiative will be carried out, all in an effort to promote the use of digital, intelligent and green technologies in industries.

Nurture new demand through supply-side structural reform. Greater efforts will be made to turn Beijing into an international consumption center, promote new business forms such as online education and telecommuting, and expand consumption of healthcare, elderly care, cultural and tourism, sports and other services. We will improve the distribution of duty-free outlets, attract famous brands to launch their first branch and new products in Beijing, and complete the upgrading of 22 traditional commercial areas. We will explore how to quickly foster new brands and new models for consumption through incubation mechanisms. We will launch a number of new infrastructure and urbanization initiatives and major projects, start 300 key municipal-level projects, upgrade logistics bases and rationalize their spatial distribution.

Build Beijing into a smart city. We will strengthen top-level design, plan application scenarios covering all areas, and take a holistic approach to building a digital government, developing the digital economy and creating a digital society. A standard coding system for basic city information and a ubiquitous and orderly city sensing system will be preliminarily created, thus putting city management on an integrated platform. We will start the “10-100-1000” project” to improve digitally enabled livelihood services, focusing on smart transportation, government, education, medical services and elderly care. Measures will be taken to bridge the “digital gap” that stops our senior citizens from using smart technology, and create inclusive and accessible smart services.

Fourth, we will relieve Beijing of functions nonessential for the capital in an orderly way and promote Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development.

We will strive for close linkages between “the core area and the two wings”, enhance regional coordination and cooperation, and promote high-level coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Launch a new round of special operations to upgrade the city through function transfer and remediation. We will focus on tough problems in function relocation and city upgrading. A systematic and holistic approach will be taken in function transfer, comprehensive rectification and upgrading. We plan to demolish over 25 million square meters of illegal buildings, vacate 3,000 hectares of land, and green 860 hectares of the vacated land. We will push ahead with the targeted environmental improvement of backstreets and alleys by category and turn 200 of them into beautiful streets. We will ensure that all urban communities have access to basic services such as convenience stores. We will continue to improve the spatial distribution of hospitals, schools and other public services.

Promote high-quality development of the BMC. Our investment will remain at 100 billion yuan a year to construct phase II of the administrative office area, the Integrated Transportation Hub, the three major cultural venues, medical and educational facilities, and the Chaobai River ecological conservation belt, with a view to improving the carrying capacity of the BMC. We will fully leverage the BMC investment fund, foster high-end services in the Canal business district, and ensure successful operation of Phase I of the Universal Studios Beijing. We will continue with the ecological rehabilitation and functional renewal of the old town in BMC and push forward coordinated development of the BMC and its three neighboring counties of Hebei Province.

Ensure a more coordinated regional development. We will fully support the development of the Xiong'an New Area and ensure progress in the turn-key projects, including completing the three schools and roofing the hospital's main building. We will advance the construction of the Beijing section of the Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway. More efforts will be made to fight air, water and solid waste pollution in cooperation with neighboring provinces. We will strengthen collaboration among the innovation, industrial and supply chains and promote the coordinated planning and integration of Beijing's airports and land ports and the Tianjin Port. Policies on employment, elderly care and social security in the region will also be further coordinated.

Fifth, we will implement the Master Plan of Beijing (2016-2035) and improve precision city governance.

We will execute the Master Plan with meticulous effort and promote law-based, precision and participatory governance of Beijing.

Ensure the implementation of the Master Plan. We will carry out the action plan for the Development Control Plan for the Core Area Serving Capital Functions and improve services to the core area. We will build a number of micro rail transit centers and promote the integrated development of rail transit stations. We will build a sound mechanism for the full execution of the Master Plan, strictly control land used for urban and rural construction, and conduct the first assessment of the implementation of the Master Plan. We will continue to address the problems in the planning and natural resources sector.

Continue to renew our city. Blocks will be taken as the unit of city renewal under meticulous urban design. New policies and mechanisms are adopted to encourage all sectors to participate and share the benefits. We will help renew single-story residential courtyards upon requests by individual households and vacate and renovate buildings with poor facilities in the core area. We will adopt multi-models in the renovation of old communities, dilapidated housing, old buildings and industrial heritage. Quick steps will be taken to upgrade the low-efficient buildings and utilize the idle land resources. We plan to supply no less than 300 hectares of land for commercial housing, build or make available 50,000 units of government-subsidized housing, improve the policies on long-term home rental, and ensure order in the leasing market, in an effort to solve prominent housing problems.

