Launching Ceremony of Motherland Backs You Up 2022 Consular Protection Sitcom Competition Kicks off
Date: 2022-08-05
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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On July 29, the launching ceremony of the Motherland Backs You Up 2022 Consular Protection Sitcom Competition was held at the South Gate of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. The competition is co-organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, the Capital Civic Enhancement Committee Office, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, supported by the Beijing Western Returned Scholars Association and guided by the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The theme of the competition is "Consular Protection of Beijing & Personal Safety for You".


By bringing stories of consular protection onto the stage, people can feel the warmth of consular protection that serves them. The competition aims to enhance people's understanding of consular protection work, improve the awareness and ability of overseas risk prevention, and showcase the sense of mission and responsibility of the consular officers in the new era, so as to welcome the 20th National Congress with practical actions through these artistic and vivid sitcoms.

Zhang Yang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that prevention is the best protection. It has always been the goal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas embassies and consulates to prevent and reduce the occurrence of overseas security incidents involving Chinese citizens and institutions to the greatest extent possible. Beijing Foreign Affairs Office has been actively carrying out preventive consular protection activities, which have played a positive role in enhancing the awareness of overseas security and risk prevention ability of Beijing citizens. We hope that people can follow, support, and participate in the competition. During this process, it can be better understood that overseas compatriots are in the care of the Party and the People's Government. Whenever it is, wherever you are, the motherland backs you up.


At the launching ceremony, the representative of the organizer issued appointment letters to the experts panel. The representative of the panel, Zhang Kaili, said that the purpose of the competition is to tell the stories of consular protection, promote greater patriotism and show the new style of consular protection in the new era. She expected that friends who care, support, and volunteer to join the consular protection publicity activities could show themselves on the stage of the Consular Protection Sitcom Competition, and jointly give a booming voice – "the Motherland Backs You Up".


The contest is divided into the stages of collection, evaluation, training, and final. The experts panel will select 6 sitcoms from the entries to enter the final and produce one first prize, two second prizes, and three third prizes.

Participating teams or individuals can get the application form by sending "Application" to the designated email address and complete the application by filling in the form as required and sending it back.

Entries must be sent in video form before September 15 to the following designated email address:

For more information, please scan the QR code below:
