来源:Beijing Foreign Affairs Office

Delivered at the First Session of the Sixteenth Beijing Municipal

People's Congress on January 15th, 2023

Yin Yong, Acting Mayor of Beijing

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I will now report to you on the work of the government over the past five years and make proposals on our work this year for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from members of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

I. Review of Work in the Past Five Years

Following the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Beijing entered a new era of landmark importance. General Secretary Xi Jinping has carried out ten inspections of our city and made important remarks concerning Beijing on 18 occasions, in which he gave instructions on major topics, plans and matters concerning the long-term development of the capital, and addressed the critical issue of "the role and functions of China's capital, and how we should shape Beijing to meet these goals". His instructions embody the fundamental principles guiding our work in Beijing in the new era.

Over the past five years, we have been working under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and the direct leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee. We have also received support and supervision from the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee. We have been guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and fully implemented the visions outlined at the 19th CPC National Congress and the plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee. We have studied, disseminated and acted on the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and followed the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Beijing. We have fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts, strengthened Beijing's position as the "four centers"[1], improved our ability to deliver four services[2], accomplished the three key tasks[3], and fought to win the three tough battles[4].

We have launched the Five Key Initiatives[5] to adapt to the new development dynamic, redoubled efforts to promote the development of Beijing as the capital of the nation in the new era, and become a national pacesetter in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Improvements have been made in the city's overall performance and its international standing, and solid progress achieved in building Beijing into a harmonious and livable world-class metropolis. As a result, the city has seen a historic transformation.

Over the past five years, we have accomplished the following main tasks.

First, we have kept to the strategic positioning of Beijing as the national capital, and embraced historic changes in the city's development.

We have strictly implemented the rule that all critical decisions concerning the planning of the capital should be submitted to the CPC Central Committee for approval. Resolute measures have been taken to rectify problems in the fields of planning and natural resources to uphold the authority of the city's planning. We have formulated the Development Control Plan for the Core Zone Serving Capital Functions, the Development Control Plan for Beijing Municipal Administrative Center (BMC) and the plans for each district and key functional area to further improve the capital's planning system.

We have attained the goals of development with reduced input set out for the first phase implementation of the Master Plan of Development for Beijing (2016-2035). We have met the target of a 15% reduction of permanent residents in Beijing's six urban districts compared with 2014. The supply of land for urban and rural construction has been cut by 120 square kilometers. The 132 square kilometers of land strategically vacated and reserved for future development has been placed under rigorous management. Thanks to these efforts, Beijing now boasts a more balanced spatial layout that better harmonizes the needs for people's work and daily life with the requirement to protect the environment.

Top priority has been given to providing services to the nation's political center. The celebrations for the centenary of the CPC and the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic were solemn, grand and spectacular. New headway has been made in strengthening Beijing's position as the national cultural center, the national center for international exchanges, and an international center of innovation. We have advanced the application for UNESCO recognition of the Central Axis as a World Cultural Heritage Site to better protect the old town, and made notable progress in vacating buildings that occupy sites of cultural heritage to protect these sites and put them to good use.

Second, we have relocated functions non-essential to the role of Beijing as the capital, and secured solid progress in coordinating the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

We have launched two special programs for urban improvement. With 240 million square meters of illegal structures demolished, the city's eight districts and the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area are now generally free of illegal buildings. The city has taken on a fresh new look that meets the expectations of our people.

The BMC is thriving. Powers over 153 administrative items have been delegated to the BMC from the municipal government. The first group of municipal-level government bodies have moved into the BMC. A number of quality public service facilities including schools and hospitals have opened, and the construction of transport, cultural and other major projects has gathered pace. The Universal Beijing Resort was inaugurated. The BMC is building up strengths in business services, culture and tourism, and technological innovation. Steady progress has been made in achieving high-quality development in coordination with the three neighboring counties of Hebei Province.

Deeper Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration has been expanded at a faster pace. We have fully supported the development of the Xiong'an New Area in Hebei Province, and have basically completed several turn-key projects for Xiong'an, which include a kindergarten, a primary school, a middle school, and a hospital. Construction of the Beijing-Xiong'an Intercity Railway has been completed, Beijing Daxing International Airport is fully operational, and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway, Beijing-Shenyang High-Speed Railway, and Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway are in service. The Beijing-Hebei section of the Grand Canal has opened to tour boats. The second phase of the Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project has been completed. With progress first made in transport connectivity, eco-environmental conservation, and industrial integration, a modern national capital region with a cluster of cities is taking shape at a faster pace.

Third, we have advanced the capital's innovation-driven and high-quality development.

We have built the three national laboratories in Zhongguancun, Changping and Huairou to high standards. The Comprehensive National Science Center in Huairou has taken initial shape. A number of new R&D institutes have emerged, technological bottlenecks have been tackled and world-leading proprietary advances in science and technology have been made. We have formulated and implemented 24 pilot reform policies for the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone, and released regulations to promote the commercialization of research results. The city's R&D intensity has been maintained at around 6%, and the number of patents granted has increased by around 13% annually. The total revenues of companies in the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone have grown by an annual average of over 10%. Beijing is accredited as a global top three science and technology cluster by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Focusing on high-end, precision and cutting-edge industries, we have fostered two "trillion-yuan industrial clusters" focusing on the new generation of information technology and scientific and technological services respectively. Five major industrial clusters have taken shape, covering medicine and health, smart equipment, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, and energy conservation and environmental protection, each with an annual output value of 100 billion yuan. Financial and other modern service industries stand out in the economy. Beijing ranks first among Chinese cities in the number of national high-tech enterprises, "little giants"[6] and unicorn companies.

We have built on and expanded our strengths in the digital economy. The development framework for big data and smart city has been put in place. The Jingtong, Jingban and Jingzhi mobile terminals[7] have been widely used. The Beijing International Data Exchange has started trading, and the added value of the digital economy now accounts for around 42% of Beijing's Gross Regional Product (GRP). Progress toward building a global consumption center has steadily advanced. Twenty-two traditional commercial areas have been upgraded, and new forms of consumption represented by live-streaming e-commerce and digital cultural consumption have developed rapidly.

Over the past five years, Beijing's GRP has surpassed three and then four trillion yuan. The city's per capita GRP exceeds 180,000 yuan, the highest among all Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and provincial-level cities and equivalent to that of a medium-level developed economy.

Fourth, we have deepened reform and opening-up through building the "two zones"[8], and injected fresh dynamism and vitality into the capital's development.

We have actively supported and participated in the Belt and Road Initiative, and provide more institutional support to opening-up. Around 200 groundbreaking policy measures for opening-up – the first of their kind in China – have been formulated, and 55 best practices have been scaled up nationwide.

The Beijing Stock Exchange was established and began trading. The Beijing Internet Court and the Beijing Financial Court have been set up. The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), the Zhongguancun Forum, and the Financial Street Forum have been elevated to major platforms for China's opening-up and development.