Coordinate development of key areas. We will roll out another action plan on the southern part of Beijing, make progress in the construction of the Lize Financial Business District, Daxing biomedicine base and Fangshan high-end equipment manufacturing base. We will pick up pace in developing the new Shougang area and the industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration area in the western part of the city. The action plan will be renewed to improve public services and infrastructure in the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan area. We will continue to advance urbanization in the first greenbelt area, renovate the peri-urban zones in the second greenbelt area, and support high-quality growth of new towns in the plain area and green development of the eco-conservation areas.

Continue to enhance comprehensive transit governance. Priority will be given to slow, public and green transportation. Rail transit network will be integrated with those of slow and ground transportation, and a public transit network smart dispatching system will be developed at a faster pace. We will reinforce management to ensure parking order and traffic flow and improve traffic near tourist destinations and business districts, and expand the contingent of traffic police patrolling on motorcycles. We will strengthen efforts to improve slow transportation, open seven urban rail transit lines, and improve the ground public transportation network, thus making green commuting easy and convenient.

Continue to prevent and control pollution. More efforts will be made in the coordinated control of fine particulate matters, ozone and greenhouse gases. We will control both the intensity and amount of carbon emissions, and create a timetable and roadmap for carbon neutrality. We will adjust the energy structure and save energy in key sectors such as transportation and construction. We will tighten whole-process dusting control in all areas, carry out a water-saving action plan, and raise the sewage treatment rate to 95.8%. We will enhance land resources management and add 150,000 mu (10,000 hectares) of green areas through afforestation.

Enhance community governance. We will work for the adoption of regulations on swift response to public complaints, improve the functions of the “12345” hotline, business hotline and online platforms, and introduce a system by which the person who first receives a public complaint should be responsible for coordinating the solution. We will further reform the sub-district (township) management system and complete elections of residents' and villagers' committees. We will continue our support for the public policy dialogue program “A Step Forward” and encourage people's organizations and social organizations to participate in community development and governance. Efforts will continue in municipal solid waste sorting and reduction and in tackling outstanding problems in property management to improve the living environment for our residents.

Sixth, we will make comprehensive progress in rural revitalization and modernize agriculture and rural communities.

We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, draw up action plans for modernization, and promote urban-rural integrated development.

Improve the development of modern urban agriculture. We will step up efforts to build infrastructure for the agricultural industry, implement the three-year action plan for the seed industry, and develop the Agricultural Innovation Demonstration Area of Pinggu District. We will develop digital agriculture, agritourism, special agriculture, and forest farming, create more boutique homestay facilities, and improve the quality and performance of the rural economy. Steps will be taken to prevent the diversion of cultivated land for other use to secure food production.

Upgrade rural development. Steps will be taken to make the countryside beautiful. We will develop village infrastructure, and improve mechanisms for the long-term operation, management, and maintenance of such infrastructure. We will draw up plans to improve rural living environments, make progress in the Toilet Revolution, and improve sewage treatment and waste sorting. We will design and implement development plans to better preserve traditional villages and rural landscape.

Help farmers increase income. An initiative will be launched to assist villages with a weak collective economy; assistance will be given to households bordering low income and those with risks of falling back into the low income group. We will organize training for new-type professional farmers and create non-agricultural employment opportunities for 30,000 rural residents of the city. Farmers' cooperatives will be upgraded, and demo family farms will be established. We will create markets for rural collective land earmarked for development purposes and put idle rural houses to use through policy guidance and regulation, in order to increase property-based income of rural residents.

Consolidate gains made in poverty alleviation and development assistance. We will ensure that poverty relief responsibilities, policies, assistance, and monitoring continue even after a county is removed from the poverty list. We will improve the mechanisms for long-term east-west collaboration and paired-up assistance and continue to help prevent the assisted areas from relapsing into poverty. These efforts will be coordinated with the rural revitalization program.

Seventh, we will enhance cultural confidence and develop the cultural sector.

We will guide cultural development with core socialist values, expand the capital's cultural services and industries, and make new progress in serving as the national cultural center.

Enhance citywide social etiquette and civility. We will organize public activities to celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China and launch educational programs on the history of the Party, the PRC, the reform and opening-up, and socialist development. Neighboring revolutionary heritage sites will be protected as a whole. We will implement plans to enhance civic morality in the new era and build more centers for cultural-ethical excellence. Regulations on civility will be enforced, and the “Clean Your Plate” campaign will continue to stop food waste.

