来源:Beijing Foreign Affairs Office


Delivered at the Fifth Session of the Fifteenth Beijing Municipal

People's Congress on January 6th, 2022

Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments and suggestions from members of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

I. Review of Work During 2021

The year 2021 marked a milestone in the history of our Party and nation. We have been working under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and the direct leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee. We have also received support and supervision from the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the visions outlined at the 19th CPC National Congress, the plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and the instructions of General-Secretary Xi Jinping in his speeches on Beijing, we have made progress while ensuring stable performance, and fully and faithfully implemented the new development philosophy in all respects. Taking into account our city's role as the national capital, we have balanced economic and social development with Covid-19 containment, made further progress in the city's various endeavors, and fulfilled the tasks set forth at the fourth session of the fifteenth Municipal People's Congress, thus making a good start to the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

We have fulfilled Beijing's responsibilities as the capital and delivered quality services for the centenary celebration of the CPC. With greater passion, people in Beijing have embarked on a new journey of modernization.

We have made an all-out effort to finalize the preparations for the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Several rounds of practical trials have been organized and completed with a strong sense of mission and honor. Everything that is required is now in place.

We have continued to put people and lives first, sparing no effort in keeping the regular control measures in place against Covid-19. Thanks to a concerted and enormous effort by the people, the achievements in containing Covid-19 have been sustained.

We have demonstrated an enterprising spirit in serving and becoming an integral part of the country's new development paradigm. We have focused on five key projects[1] for development, improved people's lives, and raised Beijing's high-quality development to a new level.

According to preliminary estimates, the GRP exceeded 4 trillion yuan, up 8.5% from last year. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 1.1%. The per capita disposable income of residents rose by 8% in real terms. The economic structure and quality of growth continued to improve. Per capita GRP and labor productivity (as measured by output per worker) ranked first in the country.

A number of proprietary technologies with international influence, including long-life superconducting qubit chips and the discovery of antitumor immune function of pyroptosis have emerged. New headway has been made in addressing technological bottlenecks in key and core sectors. A number of underlying technologies that can boost key industries have been developed, such as the Chang'An Chain[2].

The average concentration of fine particulate matters (PM2.5) over the year was 33 micrograms per cubic meter, and the city has seen notable and continuous improvement of its air quality. Beijing's success in air pollution control has been hailed by the United Nations Environment Program.

During the past year, the municipal government has accomplished the following main tasks.

First, we have implemented the Master Plan of Beijing (2016-2035) and made greater headway in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development.

We have stuck to the Master Plan, launched a number of special programs and action plans, completed our assessment of the implementation of the Master Plan and the Development Control Plan for Beijing Municipal Administrative Center (BMC), and conducted our annual checkup of the core zone[3]. We have met the development goals set out for the first phase in the implementation of the Master Plan. The capital's planning system has been substantially improved. Beijing's strategic position as the "four centers"[4] has been further strengthened.

We have implemented the 14th Five-Year Plan on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development and launched a new round of special operations for urban improvement. By virtue of better coordination, we have vacated 3,316 hectares of land through demolition of illegal structures, and greened 925 hectares of the vacated land. The annual targets of environmental improvement for spaces under bridges and in back streets and alleys have been met. We have fully supported the development of Xiong'an New Area and made smooth progress in building a kindergarten, a primary school, a middle school and a large hospital there. The Decisions on Promoting High-Quality Development of the BMC has been released. A number of major projects including the Integrated Transportation Hub have been expedited. We have seen the grand opening of the Universal Beijing Resort and moved forward the coordinated development of the BMC and its three neighboring counties of Hebei Province.

Second, we have strengthened our efforts to build Beijing into an international center for innovation and steered the high-end, precision and sophisticated industries onto a fast development track.

An action plan for the technological innovation strategy has been unveiled and a new round of major pilot reforms has been rolled out in Zhongguancun. The program to support high-caliber personnel has been fully implemented. We have inaugurated national labs in Zhongguancun, Huairou and Changping, succeeded in establishing a number of big-science facilities, and accomplished milestones in building the Comprehensive National Science Center. More innovative policies and institutions have helped translate technological prowess into growth drivers. We have made major headway in developing the "three science cities and one hi-tech area"[5]. The total revenues of companies above the designated size in the Zhongguancun National Demonstration Zone went up by over 20%, and the contractual value of technology transactions rose by 10% in the city. The innovation ecosystem has continued to improve with active innovators.

The new generation of information technology and the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry have increasingly played their role as the double engines for economic growth. High-end, precision and sophisticated industries have developed rapidly. We have intensified efforts to grow integrated circuit companies along the entire industrial chain, turning Beijing into the national center of semi-conductor industries and innovation. Through proactive and coordinated actions, Beijing was the first to gain approval for two locally-produced Covid-19 vaccines, and successfully developed China's first Covid-19 antibody drug. A total of five billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been manufactured, making a significant contribution to the global battle against the pandemic.

A systematic framework for building a smart city has been designed. We have increased data standardization and promoted data-sharing on the cloud and blockchains. The digital infrastructure underpinned by seven interconnected facilities and one platform[6] has taken shape. We have prioritized breakthroughs in underlying generic technologies and encouraged full-range incubators to play a leading role. A number of Data Beacon projects have been launched. Beijing International Big Data Exchange is up and running and the plan to turn Beijing into a global model city of digital economy has been steadily implemented. With the iterative development of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, we have accelerated the development of physical and software systems that deeply integrate vehicles, roads, cloud, the Internet and maps. A program has been rolled out to build Beijing into a leading international center for consumption. The "first-store" economy has built sound momentum and online retail sales went up by over 20%. Thanks to the efforts made in ensuring that projects were inventoried and implemented, investment in manufacturing increased by more than 60% and non-government investments continued to thrive.

