Targeted Consular Protection Knowledge for Ensuring Overseas Safety
Date: 2022-09-17
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office hosted an activity themed on consular protection, the Consular Protection Express, from August 23 to September 9. The activity shared comprehensive yet targeted consular knowledge with enterprises, individuals and organizations in need, spreading the information in an efficient way.

For Enterprises: Better Serving the Economic Development of Beijing

On August 23, the Consular Protection Express kicked off at Beijing Urban Construction Group (BUCG). Based on the needs of BUCG in its overseas projects, an overseas safety program combining theory and practice was offered. Experts were invited to give offline lectures, in which employees working for overseas projects participated by asking and answering questions via video links.



During the activity on August 30, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office gave professional guidance on overseas safety in general, legal risk prevention in international business and other issues of common concern to the employees of United Imaging Intelligence, an artificial intelligence imaging research institute that is supported by Beijing Municipality and Haidian District and has presence in eight countries across five continents.


For Communities: Ensuring Overseas Safety for Beijing Citizens

From September 3 to 4, the Consular Protection Express provided a special training session for Yiyuan Community of Longtan Sub-district in Dongcheng District and Jingjidao Community of Financial Street Sub-district in Xicheng district. Tailored to the needs of the communities, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office offered hands-on demonstrations of personal emergency response like self-protection tips in interaction to help citizens ensure their safety when traveling abroad.


Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office organized activities themed on adaptation to overseas culture for the residents of Yutianxia Community of Konggang Sub-district in Shunyi District, Fulaiyin Community of Yongwai Sub-district in Dongcheng District, and Yiyuan Community of Longtan Sub-district in Dongcheng District. During the activities, the knowledge of consular protection was spread through the festive culture. For example, residents learned about consular protection by making moon cakes, writing letters, solving themed lantern riddles and the like. When consular protection promoters filled the festival with care and love, the residents felt their deep love for their family and their country.


For Schools: Offering Guidelines to Students Who Would Study Abroad

At the beginning of the fall semester, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office joined hands with GUIXUE.COM, an overseas education consultancy to offer guidelines on overseas travel with typical cases to students who would study abroad and their parents, spreading consular protection knowledge in an interesting manner. The Office also cooperated with the Western Returned Scholars Association to share such information in the 2022 Oxford Freshers Talk. In addition, it elaborated on some details of overseas safety and consular protection for members of a special training program for improving overseas emergency response launched by Haidian District. The aim was to help students who would study abroad improve their awareness of overseas safety and personal protection and learn how to cope with emergencies.



Beijing Foreign Affairs Office adheres to the principle of "foreign affairs for the people" and a targeted but integrated approach. It tailors consular protection activities to the needs of enterprises, communities and schools, making its services more targeted to help enterprises, institutions and citizens in Beijing enhance their safety awareness and preparedness to handle overseas safety risks.