WIPO Grants China Trademark Association Observer Status
Date: 2022-09-08
Source: Official WeChat Account of China Trademark Association
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Recently, the Sixty-Third Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) took place in Geneva, Switzerland. After review, the Assemblies of WIPO decided to grant observer status to national non-governmental business associations including the China Trademark Association.

The World Intellectual Property Organization is a specialized agency established by the United Nations pursuant to the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization. WIPO's two main objectives are as follows: to promote the protection of intellectual property worldwide through cooperation among States and, where appropriate, in collaboration with any other international organization; and to ensure administrative cooperation among the intellectual property unions established by the treaties that WIPO administers. Intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, industry groups and other organizations can submit a request to the WIPO Secretariat if they wish to apply for observer status. After the application is approved, they can participate in official meetings of member states and consultations on related issues.

In recent years, the China Trademark Association has been working closely with WIPO and has invited its members to participate in the activities held by the special agency, becoming a more important player in the international trademarks and brands community. The association will continue to carry out international exchanges and cooperation, including more training in international trademark application, protection and dispute resolution. As a representative of Chinese enterprises, it will make its voice heard on the international stage, boost its international influence and promote the development of Chinese trademarks and brands. Being granted observer status by WIPO can enable the Association to help Chinese trademarks and brands go global and become an integral part of the global intellectual property community. In the future, the China Trademark Association will be entitled to attend various meetings and activities hosted by WIPO, express its opinions in discussions, and be involved in making rules and adopting resolutions.