Third, through comprehensive reform and opening-up we have accelerated progress in building the "two zones"[7].

Beijing has implemented policies calibrated against international standards and best practices and was the first city to pioneer 34 specific policies. Over a hundred landmark projects have been launched, ten best practices from Beijing have been replicated nationwide, and key areas such as the financial sector have opened up at a notably faster pace. Beijing Capital International Airport launched a fifth-freedom[8] international air cargo route and Phase I of the Daxing International Airport comprehensive bonded zone entered service. The annual foreign investment disbursed exceeded 15 billion US dollars; the number of newly-registered foreign-funded companies grew by more than 50%; the volume of imports and exports of goods reached an all-time high. We successfully hosted the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), the Zhongguancun Forum, and the Financial Street Forum. The Beijing Stock Exchange was established and began trading.

Version 4.0 of the reform to improve the city's business environment has been completed. We have applied the requirements notification and compliance commitment mechanism[9] for another 52 items for which government approval is mandatory. The pilot reform to separate permits from business licenses and grant one single license to each business has been deepened, and more government service items can be processed online and across provincial and district boundaries. Comprehensive and targeted regulation has been exercised in nine areas including catering and supermarkets (convenient stores). Government services for the general public and businesses have become more transparent, efficient and accessible. We have adopted measures to encourage the healthy and sustained growth of the platform economy, guided businesses in compliance and development, and supported them in transformation and upgrading. All municipal state-owned enterprises have basically adopted modern corporate governance practices and their business revenues and profits have reached a record high.

Fourth, we have made meticulous efforts to improve city governance, and delivered higher quality development in both urban and rural areas.

City renewal has become an important means to promote people's well-being and the city's development. We have explored new approaches and introduced targeted policies in this regard. Thanks to these efforts, Beiyuan No.2 Compound and Wangjing Walk have become models of renewed communities and blocks. A total of 177 run-down communities have been renovated and 418 elevators have been installed in old residential buildings. We moved forward the application for UNESCO recognition of the Central Axis[10] as a world heritage site and have made progress in relocating residents of the Zhonggulou (Bell and Drum Towers) neighborhood.

We are pressing ahead with comprehensive traffic management. Special campaigns have been carried out to promote road civility and encourage motor vehicles to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Disorderly driving and parking have been gradually rectified. The slow mobility system has been upgraded. We have redoubled efforts to create a barrier-free environment in the city. Bus service has been upgraded, as over 95% of the regular bus routes are under the smart dispatching system. A single administration has been created to oversee major railway stations previously administered separately and Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station is now open. With nine new urban rail transit lines, the total service mileage of rail transit (including suburban railways) has reached 1,148 kilometers. Beijing is now at the forefront of global subway service quality and efficiency.

We have made tenacious efforts to control pollution. Levels of all six pollutants[11] in the Air Quality Index (AQI) met standards for the first time. Soil pollution has been brought under full control. We have afforested another 160,000 mu (10,667 hectares) of land and opened two country parks, each covering an area of more than 10,000 mu (667 hectares). The volume of water in the Miyun Reservoir has reached an all-time high. The groundwater table in the plain areas has risen by 5.64 meters. No water bodies are of a quality below Class V. All five major rivers passing through Beijing flow all year round.

Steady progress has been made in rural revitalization. More policy support has been extended to agricultural inputs and protected agriculture. The Agricultural Innovation Demonstration Area of Pinggu District is making good progress and the production of grain, vegetables and hogs has increased for the past two years. We have implemented an initiative to assist villages with a weak collective economy. Annual average growth of rural residents' per capita disposable income has outpaced that of urban residents. The eco-compensation mechanism has been upgraded to improve the eco-environment and advance the green development of eco-conservation areas. The development of the new towns in the flatlands, the southern part of Beijing and the new Shougang area has been advanced steadily. Cooperation through paired assistance has expanded.

Public complaints must be responded swiftly. A mechanism for this purpose has been put in place, focusing on one topical issue every month, under which 27 frequently raised issues have been resolved, such as the difficulty in obtaining a property ownership certificate due to legacy issues. Thanks to the cooperation of our residents, 85% of the municipal solid waste was sorted and put into the right disposal bins. Special campaigns have been conducted on a regular basis to tackle outstanding problems in property management, and the coverage of property services has topped 95%. We have completed elections to residents' and villagers' committees. A new action plan for the Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan area has been implemented, and synergy has been built for primary-level governance via the "Count-Me-In" volunteer service initiative.

Fifth, we have supported people's lives and improved their overall well-being.

Employment is pivotal to people's well-being. We have established a working mechanism featuring "one system, three priorities and five measures"[12]. A total of 260,000 urban jobs were created in 2021. We have steadily raised the standards for social security benefits, and supported the launch of a supplementary health insurance scheme, which has been well received. We have maintained a healthy and stable real estate market by implementing strict regulatory measures, and delivered 61,000 units of government-subsidized housing of various types. We have improved home-based elderly care services in communities, focusing on quality catering services delivering hot meals to the elderly in their own communities.

As the "twin pressures" of homework and tutoring on children are steadily reduced, classroom teaching and after-class services have been comprehensively improved. The regulation of off-campus tutoring has produced remarkable results. Another 13,000 places in affordable preschool education and 28,000 places in primary and middle schools were added. More public cultural services were provided, including the release of high-quality literary and artistic works and hot-selling creative products. The public health emergency response system has been improved. Pre-hospital emergency medical service (EMS) resources are now completely integrated. All key public places, such as subway and railway stations and schools, have been equipped with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). Gaps have been filled to ensure that every village has a public clinic. We have held events like the seventh Beijing Winter Sports Festival to encourage public participation in ice and snow sports.

