Experiencing New Forms of Rural Revitalization | Journalists from over 60 Countries Visit Pinggu District
Date: 2024-05-07
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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The event “Foreign Journalists from China International Press Communication Center Visiting Pinggu District” was held recently, bringing 71 foreign journalists from 66 countries, including Mongolia, Malaysia, Angola, Egypt, and Bulgaria, to Pinggu to experience new business forms of rural revitalization.

The journalists visited Zixingyuan (Beijing) Food Technology Co., Ltd. and Bibo Island to gain insights into automated food processing, and explored the development of Jinhai Lake Leisure Town and its camping business. They also visited the headquarters of the China Music Valley - Village Live Streaming College and attended its launch ceremony.


Attending the launch ceremony of the headquarters of the Village Live Streaming College

At Zixingyuan (Beijing) Food Technology Co., Ltd., foreign journalists toured workshops for pastry, sauce-braised products, meat processing, and intelligent packaging. They had the opportunity to sample traditional Beijing snacks, including sweetened baked wheaten cake, Zenggao (a rice cake made of sticky rice and Chinese jujubes), and flatbread with sesame paste. A journalist from Oman’s Al-Shabiba noted the significant role of technology in modern food processing, praising Zixingyuan’s strict requirements for food processing, modern production techniques, and high-quality products.


Tasting specialty snacks

At Bibo Island, the journalists gained detailed insights into the development of Jinhai Lake Leisure Town and the camping industry, immersing themselves in the innovative advancements in leisure business forms. A journalist from Mongolian National Broadcasting expressed that it was his first time visiting Pinggu and he was impressed by the environment. “Bibo Island is a beautiful and delightful place, and I look forward to visiting again in the future,” he said.


Visiting Jinhai Lake Leisure Town

At the headquarters of the Village Live Streaming College, the journalists were given a tour of Pinggu’s live-streaming e-commerce functional zone and the capital’s logistics hub. Christine, a journalist from the Cameroon Tribune, expressed her thoughts on the event, stating, “Today’s event gave me a better understanding of the development of e-commerce in China. The Village Live Streaming College in Pinggu was a pleasant surprise for me. Although my country is also developing e-commerce, we do not have specialized institutions for comprehensive training. I will document and share this experience to inspire more people.”


Learning about Pinggu District’s e-commerce

(Compiled based on relevant news from the Foreign Affairs Office of Pinggu District)