Promoting Airport Economy: Nearly 100 Foreign Journalists Visit Shunyi
Date: 2024-03-18
Source: Beijing Daily
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On March 15, the first event of the 2024 “Foreign Journalists Visit Beijing” themed promotion took place in Shunyi District. A group of 98 journalists from 89 countries including the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Russia, Hungary, and India visited the BAIC R&D Base, Beijing’s Sino-German Pilot Demonstration Zone for Economic and Technological Cooperation, and the Capital International Airport economic zone. The trip provided them with an opportunity to experience Shunyi’s world-class international business environment and dynamic growth.


An official from the relevant department of Shunyi District makes a presentation

At the promotional meeting, officials from competent authorities in Shunyi highlighted the district’s business environment as well as its potential for development and cooperation in high-end, precision, and cutting-edge industries, digital economy, and technological innovation. They also interpreted the preferential policies for making investment. The journalists were deeply impressed by Shunyi’s abundant international resources, welcoming international atmosphere, and efficient and convenient services. They expressed their willingness to leverage their media channels to promote Shunyi and serve as a bridge for international cooperation.



BAIC’s diverse models attract the attention of foreign journalists

At the BAIC R&D Base, the diverse range of models with varying designs caught the attention of foreign journalists. “BAIC Group not only possesses advanced manufacturing technology and R&D capabilities, but also epitomizes the rapid development of China’s auto industry,” praised Freidder Alfonzo, a journalist from Venezuela’s Correo del Orinoco, expressing his admiration for BAIC’s innovation capabilities. In addition to experiencing the latest models, the journalists showed particular interest in BAIC’s technological R&D, product matrix, and overseas market. They actively engaged technical personnel in lively discussions, inquiring into design details and technological trends. Mir Salam, a journalist from Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV), expressed interest in BAIC’s hybrid technology. “These advanced technologies play a major role in environmental protection. Such new energy technologies should be popularized and applied as soon as possible, and I hope they can be promoted in my country as well.” said Salam.

A visit to the Sino-German Industrial Park

The Beijing Sino-German Industrial Park stands out as China’s first state-level cooperation park with Germany that focuses on economic and technological cooperation. Its first-class international environment and dynamic ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship make it a magnet for German companies seeking growth in China. This distinctive feature has struck journalists from various countries. One journalist remarked, “This park undoubtedly serves as a hub for accelerating the commercialization and industrialization of innovative results, promising immense potential for future growth.” Heidy Esteves Acuña, a journalist from Uruguay’s Diario La República, was impressed to learn that besides serving as an industrial cluster, the park also offers one-stop services such as factory planning, project implementation, transformation counseling, talent cultivation, as well as international living facilities for manufacturing companies. “Here, we see the idea of striving for excellence in product manufacturing, and more importantly, the human touch in the advancement of technology."


Journalists learn about the Capital International Airport economic zone through the sand table model


A field interview at Sinopharm

The key projects in the Capital International Airport economic zone are under rapid construction, presenting a vibrant atmosphere to achieve a prosperous start of the year. Foreign journalists have been impressed by the boom of airport-oriented industrial clusters such as aviation services, cross-border trade, technological innovation, business exhibitions, and finance. They have eagerly inquired and probed into the key to its industrial development, and gained a detailed understanding of the growth opportunities brought by current facilitation policies for cross-border trade.


The Luo Hong Art Museum evokes a sense of connection among journalists upon seeing pictures of their hometown

Foreign journalists also visited the Luo Hong Art Museum. Upon seeing works taken in their own countries, they felt a deep sense of connection. 

This event was jointly organized by Beijing Foreign Affairs Office and Shunyi District. This year, the Office will continue organizing targeted investment promotion activities for foreign journalists, highlighting Beijing’s robust investment environment and ample opportunities. The aim is to facilitate international exchange and cooperation, assist enterprises through “bringing in” and “going global” initiatives, and tell the story of investing in Beijing in an engaging way.