We have continued the special campaign to reinforce workplace safety. The supervision of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) safety has been strengthened and actions have been taken to ensure respect for the rules in riding and charging electric bikes. We have strengthened coordination of electricity, gas and heating supply to ensure that the city can continue to operate in a safe and orderly manner under extreme weather conditions. We have strengthened efforts to locate and defuse social tension and problems, prudently advanced financial risk prevention and mitigation, and dealt strictly with all types of crime, contributing to harmony and security in the city.

We support the reform and development of national defense and the armed forces. Initiatives to promote mutual support between the military and civil life have been extended. We safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of veterans and the military-civil bond has been strengthened. We completed the seventh national census. Steady progress has been made in protecting women, children and people with disabilities, and we have made further progress in the work concerning ethnic minorities, religions and overseas Chinese.

Sixth, we have advanced full and vigorous self-governance over the Party and strengthened capacity building of the government.

We have launched, to the highest standards, an educational program on the CPC's history and initiatives on delivering practical services to the people. We have upheld democratic centralism, and strictly implemented the rules of reporting to and requesting instructions from Party organizations on major issues. We have rectified problems reflected in the feedback from the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work during its sixth round of inspection and the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Team during its second round of inspection. We have also worked to rectify problems in the planning and natural resources sectors, concerning, inter alia, the adoption of green spaces and lease of service buildings in parks. We have put our work under the oversight of the Municipal People's Congress and People's Political Consultative Conference, and processed four motions and 838 suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and 1,205 proposals made by Municipal CPPCC Committee members. A total of 12 local regulations were submitted to the Municipal People's Congress for deliberation. We have formulated, revised and abolished 22 regulations. Audit-based oversight has been strengthened, and a sound long-term mechanism for rectifying problems reflected in auditing has been developed. We have extended reform in the comprehensive law enforcement bodies, and set up or consolidated emergency management and comprehensive law enforcement teams at municipal and district levels. Inspections and evaluations have been strengthened. We have extended performance-based budgeting to all departments, cut general expenditure by 3.55 billion yuan, and reduced spending on official overseas visits, vehicles and hospitality by 3%. A performance-based management and evaluation mechanism has been established in public services that underpin city operation, to cut costs and improve economic performance. We have formulated rules on field visits and meetings to strengthen discipline, and established routine unannounced inspections. Official documents issued and meetings called in the name of the municipal government and departments have been further reduced, so that more time and energy can be spent on engaging and serving the general public.

Fellow deputies,

Against the backdrop of the unprecedented Covid-19 flareups and a complex and serious external environment, our achievements over the past year were especially hard-won and valuable. They are attributable to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They are also attributable to the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and all citizens of Beijing, who have worked in unity and with tenacity. Here, on behalf of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all the people of Beijing, to deputies of the Municipal People's Congress and members of the Municipal CPPCC Committee, to other political parties, people's organizations and individuals from all sectors of society, to all CPC central organs and central government departments, to other municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions, to officers and rank-and-file members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force based in Beijing, to our fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and to overseas Chinese and international friends who have taken an active interest in and given support to the capital.

We have also clearly recognized that Beijing still faces many challenges and there is room for improvement in our work. Covid-19 remains the largest uncertainty and the recovery of domestic demand is sluggish. We also face great pressure of rising prices. Businesses, especially micro and small ones, are struggling with multiple difficulties. The tasks of relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital, and addressing issues associated with a megacity, remain formidable. Inadequate and uneven development in urban and rural areas and between various regions remains a salient issue. More efforts should be made to improve people's well-being and public security. The conduct and capacity of government departments and institutions should be further improved. We should face these problems squarely, make every effort to tackle them, and do all we can to live up to the public's expectations.

II. Major Tasks for 2022

In this crucial year that sees the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress, the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and the launch of the 14th Five-Year Plan, it is vital that we fulfill all the tasks of the capital city. To accomplish these, we must:

• Follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

• Follow the visions outlined at the 19th CPC National Congress, the plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference;

• Follow the instructions of General-Secretary Xi Jinping in his speeches on Beijing;

• Carry forward the founding spirit of the CPC, continue to make progress while ensuring stable performance, and follow the new development philosophy in a comprehensive, accurate and thorough manner;

• Implement the strategies of advancing cultural, technological and green development in the context of building the national capital;

• Expand all-round reform and opening-up, pursue innovation-driven development, and promote high-quality economic growth;

• Pursue supply-side structural reform, balance the response to Covid-19 with economic and social development, and place equal emphasis on development and security;

• Incorporate the five key projects for development into the new development paradigm, stabilize the "six fronts"[13], guarantee the "six priorities"[14], and keep improving people's lives;

• Sustain economic growth within a reasonable range, ensure social stability and exercise full and rigorous Party self-governance at deeper levels;

• Present to the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Winter Games and usher in the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding performance.

The main targets for economic and social development this year are set as follows:

• GRP growth rate above 5%;

• Increase in general public budget revenue 4%;

• Surveyed urban unemployment rate below 5%;

• CPI increase of around 3%;

• Steady increase in personal incomes.

We will strive for even better results in meeting these targets. For targets in eco-environmental protection and energy and water conservation, we will implement national requirements.

