In order to thoroughly implement the Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Fostering a More International Language Environment and further standardize the foreign-language signs at public places, Miyun District has made great efforts to study the Regulations, review the existing signs, and correct the translation mistakes, with a view to improving international services at the district’s public places.
Learning for better inspection
Miyun District convened a meeting on inspecting and improving foreign-language signs at public places. At the meeting, competent authorities of the district, including the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Bureau of Commerce, and Bureau of Law Enforcement for Urban Management studied the Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Fostering a More International Language Environment to understand its guiding principles and build consensus. A work plan for inspecting and improving foreign-language signs has been developed based on the Miyun’s circumstances and will be implemented accordingly.
Inspection for rectification
A team of experts were invited by the Miyun foreign affairs office to conduct two rounds of inspections on 3,600 foreign-language signs at public places, including major tourist attractions and transportation hubs. Over 500 signs with translation errors were identified, and recommended translations were provided to the relevant authorities to urge rectification. Furthermore, joint inspections were carried out with the district’s Bureau of Law Enforcement for Urban Management and the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. As of now, 95% of the inappropriate signs have been rectified, and the remaining 5% will be completed by the end of December.
Rectification for improvement
Gains made through the inspections will be included in the district’s foreign-language sign record for better standardization. Meanwhile, more efforts will be made to raise awareness of the Regulations and the Beijing local standard of Guidelines for the Use of English for Public Signs, so as to support Miyun District in improving its role in building the center for international exchanges.