Beijing Federation of Trade Unions Met with Delegation of Hanoi Labor Federation from Vietnam
Date: 2024-01-09
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Recently, Pham Quang Thanh, President of the Hanoi Labor Federation of Vietnam, led a delegation to Beijing.

On the afternoon of December 6, Zhang Liang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, held talks with the delegation. They exchanged views on strengthening friendly relations and cooperation between the two trade unions, and enhancing work in such areas as theoretical guidance for workers, trade union organization, protection of workers’ rights and interests, legal aid for workers, and developing service facilities.

Zhang said that China and Vietnam are friendly neighbors connected by mountains and rivers. Since establishing twinning relations in 1994, Beijing and Hanoi, as the respective capitals of their countries, have engaged in increasingly close contacts and deepening cooperation. The Beijing Federation of Trade Unions is ready to work together with the Hanoi Labor Federation to explore new ideas, learn from each other’s strengths, and achieve fruitful outcomes in promoting workers’ career development, safeguarding their rights and interests, enhancing innovation, cultivating high-quality skilled talents, and improving workers’ well-being.

Pham hoped that this exchange would serve as an opportunity to foster more fruitful cooperation and friendships among workers. He also looked forward to more in-depth exchanges in worker’s rights protection services, vocational skills competitions, legal aid for workers, and protection of female workers’ rights and interests.

During the visit, the delegation also visited the Beijing Workers’ Stadium, the Staff Service Center of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, the Beijing Working People’s Cultural Palace, the Huairou District Federation of Trade Unions, the National Stadium, the National Aquatics Center, the Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center, and other locations.