Fellow deputies,

The upcoming Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is a priority for the Party and the nation. We must follow General-Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on the preparations for the Games, and host a green, inclusive, open and clean Games under the direct leadership of the Winter Olympics Leading Group. In the final dash of the Games preparations, we will race against the clock to refine all details. We will enforce Covid-19 countermeasures for the Games and those for the city in a coordinated effort. We will do our utmost to ensure the success of the Olympic events with sound organization and quality service, present to the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Games, and fully demonstrate the unique charisma of the "Dual Olympic City".

Fellow deputies,

In order to achieve this year's targets, we should put stability first while continuing to make progress. We must fully implement the instructions of General-Secretary Xi Jinping in his speeches on Beijing, especially those made at CIFTIS and the Zhongguancun Forum, bear in mind the country's most fundamental interests, and accomplish the mission entrusted by the CPC Central Committee. Science-based and precise control measures against Covid-19 will continue to be implemented. In this context, we will fully leverage the capital's strength, seize opportunities, and build on our current momentum, so as to take solid steps towards Beijing's high-quality growth.

First, we will build the general structure of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei world-class city cluster under the guidance of strategic plans.

We will strictly implement the rules that all critical decisions concerning the planning of the capital should be submitted to the CPC Central Committee for approval, strengthen Beijing's position as the "four centers" and enhance its capacity to deliver "four services"[15]. We will make greater headway with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development through relocation of functions non-essential to the role of the capital.

Continue to implement the Master Plan of Beijing (2016-2035). The Master Plan is the fundamental basis for the development, construction and management of the city. The Near-Term Spatial Planning of Beijing (2021-2025) will be fully implemented, and the three-year action plan of the Development Control Plan for the Core Zone Serving Capital Functions will be accomplished. We will continue to rectify problems in the planning and use of natural resources, to ensure that the mandatory requirements are strictly implemented. Taking into account the city's history and culture and public opinions, we will carry out the new round of special operations for urban improvement, and take steps to create the second group of areas basically free of illegal structures. We will green 978.5 hectares of the vacated land, and build 50 leisure parks and pocket greens to improve the city environment.

Promote high-quality growth of the BMC. Our investment will remain at 100 billion yuan a year for key projects in the BMC, including the three major cultural facilities[16] and the alteration of the east section of the Sixth Ring Road. The Beijing-Hebei section of the Grand Canal will open to tour boats. We will step up the building of the Canal Business District and towns with distinctive features, to accommodate entities in R&D, financial services, cultural development and tourism. We will create a national demonstration zone for green development, and a demonstration zone for integrated high-quality growth encompassing Tongzhou District and its neighboring three counties of Hebei Province.

Push for more coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei development. We will fully support the development of the Xiong'an New Area and complete the main component of Beijing-Xiong'an Expressway Beijing section. The greater capital city will emerge at a faster pace as a modern metropolitan area. Construction of Pinggu Line (Line 22) and Beijing-Tangshan and Beijing-Binhai intercity railways will be accelerated, so that Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are fully connected by railway. We will deepen coordinated governance of the region's eco-environment, protect our water source of the Miyun Reservoir in collaboration with Hebei, and step up efforts in the ecological restoration and pollution control of the Guanting Reservoir. We will build a pilot demonstration city cluster that promotes fuel cell electric vehicles and encourage integration and sharing of public services in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Second, we will strive to build Beijing into an international center for innovation and foster new strengths from our innovation-driven development.

Taking into account China's major national strategies, we will implement the measures set forth in the new pilot reforms in Zhongguancun, foster effective institutions and mechanisms by which nationwide resources can be mobilized for innovation, and develop "three science cities and one hi-tech area" with high standards.

Pool strengths to increase our capacity for original innovation. We will seize the opportunities brought by changes in the research and innovation paradigm, integrate related resources, and develop new ways to organize them. We will advance the national lab projects, and quicken the pace in the construction of the comprehensive national science center. With substantially increased funding for basic research, a number of new-type research institutions in future technologies will be fostered so that more original results in basic research and breakthroughs in underlying technologies can be achieved. We will promote commercialization of research findings, protect intellectual property, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation on science and technology.

Build the world's leading science parks. To increase quality and efficiency, we will undertake institutional reforms in the management of science parks, coordinate the use of land, improve resource allocation, and build stronger capacity to serve innovation. We will support the building of specialized incubators and other platforms for entrepreneurship and innovation, and attract more angel investments and venture capital to the parks. Long-term investment, especially in key and core technologies, will be encouraged. Our goal is to foster a diverse innovation ecosystem underpinned by public platforms, underlying technologies, and leading enterprises.

Raise the capacity level of high-end, precision and sophisticated industries. We will strengthen strategic planning and launch a number of major industrial projects and industrial service platforms in frontier sectors that have a strong boosting effect on extended value chains. The dual growth engines, namely the new generation of information technology and the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, will be given a stronger push. We will address bottleneck issues in such fields as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and telecommunications, make further breakthroughs and applications in frontier biotechnologies such as new types of cell therapy and gene editing, and accelerate the industrialization of new medicines and high-end medical equipment manufacturing. We will refine the action plan for high-end, precision and sophisticated industries, help launch Xiaomi's automobile manufacturing plant, and facilitate the development of Li Auto. Targeted support will be offered to innovation-driven enterprises according to their position and sector, in a bid to nurture more unicorn companies in core technologies, more hidden champion enterprises, and more hi-tech leaders.

Build Beijing into a reservoir of best minds. In response to the needs of innovation and supply chains, we will attract scientists of strategic importance, as well as industrial leaders and innovation teams who have the courage to break new ground. We will work harder to cultivate young talent. Colleges and universities will be encouraged to join forces with enterprises in cultivating high-caliber engineers urgently needed in high-end, precision and sophisticated industries. We will implement the Zhuque Plan—a talent recruitment program to attract people of such professions as project managers and technology brokers at multiple levels. We will promote entrepreneurship in the new era and support a growing number of outstanding entrepreneurs who are willing to take bold steps, break new ground, and shoulder social responsibility.