Beijing has evolved from a follower to a pacesetter in improving the business environment. Over 1,000 reform measures have been rolled out as the city's reform package is upgraded to its fifth version. As a result, over 60% of approval items, 74% of required documents, and 248 certifications have been cut and the processing time has been reduced by 71%. We have extended the business licensing and operational permit reform to encourage entrepreneurship. Formalities for starting a business and registering real estate among others can now be completed within one day, and businesses can secure utility connections free of charge and without paying physical visits to the relevant departments or prior approval. Over 90% of government regulatory oversight on businesses have been conducted through a random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets, and over 98% of municipal and district level government services can be accessed online.

We now offer "service packages" and "steward services" to companies, and have implemented the national policies on tax and fee cuts to the maximum level. In the past five years, we have relieved businesses of 530 billion yuan of financial burden through tax and fee exemptions, cuts, refunds and deferrals, and more than 200 billion yuan in 2022 alone.

New breakthroughs have been made in the reforms in major fields and key areas, including public finance and taxation, pricing, and investment and financing systems. We have completed our task in the pilot program of clearing all hidden government debt ahead of schedule, and saved 26.9 billion yuan through total-cost and performance-based budgeting. With greater capacity for innovation, state-owned enterprises have reached new heights in business performance.

Over the past five years, the total paid-in foreign investment in Beijing has exceeded 75 billion US dollars. The export volume of "double proprietary" companies[9] has increased by over 10% annually. The open economy of Beijing has grown despite the pandemic and external suppression and sanctions.

Fifth, we have prioritized agricultural and rural development, and achieved greater balance between urban and rural areas and among different parts of the city.

All low-income rural households in Beijing have been lifted out of the low-income category, and the number of low-income villages has been cut to zero. The annual average growth of rural residents' per capita disposable income has outpaced that of urban residents by more than one percentage point. We have implemented an accountability system for food security and non-grain food supply, overfulfilled the task of maintaining a farming area of no less than 1.66 million mu (110,667 hectares), and sustained a rapid growth in grain and vegetable production.

Thanks to the accelerated work on the High-Tech Farming Z-Park, Beijing has become a center of seed development. We have basically completed the reform of the rural collective rights system, as well as the confirmation, registration and certification of the rights of rural contracted land. Major headway has been made in the pilot trading of rural collective land earmarked for development purposes. We have made significant gains in building a beautiful countryside by extending sewage collection and treatment to over 1,500 villages, and equipping nearly all rural households with non-polluting toilet facilities.

Development in southern Beijing has picked up pace. The new Shougang area has become a landmark for the capital's urban renewal in the new era. The "Wangsiying model" has offered sound practice in achieving growth with reduced input in peri-urban zones. Greater efforts have been made to improve the ecology and environment and advance the green development of eco-conservation areas.

Beijing ranks among the highest performers in the national evaluation in terms of east-west collaboration and paired-up assistance, by helping 73 partner banners and counties, and a population of 2,006,000 who live there, out of poverty.

Sixth, we have continued to address issues associated with Beijing as a megacity, and made the city more harmonious and livable.

We have made steady progress in cutting carbon emissions. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions per 10,000 yuan of GRP remain the lowest among provincial-level jurisdictions in China. We have fought to keep our skies blue. The annual average concentration of fine particulate matters (PM2.5) has dropped to 30 μg/m3, down 48.3% since 2017. Beijing's success in air pollution control has been hailed by the United Nations Environment Program.

The city's sewage disposal rate has risen from 92.4% to 97%. No cross-sections of water bodies rank below Class V in the national and municipal surface water assessment. All five major rivers now have free-flowing water connecting to the sea. The volume of water in the Miyun Reservoir has reached an all-time high. The groundwater table in the flatlands has been rising for seven consecutive years by a total of 10.1 meters. Beijing has become a national pacesetter in water-use efficiency.

We have overfulfilled the new one million mu (66,667 hectares) afforestation goal. Large green spaces, such as phase I of Beijing Wenyu River Park, have been created. The China Botanical Garden was officially opened. Forest coverage has reached 44.8%, and green development has become a defining feature of the capital.

We have put in place an integrated transport system. With another 16 subway lines (sections) coming into service, nearly 200 kilometers of mileage has been added, extending the total network to 797 kilometers. With the opening of the Huairou-Miyun Line and others, the suburban railway mileage has increased by 183 kilometers. Qinghe Railway Station, Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station, and Beijing Fengtai Railway Station have opened for service, and a number of urban expressways and arterial roads, such as Lincui Road, have been built. Electronic fee collection for roadside parking now covers almost all roads above collector-road level. Over 3,200 kilometers of non-motorized traffic facilities have been upgraded. The well-regulated shared bikes have made cycling a thriving practice among the capital's citizens.

We have put in place an innovative mechanism of giving quick answers to community calls and swift response to public complaints. We have encouraged government bodies to take proactive measures to address complaints before they are raised, and 94% of the calls, 100 million in total, that have been made to the "12345" hotline have been properly addressed with a public satisfaction rate of 95%. The difficulty in obtaining property ownership certificates due to legacy issues has been resolved for 342,000 units of housing.

There has been a consistent effort to address the two important "minor details"[10]. The waste sorting system has been extended to over 16,000 communities and villages, and the coverage of property services has reached 97%. Significant improvements have been made in community-level governance. We have completed the reform in the sub-district/township management system, and worked out a new approach to governance for large communities in the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan areas.

Seventh, we have adopted a people-centered development philosophy, and raised the quality of life in all aspects.

In the past five years, we have delivered 157 practical services of importance in people's daily life. We have taken solid steps to stabilize and expand employment. A total of 1,475,000 urban jobs have been added, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate has been kept at a low level. Residents' per capita disposable income has reached 77,000 yuan. Beijing was among the first in China to establish a unified urban-rural social security system covering all its residents, thus steadily delivering greater security for the people in all respects.

We have implemented the pre-school education action plan and raised the coverage of affordable kindergartens to 88%. The twin pressures of homework and off-campus tutoring on children in the compulsory education system have been eased. We have advanced school-operation by educational groups, reformed the school district system, and added another 180,000 places at primary and middle schools. Support has been given to 34 institutions of higher learning and 162 academic disciplines for growing into world-class universities and first-class disciplines.

We have taken solid steps in advancing public cultural programs, and provided support to local areas that host revolutionary sites. The number of brick-and-mortar bookstores in Beijing tops the country, and a number of outstanding artistic and literary works have emerged. The city's urban and rural healthcare systems have been improved with the reform of dispensing separation and the readjustment in hospital charge on medical service and consumables. We have built more sports venues and facilities, and public participation in recreational sports is thriving.

A total of 1,424 community-based eldercare service stations and 1,168 catering service stations for the elderly have been established. We have improved social security for people with disabilities and created more barrier-free environments. Beijing has led the country in advancing social programs for women and children. We have fostered sound development of the real estate market and delivered 540,000 units of government-subsidized housing of various types. More than 5,100 households have applied to sign agreements to vacate their rented single-story residential courtyards in the core zone, and more than 5,900 of such dwellings have been renovated. The retrofitting and upgrading of 981 run-down residential compounds has benefited nearly 500,000 households.

