[Shijingshan District] A friend in need: Seoul's Mapo District donates medical supplies to Shijingshan District
Date: 2020-02-21
Source: Shijingshan District, Beijing
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Since the start of COVID-19, local residents in Shijingshan District have shown unprecedented solidarity in the fight against the virus, which touched the hearts of people in Mapo District, Seoul.


On February 20, Shijingshan District received 49 boxes of medical supplies from Mapo District. There was a message, written in Chinese and Korean, attached to each box: “We have been friends for 24 years. Together, we will get through this.” On behalf of the District Government, Li Xin, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Mayor of Shijingshan District, handed over the supplies to the District Health Commission.


On behalf of the District Party Committee and the District Government, Li Xin expressed appreciation and gratitude to healthcare workers on the frontline of the fight against COVID-19. He also expressed gratitude to Mapo District for the donations. He encouraged frontline healthcare workers to boost their confidence and work hard to secure the victory over the virus.


After learning that Shijingshan District was in urgent need of protective supplies, Mapo District, which had been keeping track of COVID-19 developments in China, immediately prepared 50 million won's worth of supplies, including protective suits, latex gloves, and masks, and donated them to Shijingshan District. There was a message of support, written in Chinese and Korean, attached to each box of the supplies: “We have been friends for 24 years. Together, we will get through this.” The words reflect the warm friendship that brings people closely together.


Since the establishment of the sisterhood ties in 1996, Shijingshan District and Mapo District have maintained close exchanges in the fields of administration, parliament, commerce, trade, culture, sports, and youth education, contributing to the continuous advancement of various undertakings on both sides. Mr. Yoo Donggyun, Administrator of the Mapo District Office, attaches great importance to the friendship between the two districts. He led a delegation to visit Shijingshan District in May 2019 shortly after he took office.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. The generosity and support of the Mapo District at this difficult time is greatly appreciated by residents in Shijingshan District. 

Together, we will win the battle against COVID-19.