The First Consular Protection Lecture for the Year 2022 under the Theme of "Beijing Consular Protection Helps Guarantee Your Safety"
Date: 2022-06-04
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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"Five, four, three, two, one, the Consular Protection Lecture for the year 2022 officially begins!"

On May 30, the Consular Protection Lecture for the year 2022 in Beijing under the theme of "Beijing Consular Protection Helps Guarantee Your Safety" started via video link. At the launching ceremony, two experts talked about the most frequently raised issues by Beijing citizens. About 300 participants interacted with the experts online, holding a banner reading "Consular Protection of Beijing & Personal Safety for You". Amid such a warm atmosphere, the Consular Protection Lecture for the year 2022 began.


1. A thematic lecture that meets people's needs

Before the lecture, activities like online surveys and offline interviews were conducted to know more about priorities and difficulties as regards consular protection for Beijing citizens so that the lecture could cover related issues concerning citizens the most, meet their needs, and better publicize consular protection in the context of regular COVID-19 response.

"As the pandemic is still raging across the world, how should we get prepared if we have to go abroad?" "What should we do if our children go missing when they study abroad?" "How to ask for help in an emergency abroad?" Most respondents pointed out that COVID-19 response and local public security were what concerned them the most before going abroad.


Dr. Zhang Wei from Beijing CDC and Tang Yan, a research associate from the China University of Political Science and Law delivered a lecture on issues that citizens cared about. Dr. Zhang focused on personal precautionary measures for those who would travel internationally, explaining infection prevention measures worth heeding before an outbound trip, during the trip, before returning to China, and after entering the country. The research associate elaborated on how to ensure overseas personal safety and avoid risks. She also shared things people need to know when travelling abroad as well as tips on access to health care so as to build up the citizens' ability to cope with emergencies.

2. Responding to questions with specific cases

The two experts also answered questions raised by the audience one-on-one such as access to local COVID-19 travel guidelines, the best way to protect oneself (heighten awareness of risks), etc. These reliable, professional and practical suggestions were applauded by citizens who enthusiastically communicated with the experts.


The other two speakers, Lin Yingxuan, a Chinese student studying in the UK as well as Geng Da, a Chinese medical practitioner working in the US shared how they had benefited from previous lectures given by Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality and reminded the audience to call 12308 if they were in trouble abroad to access consular protection that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China would offer.

3. Positive feedback and fruitful outcomes

The lecture was highly commended by its participants.

"I'm in charge of foreign affairs at our school. This lecture is really helpful to me."

"The explanations experts offered are detailed and easy to understand."


Mrs. Xie, a citizen in Beijing said, "I want to thank Beijing Foreign Affairs Office and the experts for this wonderful lecture. For us whose children are about to go abroad, the lecture answered our questions about safety and COVID-19 response. It could enable us to help our children better prepare for overseas study."

Mr. Wu, another Beijing citizen, said, "I have learned about consular protection and this lecture increased my awareness of it. Meanwhile, I can feel that our nation is growing stronger. Wherever we are, our nation has our back."

A student surnamed Hu from the Capital University of Economics and Business said, "I know more about issues I may encounter in my future life of studying abroad. It's not as simple as what I expected. I'm grateful for our great nation that has our back all the time."

The Consular Protection Lecture for the year 2022 will continue to offer tailored, practical, wide-ranging activities in various forms to help citizens and institutions in Beijing constantly raise their awareness of overseas safety and enhance their self-protection ability. In this way, their safety and interests can be ensured overseas. Beijing Foreign Affairs Office reminds everyone to avoid unnecessary and non-urgent international trips, bear pandemic prevention and control measures in mind, and give top priority to personal safety.