We have taken the lead in fostering a resilient city. Thanks to coordinated actions to eliminate safety hazards, workplace-related accidents and deaths have fallen by 33% and 36.5% respectively compared with 2017. We have defused financial risks associated with peer-to-peer lending and trading platforms and in other areas, and have ensured that no systemic risks occur.

We have maintained the city's law and order, and secured major victories in actions against organized crime and in rooting out local criminal gangs. A number of unsettled public complaints and prevalent problems have been resolved. We have supported capacity building in national defense and the armed forces, and ensured greater unity between the military and local residents and civilian authorities. Beijing leads the country in delivering services for veterans. New efforts have been made in relation to the interests of ethnic minorities, religion, and overseas Chinese.

Eighth, we have advanced full and rigorous self-governance over the Party and made progress in strengthening the governance capacity.

We have carried out activities to ensure that our Party members have a solid understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and major policies, and that they meet Party standards. We have launched an initiative on staying true to our Party's founding mission in order to encourage all Party members to learn more about the history of the Party. We have rectified problems reflected in the feedback from the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work during its sixth round of inspection and the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Team during its two rounds of inspection.

We in the government have subjected ourselves to the scrutiny of the Municipal People's Congress in terms of the legality of our actions. We have also placed our work under the oversight of the Municipal CPPCC Committee. In the past five years, a total of 59 local regulations have been submitted to the Municipal People's Congress for deliberation. We have formulated, revised and abolished 92 regulations. We have processed 19 motions and 4,395 suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and 5,623 proposals made by Municipal CPPCC Committee members.

Government counselors and members of the institute for culture and history have played an advisory role and offered suggestions. We have advanced joint law enforcement reform, and taken solid steps to build exemplary law-based government. We have completed municipal and district-level institutional reform and steadily advanced the reform of public institutions.

Conscious of the need for vigilance over the budget, we have cut general expenditure by 7.66 billion yuan and reduced spending on official overseas visits, vehicles and hospitality by 42.9%. We have maintained a vigorous approach to rectifying pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and improved work conduct.

Official documents issued were cut by 50.7% and meetings called in the name of the municipal government by 36.5%. City and district governments no longer require administrative offices under the district level to issue certificates. Auditing-based oversight now covers all government work. We have established safeguards against the risk of corruption in key government areas and fostered a healthy political culture of integrity and honesty.

Fellow Deputies,

Over the past three years, in face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, we have fully implemented the Party Central Committee's decisions and plans to put people and their lives first and prevailed over multiple waves of Covid-19 infections. We have protected the lives and health of our people to the greatest extent possible. In light of the evolving situation of Covid, measures are adjusted to further coordinate pandemic response and economic and social development. Beijing has entered a new phase of Covid-19 containment.

To beat Covid-19, officials and the general public working on all fronts rose up to the challenge with courage and dedication. They have put in place a highly-effective system of pandemic prevention and control. Our medical professionals showed no hesitation when they had to put themselves in harm's way to save lives and protect people's health. Community workers and volunteers stayed put and worked around the clock at the forefront of the battle. Scientists and researchers pioneered breakthroughs through collaboration. Two indigenously developed Covid-19 vaccines have contributed to the global fight against the pandemic. Deliverers, couriers, and public utilities and logistics workers exerted themselves in disregard of their own health risk to ensure stable operations of the city. Above all, our citizens have reached out to each other and fought the virus with tenacity and solidarity. They have won this all-out people's war against the pandemic with a high sense of dedication and responsibility. Thanks to the efforts of the countless unsung heroes, we have mustered a mighty force to overcome these unprecedented difficulties and challenges.

Fellow Deputies,

Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, in close cooperation with Zhangjiakou, and with the support of all the Chinese people at home and abroad, we hosted a green, inclusive, open, and clean event. After seven years of intense preparation amid various risks and challenges, we offered to the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The Games are remembered for the spectacular opening and closing ceremonies, world-class venues and facilities, and splendid game events, winning broad recognition from the international community. We created the spirit of Beijing 2022, that is, to bear in mind the big picture, be confident and open, rise to challenges, pursue excellence, and create a better future together. Beijing, the first and the only city that has hosted both the Summer and Winter Olympics, has reinforced its status as both the capital of a great nation and a great metropolis.

Fellow Deputies,

In 2022, we coordinated our Covid-19 response with our pursuit of economic and social development, and were able to succeed in achieving both. Facing unanticipated disruptions, we improved the quality of economic development, maintained social harmony and stability, and delivered quality services to the 20th CPC National Congress.

The GRP for 2022 is expected to register positive growth. The general public budget revenue increased by 2.6% after deducting VAT credit refunds. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 1.8%. The official urban unemployment rate is estimated to be within 5%. The per capita disposable income of residents saw steady growth.

Reflecting on the past five years, we recognize that the General Secretary's support and guidance have been critical to every step forward we have taken, and to the positive changes taking place in Beijing. Fully aware of General Secretary Xi Jinping's expectations, we have fulfilled our historic missions over the past five years. Our great city has undergone a profound transformation and embarked on a new journey toward building a modern socialist capital in all respects.

These hard-won achievements are attributable to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They are also attributable to the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and all citizens of Beijing, who have worked in unity and with tenacity.

Here, on behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the people of Beijing, to the deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and members of the Municipal CPPCC Committee, to the other political parties, people's organizations, and individuals from all sectors of society, to all CPC central organs and central government departments, to other municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions, to officers and rank-and-file members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force based in Beijing, to our fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and to overseas Chinese and foreign friends who have taken an active interest in and given support to the capital.

However, we are also keenly aware that Beijing still faces many difficulties and challenges, and that there are problems to be solved and room for improvement in our work.

We are yet to fully meet the expectation of our Party and people in strengthening Beijing's role as the "four centers" and its capacity to deliver the four services. The foundations of economic recovery must be further consolidated as enterprises, especially micro, small, and medium-sized ones still struggle with multiple difficulties. High-end, precision and cutting-edge industries need to be strengthened to support self-reliance and further development in science and technology. Bottlenecks in core technologies must be addressed. More efforts are needed to improve public health, medical service, environment, transport, education, and elderly care. Insufficient development in urban and rural areas, and uneven development between them and across different parts of the city remain acute issues. The competence and conduct of government officials must be improved as they take up new tasks in changing circumstances. The efficiency of government services, primary-level governance and the city's emergency response capacity in extreme circumstances must be improved. We must take these issues seriously and redouble our efforts to resolve them.

II. Work Plan for the Next Five Years and Major Tasks for 2023

The next five years will be critical for Beijing to take the lead in basically realizing socialist modernization. We must study and implement the guidelines set by the Party at its 20th National Congress, and act on the plans set in the 13th Beijing Municipal CPC Congress to break new ground for the development of Beijing as the capital of the nation in the new era.

Going forward, we must prioritize work as follows:

First, we must resolutely follow the CPC decision to establish Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and to affirm Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding principle. We must firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We must bear in mind that Beijing is judged first and foremost by its political commitment and fully implement the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in his important speeches on Beijing.

Second, we must keep in mind the strategic status of Beijing as China's capital and develop the city according to its role as the "four centers" that delivers four services to better meet the priority needs of our Party and country.

Third, we must carry out the mission of promoting national rejuvenation along a Chinese path to modernization, fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts, and incorporate the Five Key Initiatives into the new development dynamic, so as to promote high-quality growth and strive to take the lead on the new journey.

Forth, we must advance high-standard reform and opening up, fully utilize the policies for "two zones" development and pilot reforms in Zhongguancun, and step up institutional innovation to instill greater momentum and vitality into Beijing's modernization drive.

Fifth, we must adhere to a people-centered philosophy of development as the immutable goal of our modernization drive to meet the people's aspirations for a better life. We will ensure that the city's modernization delivers greater benefit to all our people.

Our development goals for the next five years are as follows:

● Further strengthen Beijing's strategic role as the "four centers";

● Make new headway in building Beijing into a world-class metropolis that is harmonious and livable;

● Steadily advance Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development;

● Further increase Beijing's overall strength and competitiveness;

● Improve Beijing's overall living environment;

● Make new progress toward common prosperity;

● Lay a solid foundation for Beijing to lead the country in basically achieving socialist modernization.

As this year is the first year to fully act on the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, it is vital that we fulfill all the tasks of the capital city. To achieve this, we must:

● Follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

● Follow the visions outlined at the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference;

● Follow the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in his speeches on Beijing and pursue Chinese modernization;

● Continue to make progress while ensuring steady performance, and implement the new development philosophy fully, and in both letter and spirit;

● Pursue Beijing's development as the nation's capital in the new era, advance cultural, technological and green development in Beijing, and promote Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development;

● Incorporate the Five Key Initiatives into the new development dynamic, promote high-quality development;

● Stabilize growth, employment and prices, and make further progress in bolstering confidence, increasing domestic demand, promoting reform, improving people's wellbeing, ensuring people's health and preventing risks;

● Exercise full and strict self-discipline over Party organizations and ensure a good start for Beijing to spearhead efforts in basically realizing socialist modernization.

The main targets for economic and social development this year are set as follows:

● GRP growth rate above 4.5%;

● Increase in general public budget revenue of around 4%;

● Surveyed urban unemployment rate below 5%;

● CPI increase of around 3%;

● Personal income growth basically in step with economic growth;

● Meeting national targets in ecological conservation and energy and water conservation.

To meet these targets, we will focus on the following 12 tasks.

First, we will highlight the guiding role of the city's development plan in our effort to improve the city's functions as the national capital.

We will keep in mind Beijing's strategic role as China's capital, and make sure that Beijing is held accountable to the CPC Central Committee for the capital's development plan. We will stick to the Master Plan so that Beijing can better play its role as the capital city of China.

Further implement the Master Plan of Development for Beijing (2016-2035). In strict accordance with the rules on "three types of territorial space and three lines"[11], we will complete revision and finetuning of the development plans for each district, and quicken pace to roll out control plans for key blocks.

We will continue to pursue high-quality development with reduced input, and urban and rural construction land will be reduced by around another eight square kilometers. We will continue to rectify problems in planning and natural resources, and enforce pilot programs to halt unapproved housing construction on farmland. We will implement area and category-specific rectification plans to prevent encroachment on land vacated for future development purposes.

Improve the service functions of the core zone. We will implement a new round of plans for the Development Control Plan for the Core Zone Serving Capital Functions. We will upgrade the environment along Chang'an Avenue, around Tian'anmen Square, and in other key areas, so as to foster a safe and sound environment of governance. The density of population, building structures, and business and tourist activities in the core zone will be further lowered. We will vacate buildings that occupy sites of cultural heritage in the core zone to protect cultural sites and put them to good use. We will complete the withdrawal through application of 2,000 tenants from single-story residential courtyards and renovate such courtyards for 1,200 households. By doing so, we will improve the people's quality of life and make the core zone more livable.

Strengthen the role of Beijing as the center for international exchanges. We will ensure high-standard services for major national events held in Beijing. We will advance the construction of key projects such as Phase II of the China International Exhibition Center (new venue) and the Fourth Embassy Area, and increase the service capacity of the Beijing Yanqi Lake International Conference Resort and Phase II of the China National Convention Center.

We will improve international education and healthcare and government services for foreign residents, and build quality communities for international talent. We will better support and participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, strengthen our ties with sister cities, and support international organizations and institutions in establishing their Chinese ventures in Beijing.

Second, we will promote the relocation of functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital and push for more coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei development.

We will reconfigure the functions of the core zone, relocate non-capital functions, coordinate infrastructure, environmental protection, technological innovation, industrial layout and public services in this region, and build a national capital region composed of modern metropolises together with Tianjin and Hebei.

Upgrade the city through function transfer and remediation in a resolute and orderly manner. A total of over 2,000 square meters of illegal structures will be demolished, over 2,000 hectares of land will be vacated, and 379 hectares of vacated land will be greened. We will have no tolerance for new illegal structures, and ensure that all districts in Beijing are free of illegal building structures. We will upgrade at least 100 general manufacturing enterprises or move them out of Beijing, and firmly implement the national strategy of relocating functions non-essential to Beijing as the national capital. A number of streets and alleys will stand out for their pleasant living conditions. Vacated land and underground spaces will be fully used to build public amenities.

Promote high-quality development of the BMC. Our investment will remain at over 100 billion yuan. The three cultural landmarks, namely, a theater, a library and a museum, will be brought into use. Construction of Phase II of the BMC administrative office area will be completed, and the second group of municipal-level government bodies will move in. The Universal Beijing Resort will be further developed and will operate to high standards. We will promote robust development of the Canal Business District, and turn Zhangjiawan, Taihu and Songzhuang into towns with distinctive features.

We will work to get the Beijing Green Exchange elevated to a national platform. We will create a national demonstration zone for green development, and a demonstration zone for quality-oriented growth encompassing Tongzhou District and its neighboring three counties of Hebei Province. Efforts will be made to advance key projects such as the Pinggu Line, Changtong Road, and Chaobai River National Forest Park.

Boost the development of key localities. We will further implement the action plans to foster high-quality development in southern Beijing, and accelerate the construction of key projects such as the Southern Central Axis International Culture and Technology Park. Western Beijing will undergo further transformation. We will ensure the sustainable use of industrial heritage and the Winter Olympic legacy of the new Shougang area.

New towns will be further developed in the flatlands to increase their comprehensive carrying capacity. We will establish mechanisms to realize the market value of ecosystem goods and services, and support ecological conservation and green development in eco-conservation areas. We will consolidate and expand the outcomes of development assistance and cooperation.

Make coordinated progress in key areas. We will give full support to the Xiong'an New Area by completing the turn-key hospital project and ensuring that Beijing-Xiong'an Expressway is fully open to traffic. We will facilitate commuting connectivity, complementarity of city functions, and coordinated industrial development between Beijing and the surrounding region, and coordinate projects such as a pilot demonstration city cluster that promotes fuel cell electric vehicles.

We will improve the inter-provincial cooperation mechanism for joint pollution prevention and control and environmental protection in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, advance the joint action on protecting the water source of the Miyun Reservoir, and reinforce the eco-conservation belt around Beijing. We will encourage integration and sharing of public services such as education and healthcare in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Third, we will step up efforts to grow into an international innovation center by building a strong educational system, greater scientific and technological strengths, and a quality workforce.

The capital's strengths in science and education and a quality workforce will be brought into full play. We will continue to give high priority to education, rely on talent to pioneer and to propel development, and increase Beijing's self-reliance and strengths in science and technology, so as to steadily foster new growth drivers and new strengths for Beijing.

Develop education that meets the people's expectations. We will further modernize education in the capital and move faster to build a high-quality educational system. We will expand coverage of preschool education and strengthen policy support to make it more affordable. The twin pressures of homework and off-campus tutoring on students in the compulsory education period will continue to be eased, and another 20,000 places at primary and middle schools will be added. We will scale up the exchange and swapping of school principals and teachers. This will promote equal access to high-quality compulsory education.

We will diversify the development of general high schools, and provide affordable special needs education. The vocational education and training system will be improved. We will give more support to institutions of higher learning in Beijing that are on the "Double First Class" lists.

Strive to become a global science center and a pacesetter in innovation. We will boost our strength in science and technology of national strategic importance, run high-standard national laboratories, and intensify efforts to develop Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center. We will support new R&D institutes in producing more innovative application results in artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum information, life sciences, and cyber security among others. We will expand enterprise-led collaboration between industries, universities, and research institutes, support leading enterprises in establishing innovation consortia and platforms for generic technology, and speed up the building of a number of new innovation centers for high-end, precision, and cutting-edge industries.

We will introduce a program of action for securing a leading position in basic research, implement our action plan to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, and adopt new management systems such as open bidding for selecting the best candidates to undertake key research projects, and multi-team competition for finding the best research pathways and achieving optimal results. A research funding system that allows greater flexibility and discretion in the use of funds will be more widely applied. We will encourage the application of advances in science and technology, and build a world-class innovation ecosystem. We will drive deeper reform in all aspects of intellectual property, and implement the city's program of action on quality improvement and the strategy of standard setting for the capital.

Build world-leading science parks. We will apply the 24 pilot reform measures for Zhongguancun Science Park (Z-Park) to all its areas, and explore new policies of reform. We will reform the institutions of the Z-Park, improve its layout, and enhance the performance of the sub-parks. We will improve the integration of the "three science cities and one hi-tech area". Zhongguancun Science City will balance the development of its northern and southern areas. Huairou Science City will become a center for high-end scientific instruments and a demonstration zone for the commercialization of research findings. Beijing Future Science Park will step up the construction of its life science valley, energy valley, and university park. The Innovative Industrial Cluster Demonstration Zone will strengthen its role in commercializing the research outcomes of Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City and the Beijing Future Science Park.

Become a talent magnet. We will implement the plan to build Beijing into a world-class reservoir of best minds by recruiting high-caliber talent worldwide and improving our capacity to nurture domestic talent. We will cultivate greater numbers of master scholars, science strategists, first-class scientists, innovation teams, young scientists, outstanding engineers, master craftsmen, and highly-skilled workers, and thus build Beijing into a premier destination for world-class talent. Enterprises will be encouraged to join forces with colleges and universities in launching collaboration centers, specialized research institutes, and interdisciplinary labs, to speed up the cultivation of talent urgently needed in high-end, precision, and cutting-edge industries. We will intensify institutional reforms in nurturing, utilizing, evaluating and incentivizing talent, and take solid measures to make them feel welcome.

Fourth, we will expand domestic demand and facilitate all-round economic recovery and high-quality development.

We will integrate our implementation of the strategy to expand domestic demand with our efforts to drive deeper supply-side structural reform. We will tap into the huge market potential of Beijing as a super-large city and build a modernized industrial system that is more internationally competitive, and in doing so, we will effectively upgrade and appropriately expand economic output.

Give priority to restoring and expanding consumption. We will speed up efforts to turn Beijing into a global consumption center, continue to upgrade commercial areas, and coordinate the planning and construction of logistics centers. We will build new landmark consumption hubs. Eighty pilot areas will be set up where residents can access daily life services within 15 minutes' walk, and the quality of such services will be raised. We will boost the consumption of digital, cultural, green, and winter sports-related services and products, especially cross-sectoral integrated consumption encompassing commerce, tourism, culture, and sports. We will encourage consumption driven by housing improvement, new energy vehicles, and elderly care services. Through these efforts we will boost our consumption and revitalize the economy.

Leverage the key role of investment in improving the supply structure. We will further advance the 300 key municipal-level projects[12], and launch a number of projects such as the BOE sixth generation production line, so as to sustain rapid investment growth in key sectors. We will make good use of special-purpose local government bonds, and issue more real estate investment trusts (REITs) in clean energy and environmental protection. We will ensure that funds and services meet the needs of the projects, task municipal and district-level departments to strengthen coordination in project planning and preparation, and mobilize private investment into high-quality demonstration projects.

Further strengthen high-end, precision and cutting-edge technology sectors. We will consolidate the foundations of industries and improve the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains. We will develop key R&D and industrial projects in integrated circuits, and strengthen the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector with a focus on frontier areas such as new types of antibodies and cell and gene therapy. We will build to high standards the National Cyber-security Industrial Park and other benchmark projects in information technology. We will expand our input in emerging industries such as satellite internet, hydrogen energy, and new energy vehicles. We will support the Beijing Stock Exchange in scaling up trading, and promote solid growth of financial institutions. We will facilitate the development of green finance, encourage fintech innovation, and extend the use of digital renminbi to wider scenarios.

Build Beijing into a global pacesetter in the digital economy. We will plan new infrastructure such as the new-generation digital cluster network and the edge computing system. We will upgrade data centers, improve the distribution of computing centers, add 10,000 5G base stations, and advance research and development of 6G technologies, so as to cement the foundations of the digital economy. The high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone will be expanded, and integrated application of the industrial internet will be strengthened. We will upgrade the Beijing International Data Exchange, explore new areas of digital technology such as Web 3.0, and build more competitive digital industry clusters.

Fifth, we will drive deeper all-round reform and opening-up to boost market confidence.

We will rise to the challenges through reform, and drive development with opening-up. We will continue to consolidate and develop the public sector, and encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector. In doing so, we will energize all market players, so that SOEs, private companies, and foreign businesses will all have the courage to break new ground and make new investments.

Develop the "two zones", the CIFTIS, the ZGC Forum, and the Financial Street Forum to high standards. We will provide institutional support to opening-up through a pilot program on norms, regulations, management rules, and standards. We will upgrade the Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector, and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone. We will build a national demonstration zone for innovative development of trade in services and a digital trade demonstration zone. A three-year action plan will be launched to develop key industrial parks and precincts. We will accelerate the construction of the Beijing China-Germany Industrial Park and the Beijing China-Japan Industrial Park, and encourage applications for the establishment of new comprehensive bonded zones and innovative development of existing ones. We will facilitate resumption of international passenger flights, and expand international cargo routes, so as to improve the global competitiveness of our two aviation hubs. We will ensure the success of the CIFTIS, the ZGC Forum and the Financial Street Forum. We will strengthen cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao in all areas, and engage in exchanges and cooperation with Taiwan.

