British and American Experts and Scholars Visit Peking University Red Building and Beijing Citizen Hotline Service Center
Date: 2024-04-24
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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At the invitation of the China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), a delegation of 14 visitors from the UK, US, and Ireland, including Keith Bennett, Co-editor of Friends of Socialist China, visited China. While in Beijing, they visited the Peking University Red Building and the 12345 Beijing Citizen Hotline Service Center. They engaged in discussions to gain deeper understanding of the early revolutionary activities of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Beijing and the swift response to public complaints mechanism of the Beijing citizen hotline.

At the Red Building of Peking University, the delegation was briefed on the early spread of Marxism in China, and Beijing’s revolutionary practices during the preparation and early stages of the founding of the CPC. They recognized that the historical materials on display authentically portrayed the CPC’s early efforts to integrate Marxism with the workers' movement and actively explore ways to save the nation. Through arduous struggles, the CPC has achieved great success in the new-democratic revolution, socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up, socialist modernization, and socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Today, China has become the world's second-largest economy, with nearly 100 million Party members. These valuable exhibits will serve as excellent educational tools to inspire young people to stay true to their original aspirations and missions, and also hold significant reference value for the Communists in the UK and the US.

During their visit to the 12345 Beijing Citizen Hotline Service Center, the delegation was informed of various cases where citizen suggestions were implemented, such as establishment of senior dining tables and installation of elevators in old residential communities. They were also impressed by the swift-response workflow and time frames of the citizen hotline. What left the greatest impression on them were the following: firstly, the principle of serving the people, which is also the key to winning the hearts of the people by the CPC; secondly, the hotline service’s commitment to the mass line, as evidenced by its mechanism and process, which is doing everything for and relying on the people, following the principle of "from the people, to the people"; and thirdly, the working method that prioritizes investigation and research, which involves timely understanding of public views through scientific analysis of big data.

Further reading: Friends of Socialist China, a website created by Keith Bennett and others in May 2021, aims to promote awareness of China's historic achievements under the leadership of the CPC and to foster global comprehension of China's political structure.