Increasing Consular Protection Awareness and Building an Ironclad Security Defense
Date: 2022-10-02
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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From September 21 to 27, the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office held three online and offline activities on consular protection, reaching communities, overseas students and enterprises, and giving Beijing citizens an overseas safety package as a gift in this golden autumn.

I. Targeted Coverage

The campaign reached the community of the Asian Games Village, overseas students from Oxford and Cambridge, and foreign-related enterprises in the Yichuang Advanced Technology and Innovation Science Park. Based on prior visits and research, we focused on areas of common concern in consular protection, including fraud prevention, mental health of overseas personnel, international communication etiquette, etc., so as to make consular protection services more effective.


II. Informative Lectures

To broaden the scope of consular protection, we have integrated it with security, legal, and psychological knowledge in the form of "consular plus", and actively responded to the needs of citizens. We have invited experts such as Professor Wang Dawei, an expert on international security, lawyer Sun Wei, member of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Working Group II, and Professor Liu Jianqing from the School of Psychology of China University of Political Science and Law. Their on-site instructions and professional solutions raised awareness and enhanced the ability of our citizens and enterprises to cope with overseas risks.

III. Creative Interactions

During the special event on the International Day of Peace on 21 September, residents were invited to piece together a consular block jigsaw puzzle, which was a fun and educational way to let them feel the warmth of Beijing's consular protection. It is quite successful to spread the knowledge of fraud prevention in amusing forms such as anti-fraud nursery rhymes and jingles.



"Many thanks to the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office for organizing this event. It is very important for those who study abroad alone, like me, to raise our anti-fraud awareness so that we can protect ourselves and our properties. The thoughtful arrangement shows the efforts of the Beijing Foreign Affairs Office. Thank you all!"

"I was impressed by Prof. Wang Dawei's humorous lecture, which was incisive and practical. It helped me a lot, making me feel more relieved and assured about my study abroad. Hopefully, there will be more such lectures in the future, and I will definitely attend another one if I get the chance!"

"It's an honor to attend Prof. Wang Dawei's online class. It was so practical and some skills and methods are especially relevant to people like me who are studying overseas. I appreciate the organizer's efforts in holding such an event so that we can gain a sense of safety."

The Beijing Foreign Affairs Office will continue to launch various seminars and activities to provide comprehensive and practical knowledge on consular protection for overseas personnel, enterprises, and institutions from Beijing. Consular protection from Beijing will always be there for you, to guard your safety overseas.