Create a more enabling business environment with greater efforts. We will continue to upgrade our reform measures, and maintain our position as a pacesetter in fostering a business-friendly environment. We will improve the procedures for companies to establish, do business, and deregister. An all-inclusive digital business certificate for accessing online government services and the "All-in-One-Go" government services[13] will be widely applied. We will continue the "6+4" integrated oversight[14] reform, effectively implement policies on fair competition, and build a national pilot zone that applies digital technologies to market regulation. We will nurture a mature market for production factors, and make policies more accessible and more operable. We will improve "service packages" and "steward services" to help businesses resolve difficulties and deliver solid outcomes.

Instill greater vitality in businesses of all kinds. A new round of SOE reforms will be advanced, with a focus on strategic restructuring and business consolidation, so as to reinforce the core competitiveness of SOEs and their strategic support for the economy. We will support efforts to ensure a thriving private sector and the growth of private businesses. We will ensure sustained and healthy development of the platform economy, build a number of successful cases of "green light" investment, and support platform businesses in driving development, creating jobs and competing in the global market. To foster more unicorn companies, "little giants" and hidden champions, more support will be given to them in R&D, innovation, application scenarios, financing, and listing. We will attract and use more foreign investment, provide targeted services for foreign-funded companies, and facilitate the launch of more foreign-funded landmark projects.

Sixth, we will make solid progress in building Beijing into the national cultural center, and enhance Beijing's cultural appeal as the capital city of a great nation.

With a focus on boosting cultural confidence and strength, we will develop the city's cultural sector to better meet people's increasing cultural needs.

Practice the core socialist values. We will forge a cohesive city soul with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and strengthen the Chinese system of philosophy and social sciences. We will inherit and make good use of the heritage sites related to CPC history, such as those related to the history of how the CPC Central Committee moved into Beijing in 1949, and open the site of the National Mongolian and Tibetan School to the public. We will bring the three-year action plan for ranking city districts by level of public civility to a successful conclusion, ensure that the Beijing role models and ethical models play an exemplary role, and strive to be a national leader in public civility.

Keep alive Beijing's historical and cultural heritage. We will adopt a holistic approach to preserving the old town, and complete the three-year action plan for protecting the Central Axis through its application for the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, with a view to restoring the historical and cultural features of old building structures under government protection. Construction will continue on the heritage site park at the ancient government seat of Luxian County and the Liuli River Heritage Park. Construction will be largely completed on the Great Wall National Cultural Park and turning the three hills and five gardens[15] into a demonstration area of cultural heritage protection and utilization. More steps will be taken to preserve, carry forward and develop in innovative ways intangible cultural heritage and time-honored brands.

Develop the capital's cultural programs. We will make Beijing a city of museums, and give the public easier access. Public reading programs will be extended to make Beijing a city of readers. We will also make Beijing a capital of performing arts and advance the "Watch Outstanding Performances in Beijing" program. We will organize the Public-Benefit Cultural Consumption Season by producing high-quality literary and artistic works. We will encourage positive interplay between culture and tourism, and expand the Roam Beijing and Visit Suburban Beijing programs. We will implement the "Culture Plus" strategy for integrated development between culture and other industries, and use digital technologies to create different forms of cultural experience, such as digital art and immersive performances. We will pursue high-quality development of cultural industry parks.

Seventh, we will take effective measures to integrate urban-rural development and strive for all-round progress in rural revitalization.

We will ensure that the urban areas of Beijing support the growth of the city's suburban areas, which, in turn, will better serve the development of the former. We will build solid foundations for our work concerning agriculture, rural areas, and rural people, increase quality and returns in agriculture, make rural areas attractive places to live and work, and bring greater prosperity to rural residents.

Move faster toward agricultural modernization. We will fully implement an accountability system for food security, develop 55,000 mu (3,667 hectares) of high-standard cropland, and keep grain acreage above one million mu (66,667 hectares) and vegetable production at two million tons. We will implement the action plan for building the High-Tech Farming Z-Park, expedite the construction of the Jingwa Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center, and implement the initiative of reinvigorating the seed industry. We will develop modern urban agriculture, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, make protected agriculture greener and efficient, produce pollution-free, organic, and green agricultural products with geographical indications, and promote the golden brand of Beijing Premium Agricultural Produce.

Build a beautiful and harmonious countryside where people want to live and work. We will strengthen efforts to improve rural living environments and coordinate the layout of infrastructure and public services in rural areas. We will build one million square meters of rural community roads, collect and treat the sewage for 150 villages, upgrade 1,000 toilets in rural households, complete the clean heating retrofitting for 15,000 households in mountain villages, and turn 60 villages into beautiful leisure retreats. Main urban districts will pair up with schools and clinics in rural townships to accelerate their development.

Stimulate rural development through reform. We will extend the reform of rural collective property rights and complete trials on extending the second round of rural land contracts after they come to term. We will continue to survey and register the right to use over rural homesteads and collective land for construction purposes and the ownership of the permanent structures on them. We will improve the mechanism to bring village land use under the management of district governments, and advance trials on market transactions of rural collective land earmarked for commercial use, to ensure that a larger proportion of land revenues stay in rural areas and in the hands of rural residents. We will extend reform of rural forest tenure.

Eighth, we will continue meticulous efforts to modernize the governance of Beijing.

Acting on the vision that cities should be built by the people and for the people, we will move faster to change Beijing's governance model, and advance precision, law-based, and participatory governance to make Beijing a better city to live in.

Further advance urban renewal. We will implement the Regulations on Urban Renewal, improve supporting policies, and explore mechanisms to allow funds from non-governmental sources to participate in urban renewal. Old and dilapidated buildings will be retrofitted and sub-standard housing will be vacated on a total scale of 200,000 square meters. We will launch the renovation of 300 run-down residential compounds and complete 100 of such projects, and begin the installation of 1,000 elevators in old residential buildings and complete 600 of such projects. We will speed up efforts to advance neighborhood renewal, and improve the value and performance of old factory workshops, poorly-managed industrial parks, and old commercial buildings with low occupancy rate.

Ensure comprehensive management of the city's transport system. We will integrate the planning and development of rail transit stations with the surrounding areas to create a number of micro rail transit centers. Integration of multiple transit networks will be accelerated to facilitate transfers between urban and suburban rail lines and between urban rail lines and buses. We will implement the plan for phase III rail transit construction, speed up the construction of Subway Line 12 and the north section of Subway Line 17, and finetune 65 bus routes. We will construct more demonstration sections of pedestrian and cycling lanes to improve the non-motorized traffic system. We will strengthen management to ensure more orderly flow of traffic by better synchronizing traffic signals on 90 roads and improving traffic around railway stations, schools, and hospitals, among other key areas.

