Promoting BDA | First “Foreign Diplomats Experiencing Beijing” Event Takes Place
Date: 2024-03-30
Source: Beijing Daily, Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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On March 28, the first “Foreign Diplomats Experiencing Beijing” event was held. Co-hosted by the Office of Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, and the Administrative Committee of Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA), the event drew a total of 41 diplomats from 23 countries, including Ethiopia, the United States, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa, and Cuba, to the BDA to experience the dynamic innovation in Beijing. At the BDA, diplomats took test rides in autonomous vehicles, visited a fully automated logistics center, and learned about cutting-edge innovations such as soft robotics.


Foreign Diplomats visit the Innovation Center of Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Area

BDA is home to the world’s first high-level autonomous driving demonstration area. In this demonstration area spanning 60 km2, 329 intersections and 750 km of two-way roads are all equipped with digital and intelligent infrastructure. The cumulative safe driving mileage of autonomous vehicle road tests has surpassed 20 million km. After observing the operation of the Asia No.1 fully automated logistics center at, the foreign diplomats got on autonomous vehicles, heading for the Innovation Center of Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Area 5.2 km away.


Tefera Derbew Yimam, Ambassador of Ethiopia to China, tries out an autonomous vehicle

“Smart road infrastructure, intelligent vehicles, real-time cloud system, reliable control network, and precise mapping” left a deep impression on everyone. Many diplomats, including Tefera Derbew Yimam, Ambassador of Ethiopia to China, spoke highly of Beijing’s capabilities in R&D, manufacturing, and marketing of autonomous vehicles, saying that the test ride offered them a firsthand experience of Beijing’s advanced autonomous driving technology and its vibrant intelligent connected vehicle industry.


Cooperation project promotion by BDA-based enterprises

As Beijing’s sole national-level economic and technological development area, BDA aspires to become a pacesetter in high-end, precision, and cutting-edge industries. With a significant presence of high-tech enterprises, it contributes nearly 30% of Beijing’s value-added industrial output by utilizing only 0.35% of the city’s land area. At the event, five leading companies in sci-tech innovation, including and Soft Robot Technology, presented a range of cooperation projects to diplomats, covering diverse areas such as autonomous driving mobility services, soft robotic grippers, and digital vascular imaging products.

Foreign diplomats engage in in-depth discussions with relevant departments and business leaders from BDA

Many diplomats saw potential cooperation opportunities. Hector Jesus Dorbecker Herrerra, Counsellor of Economics, Technology, New Industry and Financial Affairs of the Embassy of Mexico in China, among other commercial officers expressed keen interest in the development of autonomous vehicles in Beijing, and their desire to learn more about the Beijing High-Level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Area. They also explored collaboration possibilities with companies such as

Foreign diplomats engage in in-depth discussions with relevant departments and business leaders from BDA

The first “Foreign Diplomats Experiencing Beijing” event this year made a lasting impression on foreign diplomats in China. They said that the informative visits and promotional activities would facilitate the economic and trade work of embassy commercial officers. Recognizing the vast potential for mutually beneficial cooperation, they expressed eagerness to participate in more activities encompassing economy, trade, technology, and culture.

Further reading

Planned by the Office of Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, the “Foreign Diplomats Experiencing Beijing” series of events feature tailored visits for diplomatic missions in China. Through city-wide coordination, this flagship initiative aims to serve as a bridge to facilitate communication and cooperation, showcase Beijing’s achievements in high-quality development and high-standard opening-up, and promote pragmatic cooperation with diplomatic missions across various sectors. This year’s series will feature visits to the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, Beijing Municipal Administrative Center, Shougang Park, among others, in a bid to attract investment and further international cooperation for the city.