Showcase our history and culture. We will make progress in legislation on the protection of the Central Axis as a cultural heritage site and ensure protection and renovation of the Drum Tower and the Zhengyang Gate Archery Tower. The protection and utilization of hutongs and courtyards of the old town will continue. We will draw up development and protection plans for the Grand Canal National Cultural Park and the Great Wall National Cultural Park, and build the “three hills and five gardens” into a demo area for cultural heritage protection and utilization.

Deliver more cultural services. We will adopt new approaches in developing public cultural programs and build Beijing into a “city of museums” and a “city of readers”. Time-honored brands will be kept alive and grow in new ways. A batch of outstanding artistic and literary works will be produced to reflect major revolutionary or historical events, social life, and characteristics of Beijing. Cultural activities will be organized to revitalize traditional festivals and folk customs.

Develop modern cultural industries. We will promote the integrated development of culture, technology and tourism, and foster cultural forms such as e-sports, sci-fi industry, and Internet-based audio-visual programs. The integrated tourism demonstration zones will be better developed. Investment and financing services for the cultural sector will be improved. The operation of municipal-level cultural industry parks will be better regulated. We will advance reform in the municipally owned cultural enterprises and organize cultural brand activities to boost the city's cultural vitality.

Eighth, we will improve people's life and let all people enjoy the benefits of development.

We are committed to common prosperity. We will resolve 31 practical concerns of our people, address weaknesses in ensuring people's livelihood, and provide better public services.

Comprehensively protect people's health. The action plan for Healthy Beijing initiative will be carried out. We will put in place a public health emergency response system and a medical and health service system and standardize the disease control centers at municipal and district levels. Tiered diagnosis will be improved, so will community health centers and family doctor services. More hospital outpatient appointments will be reserved for patients diverted from community-level health services. We will implement plans to preserve traditional Chinese medicine and support its development through innovation. We will place automated external defibrillators at all subway and railway stations and schools, and provide training on first-aid skills to save more lives. Extensive activities will be carried out to improve public sanitation. We will pool resources at communities to provide elderly services, such as dining, medical treatment, and nursing care. We will accelerate the building of an elderly care system featuring coordination between home care and community care, and integration of medical care and other personalized care services. Public sports service will be strengthened, and a number of fitness venues and facilities will be located near residential communities. We will make good preparations for hosting the AFC Asian Cup.

Continue to improve education quality. We will foster virtue through education, enhance well-rounded education, improve hands-on research experience and off-campus activities, and reform physical education at school. We will improve the quality of preschool education and kindergartens. Quality and equality will be emphasized in compulsory education. We will advance school-operation by educational groups, reform the school district system, and add another 20,000 places at primary and middle schools. We will continue to develop world-class universities and disciplines and foster differentiated and high-quality development in higher education. We will promote collaboration between general and vocational high schools, between industries and vocational schools and between colleges and businesses, and provide quality ethnic minority education, special education, and continuing education.

Promote employment, income growth and social security. Employment will remain the priority of our economic policies. We will take multiple measures to stabilize and expand employment and work on action plans for steady growth of per capita disposable income. Social security benefits will be steadily increased and a tiered and classified social assistance system will be built. We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, provide better care for the elderly and people with disabilities, and create a barrier-free environment.

Ninth, we will ensure harmony and stability of the capital through security- and safety-sensitive development.

Under the holistic approach to national security, we will prioritize the capital's security among our political responsibilities and tasks, forestall and defuse risks of all kinds, and build a secure city that meets people's expectations.

Continue the fight against Covid-19 without slacking off. We will prevent both inbound cases and domestic resurgence. Local authorities, line departments, employers and individuals should all step up to their responsibilities, and the Covid-19 prevention and control mechanism will be further improved. We will prevent infections from both people and contaminated objects and strengthen monitoring and early warning. Imported cold-chain foods will be strictly tested for the virus, disinfected and traced. Regular Covid-19 containment measures will be applied, on a continuous basis, to communities, public places, crowded and confined spaces, and such measures will be strengthened in rural areas and peri-urban zones. We will organize the Covid-19 vaccine administration in an orderly way.