Third, we will foster more internal forces for high-quality development through digital technology.

While focusing on the supply-side structural reform, we will attach importance to demand-side management and digitization. We will continue to support new industries and new business forms and models through the continued implementation of policies in five areas[17].

Unleash new vitality in the digital economy. We will act on the plan for building a model city of the digital economy, improve supporting policies, and strengthen efforts to build new types of infrastructure such as computing power and algorithm platforms. A total of 20 major application scenarios will be introduced. We will develop industrial clusters involving blockchain technology, AI, extended reality (XR) and ultra-high-definition display. The construction 3.0 of the high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone will be initiated. We will provide guidance and support for the transformation and compliance of platform enterprises and foster a group of leading businesses with international competitiveness.

Raise core competitiveness of the financial sector in an all-round way. We will strengthen efforts to develop Beijing as the national financial regulation center, and secure a number of national financial infrastructure projects in Beijing. We will attract more major financial institutions and organizations to Beijing to boost high-level opening-up and cooperation. We will give full support to the reform of the New Third Board and put the Beijing Stock Exchange to good use. We will improve the multi-tiered capital market and encourage the public listing of specialized, high-grade and innovation-driven businesses that provide distinctive products or services. We will broaden fintech application, and develop experimental zones for green finance and innovation finance.

Stimulate supply and demand. While adapting to changes in the forms of consumption brought about by Covid-19, we will continue to implement the special program of building Beijing into an international center for consumption. Green, digital consumption and sports-related consumption will be encouraged. We will also develop new cultural and tourist consumption areas and new forms of daily consumption. Greater efforts will be made to cultivate new brands and supply quality products and services to consumers. Modern logistics centers and wholesale markets for agricultural produce will be built according to sound planning. We will use government investment to attract more funding from other sources for future-oriented infrastructure and expand efficient investment. We will fulfill the tasks set out in the three-year action plan for SOE reform to improve their quality and business performance.

Fourth, we will build a Beijing model of reform and opening-up through pioneering institutional innovation.

To open up wider to the world, we will continue the pilot program of aligning domestic rules with the ones in high-standard international free trade agreements, build a world-class business environment well integrated into the new development paradigm.

Steadily advance the "two zones". We will further improve rules for the services sector and build a national demonstration zone for the innovative development of trade in services and a digital trade demonstration zone. The action plan for upgrading industrial parks (cluster development) will be launched to improve management of the pilot free trade zone and make breakthroughs in such areas as talent services, IPR protection, international balance of payments and cross-border trade. We will build comprehensive bonded zones featuring technological innovation, trade in services and advanced manufacturing. We will improve the global competitiveness of Beijing's two aviation hubs, and further develop the China-Germany Industrial Park and China-Japan Innovation and Cooperation Demonstration Zone.

Strengthen Beijing's role as the center for international exchanges. We will speed up the construction of major projects such as the Fourth Embassy Area and Phase II of the China National Convention Center, optimize the spatial configuration and services of international hospitals and schools, build upscale communities for talent, and implement the regulations on improving the city's language environment for international exchanges. The action plan for high-level Belt and Road cooperation will be renewed. Exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be expanded.

Continue to optimize the business environment. Reform version 5.0 will be implemented to build Beijing into a national pilot city for innovation in business environment. With the adoption of "all-in-one-go" service package, we will put in place a "6+4" oversight system[18] to ensure that oversight is ubiquitous but leaves the compliant market entities undisturbed. By strengthening interim and ex post supervision, reform of the requirements notification and compliance commitment will be scaled up. We will further digitize government services, and make them more accessible and available online and on mobile devices, so that individuals and businesses can enjoy such services at any time through convenient single applications. Policies supporting high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises such as tax and fee cuts will be fully implemented to create a level playing field so that market entities can grow and thrive.

Fifth, we will raise city governance capability through law-based, precision and participatory efforts.

Guided by the people-centered philosophy of development, we will strengthen the role of technology and digitization in governance, and make Beijing smarter and more livable through attention to details.

Carry out the action plan for building Beijing into a smart city. We will fully implement the four-level[19] planning and management system, develop Jingtong, Jingban and Jingzhi mobile terminals[20]. We will increase government services offered online and expand the coverage of the integrated networks of city operation and smart governance. Priority will be given to smart transportation, medical services and city management, and pilot programs on building digital communities will be carried out to improve municipal services.

Fully implement the action plan for city renewal. We will move forward renovation projects for six types of structures, such as old buildings and industrial heritage, install another 200 plus elevators in old residential buildings and support the renovation of run-down residential properties owned by the central authorities. We will explore a market-based renewal mechanism that enables more entities to participate in the neighborhood rehabilitation and commercial areas upgrading, thus creating more replicable examples of urban renewal.

Continue to enhance comprehensive transit governance. We will further promote road civility and green mobility, give priority to easing congestion around hospitals, business districts and schools, promote the use of electronic fences for shared bikes, tighten regulation over electric tricycles and quadricycles, and strengthen traffic management to reduce accidents. We will improve smart parking service and encourage off-street parking and parking in residential communities. We will accelerate the building of micro rail transit centers and improve services and emergency response capacity in key stations. Integration of multiple transit networks will be accelerated to make transfer between buses and rails more convenient. We will compile the plan for phase III rail transit construction, upgrade existing lines and connect the slow mobility system with waterside roads and greenways to better meet people's diverse needs of mobility.

