US Ambassador Presents Gratitude Banner to Beijing Departments for Rescuing US Citizens in Danger
Date: 2024-04-20
Source: Beijing Daily
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During the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, over 10 US citizens camping in suburban Beijing encountered danger. The public security, fire rescue, health, foreign affairs, and other departments of Beijing Municipality immediately activated the emergency rescue coordination mechanism, successfully rescuing them and providing timely medical treatment. Yesterday (April 19), Nicholas Burns, US Ambassador to China, and the rescued American nationals personally thanked representatives of the departments involved in the rescue operation, and presented a banner to express gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of Beijing's fire rescue and medical teams, as well as their international humanitarian spirit.

The successful rescue of the American campers is attributed to the diligent work and efficient cooperation of various departments within Beijing's emergency rescue coordination mechanism, which highlights the principle of putting people's lives first. In recent years, Beijing's public security, emergency management, fire rescue, and health departments have continuously improved the coordination mechanism, prioritizing human life and protecting the safety and property of all individuals, including foreign nationals.