Increase our capability to ensure the city's security. We will foster a resilient city, strengthen contingent reserve and allocation of strategic resources, such as water, electricity, oil, gas, and food, ensure the security of lifeline projects, and improve the municipal pipeline networks to ensure stable operation of the city. A three-year action plan for enhancing workplace safety will be carried out to curb serious and major accidents. Whole-process oversight over food and drug safety will be strengthened. A citywide comprehensive assessment of natural disaster hazards will be carried out. We will ensure effective city and forest fire prevention, flood prevention, and drought relief. We will improve the operation and management of the command authorities over emergency response and increase our emergency response capability.

Ensure Beijing's law and order. We will improve the work system for guaranteeing political security and take resolute measures to crush all violent and terrorist activities. We will continue to apply and develop the “Fengqiao experience” in the new era and meet justified public demands in accordance with law. Local financial regulations will be enforced to forestall and defuse financial and debt risks. We will methodically maintain law and order, e.g. through synergy between different types of police forces. We will improve the long-term mechanism for combating organized crimes and rooting out local mafia, and strike hard on prevalent crimes in accordance with law to ensure security and stability of the capital.

We will implement in full the Party's policies on ethnic affairs and its fundamental policy on religious affairs, better serve the development of national defense and the armed forces, engage in extensive activities to promote mutual support between the military and civilians, do a good job in civil air defense, improve services and benefits for veterans, and advance civil-military integration.

Tenth, we will improve the government's own capability and deliver better services in all respects.

Under the Party's leadership, we will speed up the transformation of government functions, improve government performance, and build a service-oriented government that is based on the rule of law.

Enhance political guidance. We must bear clearly in mind the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core and keep in alignment with the central authorities; build greater confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and firmly uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position in both the CPC Central Committee and the Party as a whole, and respect the CPC Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We must closely follow the Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core in terms of our thinking, political orientation, and actions, implement major decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee without compromise. We will strictly observe the Party's political discipline and rules, and strictly and earnestly rectify problems reflected in feedbacks given by the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work during its sixth round of inspections. On top of the achievements made during activities on refreshing our Party's founding mission, we will revisit and gain a deeper understanding of the Party's history.

Govern according to law. We will fully implement Xi Jinping thought on the rule of law and perform government functions in accordance with law. We in the government must readily subject ourselves to the oversight of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee in terms of duty performance and legality of actions. We will also put our work under the oversight of the Municipal CPPCC Committee. We will earnestly process motions and suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and proposals made by Municipal CPPCC Committee members. We will accelerate legislation on matters concerning key and emerging areas, advance reforms of government-sponsored institutions, and deepen the reform of comprehensive law enforcement bodies to improve their efficiency and oversight.

Improve government performance. Discipline of public servants will be enhanced. Public officials will be motivated to be effective and diligent and build capacity to get things done in the new era. We will ensure that our officials are loyal to the Party, have moral integrity, and demonstrate a keen sense of responsibility. Inspections and evaluations will be strengthened to ensure that in our system decisions made at a higher level can be effectively implemented through lower levels. The government will continue to tighten its belt, enhance performance-based management, cut non-urgent and non-essential expenditures, and use money where our people can benefit. We will heighten our awareness to serve businesses, nurture tax sources and let businesses be free of concerns and grow in strength.

Ensure clean government. We will act in strict accordance with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on conduct, put a stop to all unnecessary formalities and bureaucracy, further cut down on the number of meetings and documents and reduce burdens on the primary-level authorities. Auditing-based oversight will be expanded to cover all government work. We will ensure that full and rigorous governance over the Party is exercised at all levels of the government, and punish corruption in all areas to create a positive image of officials and government.

Fellow deputies, 

We have reached a crucial and final stage in the preparation for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. We remain committed to hosting a green, inclusive, open and clean Games. We must adopt new work approaches, overcome difficulties, coordinate with each other and stay united as one, so as to fulfil all preparation work with high quality and stage a fantastic, extraordinary, and excellent Games.

Fellow deputies,

The mission of national rejuvenation and the centenary goals are calling upon us to work hard with firm resolve. We must unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, seek guidance from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, follow the strong leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, and make concerted and determined efforts in writing a new chapter of Beijing's development in the new era. In this way, we will be able to celebrate the centenary of the CPC with outstanding performance, and make even greater contribution to building a fully modernized socialist country and realizing the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation!