Great news! Microfilm with a core-value theme produced by Beijing Foreign Affairs Office wins first prize
Date: 2019-12-15
Source: Beijing Daily
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CCTV News, December 14

The 3rd National Microfilm Competition on the Theme of Socialist Core Values 

Launch Ceremony of Excellent Microfilms

Microfilm “By Your Side”

A heartwarming story 

about love for the family, for the country

about hope, mission and responsibility

On December 14, a launch ceremony was held in Beijing to announce excellent works standing out in the 3rd National Microfilm Competition on the Theme of Socialist Core Values. “By Your Side”, a microfilm submitted by Beijing Foreign Affairs Office, won first prize in the 15-minute category, the first ever first-prize winner produced by a foreign affairs office in the country.

The contest is co-organized by the Publicity and Education Bureau of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Internet News Communication Bureau of Cyberspace Administration of China, and Central Studio of News Reels Production to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Focused on the new era and emerging trend, the contest aims to promote socialist core values through outstanding microfilms. Altogether 3,136 entries were received, which were divided into three categories based on length. Finally, 135 entries were selected, 15 of which won first prize.

“By Your Side” is based on a true story. It depicts how an ordinary consular protection officer deems the interests of the people the top priority and works hard to protect the safety and rights of Chinese citizens overseas. The protagonist is the very epitome of dedicated and selfless foreign affairs workers. Always mindful of their responsibility towards the people and the country, they are unsung heroes who pursue lofty ideals at ordinary posts. 

Source: Beijing Daily

Video: China Central Television, Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality