Thematic Education on Consular Protection Entering Communities
Date: 2023-04-29
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office has made solid efforts to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era through the thematic education. To ensure that foreign-related work really delivers for the people, the Office held a series of activities themed on “Consular Protection for All” around the National Security Education Day on April 15. Focusing on community-level needs of companies and people, targeted consular services were provided to sub-districts, communities, companies, and schools in various forms.

Serving local communities with public lectures

In the Taoranting Sub-district of Xicheng District and the Langnan Community of Tongzhou District, there are many residents who work, study, and settle overseas. The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office has responded promptly to residents’ needs for learning about consular protection and emergency response skills. Measures include sending books to their doorsteps, distributing materials on the systematic education of consular protection, organizing consular protection exhibitions, and inviting related experts to give interactive lectures on consular protection and overseas safety.


Visiting enterprises to deliver service packages

Anton Oilfield Services Group operates in more than 30 countries and regions. To ensure safe development overseas, the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office visited Anton to find out about its demand for overseas safety services and answered questions on consular protection. Such a consular protection “service package” could help the company further enhance employees’ awareness of overseas consular protection and risk prevention.


Entering schools for safe studies abroad

The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office visited Beijing No.80 High School to fully understand the school’s international exchange programs and pre-departure safety training for international students. The Office staff gave a detailed introduction to  consular protection and assistance, and illustrated real-life cases to raise awareness of personal safety, mental health, and risk prevention for students who are about to study abroad.


Collaborating with districts for consular protection popularization

The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office has collaborated with sub-offices in all districts to carry out diverse consular protection publicity and education activities, so as to support the public and related institutions in enhancing the self-protection awareness and the ability to deal with overseas risks. Foreign affairs offices of all districts have reached the neighborhood, visited enterprises and entered relevant institutions, to help the public understand overseas security and early warning information. This has been achieved through various forms such as safety knowledge quizzes, distribution of publicity brochures and learning materials, and promotional videos. A wide range of questions from the public about consular protection were answered on-site, popularizing the concepts and knowledge of consular protection.


Shijingshan District                                                   Tongzhou District


Pinggu District                                                             Miyun District

Going forward, the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office will continue to strengthen its consular protection efforts and take preventive measures in accordance with the objectives of theme education, in order to safeguard the legal rights and interests of Beijing’s citizens and institutions overseas.