Advance precision governance of Beijing. We will move forward municipal solid waste sorting, help residents to separate waste in a correct way, charge fees for non-residential residual waste based on volume, and increase the recycling of recyclable waste, bulky waste, and renovation waste at the community level. We will tackle outstanding problems in property management, advance the mechanism for swift response to public complaints, focusing on one topical issue per month, and introduce more targeted reforms in specific areas to address frequently-raised issues concerning people's everyday life. We will resolve problems in obtaining property ownership certificates due to legacy issues for another 61,000 units of housing. We will strengthen Party-led governance at the community level, improve the social governance system based on collaboration, participation, and shared benefits, renew the action plan to improve public services and infrastructure in the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan area, and continue to support the public policy dialogue program "A Step Forward".

Move faster to build Beijing into a smart city. We will fully implement our plan for building a smart city, and improve the integrated networks of city operation and smart governance that offer access to all municipal and public services and information that facilitate decision-making. We will improve the big data platform, and strive for breakthroughs in the sensing system and other infrastructure. We will expand the application of smart technologies in health care, education, taxation, culture and tourism, and other areas, achieve further progress in pilot programs on building digital communities, and make digital services more accessible to senior citizens so as to deliver greater convenience to our residents.

Ninth, we will pursue green and low-carbon development to steadily improve the environment.

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. To make Beijing's skies bluer, its mountains greener, and its waters clearer, we will firmly uphold and act on this vision, and cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution, expand green development, and pursue economic growth in a coordinated way.

Make strenuous efforts to prevent and control pollution. In order to secure a steady improvement in air quality, we will continue to advance the "every microgram counts" initiative, take precise measures to control dust, strengthen control over volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in key industrial parks, phase out commercial heavy-duty diesel trucks on China IV emission standards, and expand the use of new energy vehicles in public transport, sanitation, taxis, and other key economic activities. We will implement the regulations on water conservation, reinforce ecological and environmental restoration and space control in the basins of the five major rivers in Beijing, and take swift measures to clear all black-odorous water bodies and water bodies of a quality below Class V. More will be done to secure land pollution risk control and land restoration.

Make steady progress toward carbon neutrality on top of carbon peak. We will further improve the energy mix by increasing the share of renewables. We will strengthen control over key carbon emitters, control both the amount and intensity of carbon emissions, facilitate green, low-carbon, and circular transition of all types of industrial parks, and support efforts to make public buildings energy-efficient and green. We will establish and improve mechanisms to incentivize micro, small, and medium-sized companies and the general public to reduce carbon emissions, and thus realize society-wide participation in carbon reduction.

Build Beijing into a city of parks. Beijing's core zone will continue to expand green coverage, and all other districts will meet the national forest city standards. We will build small green spaces and mini parks as conditions allow, plan and build the China National Botanical Garden to a high standard, and green another 200 hectares of urban land. We will build 10 new country parks, develop large-scale green spaces such as the Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park, and accelerate the afforestation of all barren hills suitable for growing trees. In addition, fences in parks will be removed where appropriate to improve access and connectivity, and coordinated efforts will be made in constructions and demolitions in green belts. Through these measures, we will connect more green spaces and greenways together to create more comfortable and convenient leisure spaces for our residents.

Tenth, we will improve people's wellbeing through better social services in seven aspects[16] and meeting public expectations for a better life in five areas[17].

With a focus on the most pressing difficulties of the people, we will offer more equitable public services of higher quality, and strive for greater progress in ensuring and improving people's wellbeing and pursuing common prosperity.

Boost the incomes of both urban and rural residents. We will implement the employment-first policy with a focus on effectiveness and precision, provide more employment support for priority groups, offer guidance to university graduates as they look for jobs or start businesses, strengthen employment assistance for young people, and advance the upskilling initiative. Through these measures we aim to create 260,000 new urban jobs and help urban and rural people facing difficulties in securing employment find jobs. The rights and interests of workers engaged in new forms of employment will be better protected. We will consolidate our progress in assisting villages with a weak collective economy, and include another 40,000 employed farmer workers in urban employee insurance schemes. We will formulate action plans for achieving common prosperity and expanding the middle-income group, and boost incomes of our urban and rural residents through multiple channels.

Improve the social security system. We will ensure that essential everyday supplies are available at stable prices, and ensure overall price stability. We will pilot the private pension scheme and advance trials for long-term care insurance schemes. Committed to the policy that housing is for living, not for speculation, we will improve the housing system based on multiple suppliers and various channels of support, to encourage both housing rentals and purchases. A total of 80,000 units of rental housing for low-income groups will be made available, and 90,000 units of government-subsidized housing will be delivered. We will secure a steady supply of land for residential housing to ensure stability in the property market. We will improve affordable elderly care services, increase the supply of high-quality elderly care services, and ensure quality nursing care for the physically as well as mentally challenged elderly. We will improve the support measures for childbirth, strengthen maternal and child care services, and accelerate work on the public-interest nursery care system. We will improve the social assistance system, protect the legal rights and interests of women and children, and improve the service system for people with disabilities. The goal is to ensure that the basic living needs of all our people are met.

Ensure effective pandemic control in the new phase of Covid response. With Covid-19 management downgraded to Class B, we will continue the science-based surveillance and assessment of the disease, and adopt targeted containment measures covering different levels and categories of infection risks. We will focus on protecting such key groups as the elderly, and make every effort to reduce and treat severe cases while maintaining normal operations of the city. We will draw up an action plan for a new round of improvements to the public health emergency response system at a faster pace. Efforts will be made to better allocate medical resources, upgrade medical facilities, and improve the multi-tiered diagnosis and treatment system. We will increase investment in community health services, train more general practitioners, strengthen medical teams and the public health system in rural areas, and give play to the role of family doctors. We will advance trials for the quality-oriented development of public hospitals, and expand the application of internet-based healthcare. We will better preserve and harness traditional Chinese medicine, and put research results including new vaccines and new drugs to effective use. We will launch extensive activities to promote public health, and further improve public sanitation.

Leverage our distinctive strength as the "Summer and Winter Olympic City". We will make full use of the Olympic legacy, continue to popularize winter sports, hold major sports events in the Olympic venues, and complete the upgrading of the Beijing Olympic Museum. We will attract more high-level international sports events to Beijing and ensure the success of such international events as the China Open tennis tournament and the Beijing Marathon. We will improve physical education for our young people, launch extensive public fitness initiatives, and build or renovate a number of sports facilities close to people's homes. A hundred kilometers of forest fitness trails and 50 kilometers of greenways will be added. More will be done to develop the Beijing-Zhangjiakou culture and sports tourism belt.

Eleventh, we will ensure both development and security and maintain harmony and stability of the capital.

We will adopt a holistic approach to national security, build on and strengthen an overall framework in this regard and forestall and defuse risks and challenges of all kinds to ensure coordinated progress in both high-quality development and high-level safety and security.