Reduce pollution and carbon emissions. We must prioritize conservation and rely on innovation and public engagement to achieve steady progress towards carbon neutrality. We will conduct the "one microgram" operation[21] on an ongoing basis to improve air quality. We will introduce regulations on water conservation, clean up drainage facilities, and complete the third round of water environment improvement program in urban and rural areas. We will improve ecological diversity, connectivity and security and complete the new round of the "one million mu (67,000 hectares) afforestation project".

Improve primary-level governance through stakeholder participation. We will implement regulations on swift response to public complaints, refine supporting systems, and increase the service capacity of the "12345" hotline. We must be active in improving services rather than reactive to complaints, and see that more issues of common concern are resolved to the public's satisfaction. We will consolidate grid-based services, and improve our capacity for primary-level governance and public services. Waste sorting and property management are key matters in daily life that require consistent attention. We will encourage voluntary waste sorting and promote full coverage of the market-based waste recycling system. Prominent problems in property management will be addressed and the role of property owners' organizations will be leveraged to form a joint force of governance. We will continue to support the public policy dialogue program A Step Forward, a bridge connecting the government with the people.

Sixth, we will promote balanced urban-rural development with more priority given to agriculture and rural communities.

Fully aware of the strategic importance of building modern agriculture and rural communities in Beijing, we will press forward with rural revitalization, comprehensive upgrading of agriculture, overall improvement of rural communities, and rounded development of rural residents.

Modernize agriculture. We will improve the organizational forms of agricultural production and the distribution networks of agricultural produce, support the development of hi-tech agriculture and protected agriculture, and sustain the growth in grain and vegetable production. The "High-Tech Farming Z-Park" Action Plan will be formulated to foster smart agriculture and revitalize the seed industry. We will build strong farm brands and promote the golden brand of Beijing Premium Agricultural Produce.

Build beautiful countryside with a favorable living and working environment. We will grow the collective economy and remove 100 villages from the list of those with a weak collective economy. We will launch a five-year action plan to improve the rural living environment, develop boutique homestays to promote local culture and tourism, and build a number of villages as models of rural prosperity in all respects. We will manage rural land in strict accordance with laws and regulations and formulate policies on the use of fragmented land for building agricultural facilities. We will encourage mortgaging the management right of rural contracted land and build new-type collective forest farms. Rural residents will be provided with better training to help them find jobs and start businesses. 50,000 employed farmer workers will be covered by the urban employee insurance schemes. Multiple measures will be taken to increase the incomes of rural people.

Build key areas for balanced development. We will increase the comprehensive carrying capacity of new towns in the flatlands, implement the action plan for high-quality development of the southern part of Beijing, and push for the transformation of the city's west. Urban functions in the new Shougang area will be improved, and the action plan for reduction-based development in the peri-urban zones will be implemented. We will draw up plans to plug gaps in eco-conservation areas, and pilot mechanisms to realize the market value of ecosystem goods and services. We will make sure that those who protect the environment are compensated through one-on-one support. We will ensure that poverty relief responsibilities, policies, assistance and monitoring continue even after the assisted counties are removed from the poverty list, so as to consolidate and expand the outcomes of development assistance and cooperation.

Seventh, we will promote cultural prosperity and make new progress as the national cultural center.

We will leverage the capital's cultural strengths and showcase its celebrated history, revolutionary heritage, local traditions, and innovations to better meet people's cultural needs.

Enhance the guiding role of the core socialist values. We will continue educational programs on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the history of the CPC, the PRC, reform and opening-up, and socialist development. We will protect and make good use of heritage sites related to CPC history, such as the Red Building of Peking University and the revolutionary memorial sites in the Fragrant Hills, in order to facilitate joint development of areas hosting revolutionary sites. We will strive for cultural progress and promote civility in the city. The Clean Your Plate campaign will continue, and voluntary services will be provided on a continuous basis, in an effort to foster good social ethos.

Showcase the culture and history of Beijing. We will adopt regulations on protecting the Central Axis as a cultural heritage site. Our application for UNESCO recognition of the Central Axis as a World Cultural Heritage Site will be advanced to better protect the old town. We will coordinate construction of the "three cultural belts"[22], implement the plans for the development and protection of the Great Wall National Cultural Park and the Grand Canal National Cultural Park, and move forward projects such as the construction of the Liuli River Heritage Park and the heritage site park at the ancient government seat of Luxian County. Measures will be taken to keep the city's culture and history alive by respecting the value of intangible cultural heritage and time-honored brands, and ensuring their continuation and development.

Deliver better public cultural services. We will build new public cultural spaces and "15-minute walk cultural service circles" that are more appealing to the public. "The capital's civic life" series of cultural activities will continue. The private sector is encouraged to participate in the "city of museums" initiative. The "city of readers" public reading program will be expanded. More quality works will be produced to reflect the major revolutionary and historical events, reality and characteristics of Beijing.

Energize the cultural industry. We will integrate culture with technology, finance and commerce, improve the services of cultural industrial parks, and nurture a group of influential cultural brands. Municipal government-owned cultural and art troupes will be further reformed. Under the Roam Beijing program, we will offer well-designed tourist products, optimized routes and quality services. We will inaugurate the Beijing Culture Forum, and ensure the success of such events as the China Art Festival and the Beijing Design Week.

Eighth, improve people's well-being with social services in seven aspects[23] and meeting their expectations for a better life in five areas[24]

We will take concrete and thoughtful measures to serve our people and increase their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security.

Raise incomes. Job creation remains our top priority. We will support new forms of employment, and help disadvantaged groups find jobs. Large-scale vocational training at multiple levels will be carried out to cultivate a competent and skilled workforce. Plans will be drafted to achieve common prosperity based on extensive consultation. We will improve the multi-tiered social security schemes and social assistance system, and support charity cause.

Develop high quality education. We will continue to pursue rounded education, reduce the "twin pressures" of homework and tutoring, improve the mechanism for evaluating school performance, and strengthen supervision and guidance on education. We will help students acquire the habit of doing physical exercise. We will build more affordable nurseries, and introduce policies to support kindergartens that accept children aged two to three. We will promote equal access to high-quality compulsory education and diversify general high schools. Another 20,000 places at primary and middle schools will be added. We will promote distinctive, differentiated and high-quality development in higher education, and establish a number of best-in-class innovation centers in universities. Collaboration on vocational education between industries and schools will be promoted.

Provide convenient and quality elderly care services. More targeted and effective policies will be adopted. Elderly care resources at the sub-district/township level will be pooled together to develop a joint operation system. Community-based eldercare service stations will deliver better services. We will encourage the participation of market-based specialized institutions in offering such services as preparation and delivery of meals for the elderly. "Time banking" and other elderly care schemes featuring mutual help will be promoted. Long-term care insurance will be made available across the board. We will make progress in services for the physically as well as mentally challenged elderly to ensure decent lives.

Comprehensively protect people's health. The three-year action plan for building the public health emergency response system will be fully completed. Allocation of medical resources will be improved. We will reform the mechanism for evaluating the performance of public hospitals, improve the tiered diagnosis and treatment regime, build a functioning appointment-based referral system for community-level health services, and raise the quality of family doctor services, so as to provide easier access to medical services. We will build research-oriented hospitals and wards to improve their capacity for innovation. We will support the preservation and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and encourage its innovation. More activities will be organized to improve public sanitation. We will continue the "fitness-for-all" program, host sports events of various types and at multiple levels, and build Beijing into a national "fitness-for-all" model city.

Ensure that "housing is for living, not for speculation". We will keep the regulatory policies over the property market consistent and stable. Land supply for residential housing will be secured. A total of 150,000 units of rental housing for low-income groups will be made available, and 80,000 units of government-subsidized housing will be delivered. We will devise public rental housing policies that accommodate the needs of families with more than one child, and adjust the construction and allocation criteria of public rental housing. We will tighten regulations on the home rental market, and ensure the sound and healthy development of the property market.

Ninth, we will build a safe city that meets people's expectations by aligning security with development.

Bearing in mind that every detail matters when it comes to the capital's security, we will take into account the worst-case scenarios, intensify efforts to forestall risks, and adopt the most rigorous measures to ensure harmony and stability in the capital.

Foster a resilient city at a faster pace. We will improve our work mechanisms and evaluation systems by incorporating resilience in urban planning, construction and management. We will adopt effective engineering and management measures to strengthen disaster prevention in such key places as rivers and sites prone to waterlogging in the city, rehabilitate aging municipal pipelines and ensure the security of critical government functions and services. We will improve preparedness for emergencies, bolster our capacity for forecasting and early warning, and improve risk assessment. We will reserve enough contingent supplies and improve emergency response in case of extreme weather conditions, geological disasters, and public health incidents.

Ensure high-level safety and security in Beijing. We will ensure that accountability for workplace safety is rigorously implemented at all levels. We will strengthen oversight and law enforcement in such areas as transportation, management of hazardous chemicals, and construction, and enforce effective city and forest fire prevention measures to prevent major accidents. We will check and improve gas safety and exercise rigorous supervision over the production, sale and use of electric bikes. Food and drug safety monitoring will be strengthened, and various financial risks will be forestalled and defused with resolute measures. We will refine the Diversified Dispute Resolution (DDR) mechanism and effectively resolve unsettled public complaints and prevalent problems. We will keep a high alert against risks related to terrorism and social stability, combat organized crimes, and dismantle local criminal gangs. All kinds of crimes and law-breaking acts will be punished to ensure security and stability of the capital.

We will expand the reform of our national defense mobilization system, promote mutual support between the military and civilians, ensure services and benefits for veterans, strengthen civil air defense, and achieve deeper civil-military integration at a faster pace. The Party's policies and guidelines on ethnic and religious affairs will be followed through, and the legal rights and interests of women, children, and people with disabilities will be protected.

III. Improving Governance Capacity and Government Services

Taking political integrity as the overarching principle, we will consolidate achievements made in reviewing CPC's history and make all-round efforts to modernize the system and capacity for governance. With high morale at work, we will strive to deliver excellent performance that meets the expectations of the Party and the people.

Improve political integrity and ensure the "two upholds" [25]. Bearing in mind that Beijing is judged first and foremost by its political stance, we will uphold the "two important decisions"[26], and strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We will build greater confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and ensure the "two upholds". We will act, without compromise, on major decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the guidance given by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his remarks, instructions and written comments. We will make consistent efforts to rectify any problems reflected in the feedback from the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work during its sixth round of inspections and the Central Environmental Protection Inspection Team during its second round of inspections, and maintain the right political stance.

Keep the rule of law in mind and govern accordingly. We in the government must readily subject ourselves to the oversight of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee in terms of the performance of our duties and the legality of our actions. We will also put our work under the oversight of the Municipal CPPCC Committee. We will process with great earnest motions and suggestions raised by deputies to the Municipal People's Congress and proposals made by Municipal CPPCC Committee members. We will implement the Plan on Law-Based Governance of Beijing and the Implementing Rules on Building a Law-Based Government of Beijing, and perform all government functions in accordance with the law. We will accelerate legislation in matters concerning key and emerging areas such as the digital economy and urban renewal. Extensive activities will be carried out in support of the country's Eighth Five-Year Plan for Raising Public Legal Awareness. Law enforcement in key areas will be strengthened and become more transparent and rule-based.

