Implementing Holistic Approach to National Security: Overseas Consular Protection Around You
Date: 2024-04-19
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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In order to thoroughly implement holistic approach to national security, the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office recently held a lecture on consular protection on the occasion of National Security Education Day on April 15. Under the theme of "Unswervingly Implementing Holistic Approach to National Security, Enhancing Awareness of Overseas Interests and Security", the lecture attracted nearly 1,000 participants online and offline.


Staying focused to demystify consular protection knowledge

Consular protection and assistance, as an important public service provided by the government and a key initiative in implementing the holistic approach to national security and ensuring people's safety, features prominently in building China's overseas security and protection system. As Beijing-based companies accelerate their global expansion, managing risks and ensuring security abroad has become one of their primary concerns. In response to their needs identified through research and surveys, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office took the initiative to invite experts in overseas security to provide practical countermeasures for common overseas security risks. The initiative aimed to enhance the awareness of preventing risks overseas for companies and their employees and improve their emergency response capabilities.


Guiding overseas participants in effective application

The event elicited a positive response, with on-site participants actively discussing a variety of overseas security issues, including how to cope with personal attacks, how to identify telecom fraud, and who to contact in case of an emergency.

During the interactive session, experts addressed the concerns of the overseas participants who joined online, and assisted them in enhancing risk prevention capabilities.

Informative and well-received

All attending business representatives agreed that they benefited greatly from the well-targeted and informative event.

Remark by a representative from Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd.

"The lecture presented complicated concepts in a clear manner, effectively combining theory with practical application. It covered various pertinent and practical topics, from current domestic and international security situations to relevant national policies. The training equipped our employees with greater confidence when traveling abroad."

Remark by a representative from Jangho Group Company Limited

"Thanks to the thoughtful and useful workshop provided by Beijing Foreign Affairs Office, we now have a deeper understanding of consular protection and are better able to respond to emergencies."

Beijing consular services protect you abroad. Going forward, following the principle of "foreign affairs for the people", Beijing Foreign Affairs Office will make solid progress in preventive consular protection, organize a series of campaigns to effectively promote consular protection, and drive home the idea that “prevention is the best protection”.