Make Beijing a more resilient city. The spatial planning for a resilient city will be formulated to make Beijing safer in all aspects. We will improve disaster prevention and relief and strengthen the reserve and distribution of emergency supplies. We will accelerate efforts to build a sponge city and improve the management of sites prone to waterlogging, expedite the construction of the floodway connecting the Wenyu River and the Chaobai River, and reinforce reservoirs of poor conditions to remove danger. A three-year action plan to rehabilitate aging pipelines for gas, heating, water supply, and sewage will be implemented to ensure the security of critical government functions and services.

Strengthen workplace safety risk controls. We will implement the responsibility system for workplace safety, transform the workplace safety governance model to one that is based on accident prevention, and resolutely forestall major and serious accidents. More will be done to eliminate safety hazards in key sectors including transport and construction, and the hazard rectification program for all types of self-build houses for commercial use will be largely completed. We will strengthen fire hazard control, build more public fire fighting infrastructure, and reinforce the fire services department. We will tighten whole-process supervision over food and drug safety. We will conduct extensive public awareness campaigns to raise our people's safety readiness.

Ensure higher level security in Beijing. Giving top priority to upholding political security, we will secure the ideological front, strengthen the system to combat and prevent terrorism, and enhance cyber security and data security. We will improve our work in handling public complaints, continue to apply the "Fengqiao experience" in this regard and build on it in the new era to ensure problems are resolved at the primary level as soon as they emerge. We will put in place a rigorous system for crime prevention and control and consistently combat and root out organized crime. We will regulate all types of financial activities in accordance with the law, and take resolute measures to prevent and defuse economic and financial risks. We will follow through on the Party's policies and guidelines on ethnic and religious affairs. We will deliver on the reform of our national defense mobilization system, strengthen civil air defense, advance military-civilian integration in the new era, improve services and benefits for veterans, and conduct extensive activities to promote civil-military relations.

Twelfth, we will ensure the decisions and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress are well understood and implemented as we work consistently to improve the government's own capabilities.

Studying, advocating, and implementing the decisions and the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress is a long-term political task. All government departments and institutions in Beijing should treat this work as a priority, keep both our thinking and actions in line with the decisions and plans of the Congress, and thus improve the government's ability to deliver more effective governance.

Strengthen political commitment. We should acquire a deep understanding of the significance of affirming Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and boost our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We should stay confident in the path, the theory, the system, and the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We should firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We will continue to improve our capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation and resolutely follow the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in thinking, political stance, and action to ensure that all the decisions and plans made by the central Party leadership are fully implemented in Beijing. To this end, we will carry out theoretical study programs for government departments and institutions.

Remain committed to law-based governance. We in the government must readily subject ourselves to the scrutiny of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee in terms of the legality of our actions. We will also place our work under the oversight of the Municipal CPPCC Committee. We will process all motions and suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress, and the proposals made by the Municipal CPPCC Committee members. We will actively participate in the national campaign to select the third group of exemplary law-based governments. We will advance legislation in key areas and further standardize primary level integrated law enforcement teams. We will carry out the eighth five-year plan (2021-2025) for raising public awareness of the law, and ensure that the law is respected, understood, observed, and applied by the public.

Improve government performance. We will improve the government responsibility system and organizational structure to refine relevant systems and mechanisms, and the composition of government bodies. We will build digital governments in pursuit of coordinated digitalization of public services, supervision, and government services. We will step up performance-based assessment of government, advocate commitment to solid work, and ensure that our officials have the courage to take responsibility and are able to deliver. We will foster an implementation-oriented work culture where all government officials benchmark against the best practices, devote themselves to self-improvement, work hard to catch up with the front runners, help each other in doing so, and ultimately excel in their performance. We will temper government officials through urgent and challenging tasks as we work to cultivate a cohort of public servants who are competent and professional.

Improve our work conduct. We will earnestly implement the decisions adopted at the second plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and act in strict accordance with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on conduct, its implementing rules and the implementation measures adopted by the Municipal Party Committee. We will continue to tackle pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance. We will rectify problems exposed in economic responsibility audits and consolidate progress in rectification actions following the inspections of the central inspection group and the central environmental protection inspection team. The government will practice economy by strengthening cost control and performance-based budgeting across the board. We will take coordinated steps to see that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to indulge in corruption, and show zero tolerance toward corruption, thus creating a sound atmosphere across the government system where all officials are clean, honest and dedicated to their work.

Fellow Deputies,

As we embark on our great new journey, we are fully aware of the magnitude of the tasks before us. Let us unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, seek guidance from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, follow the strong leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, strive in unity, forge ahead with fortitude, redouble our efforts to develop Beijing as the capital of the nation in the new era, and work tirelessly in Beijing to contribute all we can to a modern socialist China and to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts.

[1] The "four centers" refers to the national political center, cultural center, center for international exchanges, and center for scientific discovery and technological innovation.

[2] The "four services" refers to services for the central authorities, for international exchanges, for science, technology and education, and for the betterment of people's lives.

[3] The "three key tasks" refers to implementing the Master Plan of Development for Beijing (2016-2035); relieving Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as the capital and coordinating the development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; and ensuring a complete success of the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

[4] The "three tough battles" refers to forestalling and defusing major risks, targeted poverty alleviation, and pollution control.

[5] The "Five Key Initiatives" refers to building Beijing into an international center for innovation; making progress in building the "two zones"; developing the digital economy; stimulating and creating new demand through supply-side structural reform; and making greater headway with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development through relocation of functions non-essential to the role of the capital.

[6] The "little giants" refers to specialized, high-end and innovation-driven SMEs that provide distinctive products or services. They possess high innovation capacity and core technologies in key fields, thus boasting a strong performance and a large market share in their respective niche markets.

[7] The Jingtong mobile platform aims to facilitate people's access to government services; the Jingban platform aims to assist the four levels of government with their work; and the Jingzhi platform aims to facilitate informed decision-making.

[8] The "two zones" refers to the Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

[9] "Double proprietary" companies are companies that own both proprietary brands and proprietary intellectual property rights.

[10] The "two important 'minor' details" refers to waste sorting and property management.

[11] The three types of territorial space are agricultural space, environmental space, and urban space, and the three lines are the boundary line for farmland and permanent basic cropland, the ecological conservation red line, and the urban development boundary line.

[12] The "300 key municipal-level projects" refers to projects that are key to or weak links of Beijing's social and economic development, including 100 infrastructure projects, 100 projects to better people's lives, and 100 projects in high-end, precision and cutting-edge industries.

[13] "All-in-One-Go" means services are easily accessed on one website or at one service window, by filling in one form, and contacting one government representative all in a single visit.

[14] The "6+4" integrated oversight system refers to six basic systems of oversight: risk monitoring, credit supervision, rating-based differentiated supervision, collaborative supervision, technology supervision and co-governance supervision; and four specific pilot measures: applying a unified regulatory compliance manual, unified checklist, joint inspection and unified credit rating in nine industries.

[15] "The three hills and five gardens" refers to a group of historical and cultural heritage sites in the northwest suburbs of Beijing, represented by imperial gardens of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

[16] The seven aspects are childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing and social assistance.

[17] In this context, a better life means one that is convenient and comfortable, with more choices, in a fair and safe society.

Chinese Version