Work for the people diligently and with a heightened sense of responsibility. The government works for the people and relies on the people. We will make implementation the focus of our work, improve the target-based responsibility system and performance evaluation, and refine the mechanism of advancing work through task forces. We will rise up to the challenges and see things through to the end. We will further digitize government administration, improve services through the "12345" hotline, and improve the mechanisms for dealing with one topical issue per month and delivering service packages to enterprises. We will continue the practice of having government officials at the levels of director-general and division director experience the process of accessing government services or complying with government requirements as businesses and citizens would, as a way of urging officials to improve government service quality and efficiency. The government will practice economy through performance-based budgeting for all expenses and strict control of operational costs. We will do a good job in monitoring economic and social development through supervisory statistics. We will build a learning government by reinforcing the training of government employees in order to improve their overall competency and skills.

Advance self-reform to build a clean government. We will act in strict accordance with the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on conduct, and work consistently to guard against form over substance, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. We will fulfill the requirements for rigorous self-governance of the Party, enforce the principal actor responsibility at all levels of the government, strictly implement the responsibility system for ideological work, and increase supervision over the heads and other leading officials of all government departments. We will strengthen audit-based scrutiny. Government information will be released in accordance with laws and regulations in a timely and accurate manner. We must guard against risks in key government areas, and work tirelessly to improve Party conduct and fight corruption. We must uphold political integrity, deliver practical benefit to the people, and keep the government clean.

Fellow deputies,

Building on the successes of our Party over the past century, we are breasting a new horizon as Beijing prepares to be the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics. Let us unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, seek guidance from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, follow the strong leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, forge ahead with fortitude, and promote the capital's high-quality development in the new era with greater dedication and enthusiasm. Let us usher in the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

[1] The "five key projects" include building Beijing into an international center for innovation; making progress in building the "two zones"; developing the digital economy; stimulating and creating new demand through supply-side structural reform; and making greater headway with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development through relocation of functions non-essential to the role of the capital.

[2] Chang'An Chain, is an open-source blockchain platform launched on January 27, 2021.

[3] The "core zone" is the central area of the city where most of its capital functions are located.

[4] The "four centers" refers to the capital's strategic position as the national political center, cultural center, center for international exchanges and center for national innovation.

[5] The "three science cities and one hi-tech area" are Zhongguancun Science City, Huairou Science City, Beijing Future Science Park and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area.

[6] The "seven interconnected facilities" are the city QR code, spatial layout, basic toolkit, computing power, sensing platforms, telecommunications, and government cloud, while the "one platform" refers to the big data platform.

[7] The "two zones" refers to the Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

[8] The fifth freedom allows an airline the right to fly between two foreign countries on flight originating or terminating in its home country.

[9] Under this mechanism, the government notifies the applicant conditions to be met, and if the applicant assures that all conditions are met and is ready to take the responsibility for false representation, then government approval is given; no actual submission of proofs from the applicant is needed.

[10] The Central Axis of Beijing is 7.8 kilometers long, starting from the southern Yongding Gate, running through Zhengyang Gate, Tian'anmen Square, the Forbidden City, and Jingshan Hill, and ending at the Drum Tower and Bell Tower in the north. Most of the essential buildings in the old city area of Beijing stand along this axis.

[11] The "six pollutants" are carbon monoxide, PM 10, PM 2.5, nitrogen oxides, ground-level ozone and sulfur oxides.

[12] "One system" refers to the multi-tiered employment promotion system; "three priorities" refers to key groups, key enterprises and key areas; "five measures" refers to measures that make policies more systematic, services more accessible, training more effective, the market more robust, and the implementation of law more targeted.

[13] Stabilizing the "six fronts" refers to stabilizing employment, the financial sector, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations.

[14] The "six priorities" are job security, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments.

[15] The "four services" refers to supporting departments and institutions of the CPC, the central government and military headquarters, facilitating international exchanges, developing science, technology and education, and working to better people's life.

[16] The "three major cultural facilities" of the BMC are the art center, the municipal library and the Beijing Museum.

[17] The "five areas" include new types of infrastructure, new application scenarios, new models and areas of consumption, new initiatives of opening-up and better services to businesses through new policy packages.

[18] The "6+4" oversight system refers to six basic oversight systems, i.e., risk monitoring, credit supervision, rating-based differentiated supervision, collaborative supervision, technology supervision and co-governance supervision, and four specific measures to the pilot program of applying unified regulatory compliance manual, unified checklist, joint inspection and unified credit rating in nine industries.

[19] The four levels are municipal, district, sub-district and community.

[20] The Jingtong mobile platform aims to facilitate people's access to government services; the Jingban platform aims to assist the four levels of government with their work; and the Jingzhi platform aims to facilitate informed decision-making.

[21] The "one microgram" operation refers to the government's efforts against air pollution by gradually bringing down concentration of particulate matters in the air.

[22] The "three cultural belts" are the Grand Canal, the Great Wall, and the Western Hill-Yongding River Cultural Belts.

[23] The "seven aspects" are childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing and social assistance.

[24] In this context, a better life means one that is convenient and comfortable, with more choices, in a fair and safe society.

[25] The "two upholds" refers to upholding General Secretary Xi Jinping's core position in both the CPC Central Committee and the entire Party and upholding the CPC Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

[26] The "two important decisions" are decisions to establish Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and to establish Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era as the guiding principle.





           David Ferguson,中国政府友谊奖获得者、中国外文局高级编审

Chinese Version