Ambassador of Türkiye: Understanding China Starts in Beijing
Date: 2024-06-28
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office、Btime
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Editor's Note

Elegantly dressed in formal attire, there's a group of people, who always actively engage in important diplomatic and foreign affairs events. Despite their busy schedule, they take time to explore the vibrant streets and alleys of Beijing, immersing themselves in the history and cultural allure of this modern metropolis. Who are they? They are ambassadors representing over 170 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Oceania, in China.

Curious about their impressions of Beijing? Which popular tourist attractions have they visited, and what cuisines do they like? Do they prefer unwinding at a cafe in Sanlitun, cycling along the riverbanks, or taking leisurely strolls after work? Moreover, what messages do they wish to convey to the people of Beijing?

To answer these questions, we have launched the "Beijing in the Eyes of Ambassadors" series in collaboration with Beijing Daily and BRTV. In today’s edition, we take you to the Türkiye Embassy, where H.E. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Musa, Ambassador of Türkiye to China, shared his impressions of Beijing over a steaming cup of black tea on a pleasant summer day.

Beijing: big and beautiful

Dr. İsmail Hakkı Musa, a veteran diplomat, assumed the position as Ambassador of Türkiye to China in the spring of 2023. When asked about his impressions of Beijing, the Ambassador exclaimed, "It's big!" He said, while Beijing is two or even three times the size of some European states, it is very well-run, with a highly efficient transport system offering convenient subway, bus and taxi services. "I think Beijing's taxi system is the most efficient I have ever seen," he added. Big yet orderly, this is Ambassador Musa's first observation of the city.

The Ambassador is also impressed by Beijing's urban environment. He noted that Beijing is a green city, where streets are clean and stray animals are rarely spotted. The city also has a reputation for safety. Unlike in many other countries or regions, where women may feel unsafe to go out alone at night, in Beijing, people of all ages, male and female, move about freely at all hours. "This is the quality of modernity", the Ambassador congratulated Beijing.

Since taking up his post in Beijing over a year ago, Ambassador Musa has visited numerous historical and cultural sites, including the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, and the Niujie Mosque. Among them, the Temple of Heaven particularly resonated with him due to cultural similarities. This is the site where ancient Chinese emperors conducted sacrificial ceremonies to pray for bumper harvests. Drawing a striking parallel with rituals once performed in Türkiye and ongoing similar practices in some Middle East countries, the Ambassador noted, "This revelation makes me realize that civilization, when considered as a whole, is a united one despite our differences."

A champion of cultural exchanges and sci-tech cooperation

Ambassador Musa highly values cultural exchanges. This April, the renowned Turkish dance group, Fire Of Anatolia, staged an extraordinary show in Beijing. When asked about this event, the Ambassador mentioned with delight his role in facilitating it. He noted that the show has gained wide popularity for its seamless fusion of traditional Turkish folk dance with modern stage effects. Furthermore, the Ambassador revealed plans to introduce another traditional dance group and a symphony orchestra from Izmir, a city in western Türkiye, to Chinese audiences by the end of this year. Although the detailed schedule is still being finalized, Beijing will definitely be a key destination of the tours.

When discussing technological and economic cooperation, the Ambassador observed, "China has realized comprehensive economic, social and technological development over recent decades. I believe this showcases the strength of China's concept of development." As a diplomat, it is his priority to promote cooperation in relevant fields, explore new opportunities and models of collaboration for more win-win results. Ambassador Musa acknowledged Beijing's strong capabilities in engineering and innovation technologies, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. Additionally, as Ankara is a sister city to Beijing, the Ambassador is also keen to further enhance such ties. He said, "The relationship between two countries is not limited to connections at national levels. Subnational communications are also important."

Captivating Türkiye welcomes Beijing tourists with open arms

There is a song very popular among Chinese young people, and the lyrics go like "I want to take you to the romantic land of Türkiye." Ambassador Musa is proud of his home country for its allure as a tourist destination. "Türkiye is often depicted as a land of fairy tales. We have a wide variety of attractions offering diverse experiences for visitors." For those seeking romance, he recommends a hot-air balloon ride over Cappadocia, or a trip to Pamukkale for the stunning sunset and a sea of clouds, while for those interested in beautiful traditional buildings and magnificent mosques, Istanbul, Antalya, and the ancient capital of Bursa are the places to go. Ambassador Musa extends a warm invitation to Beijing residents to explore the beauty of Türkiye. "There are 49 to 50 direct flights from China to Istanbul every week. Besides, China Southern Airlines has opened direct flights from Beijing and Shanghai to Antalya for the summer season," the Ambassador said.

For those in Beijing wishing to have a rendezvous with Turkish culture locally, the Ambassador recommends visiting the Sultan Restaurant, which is not far from the Turkish Embassy, for authentic Turkish ice cream and black tea. Another option is the Turkish cultural center, Yunus Emre, which regularly hosts events blending elements of both Chinese and Turkish cultures.

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