2023 Beijing China-Germany Forum for Industrial Cooperation and Development Held
Date: 2023-11-28
Source: Beijing China-Germany Industrial Park, Beijing News
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Recently, the 2023 Beijing China-Germany Forum for Industrial Cooperation and Development was held at the Beijing China-Germany International Conference and Exhibition Center.


Themed "Joint Innovation, Integrated Development", the forum focused on "creating a high-end flagship event for China-Germany industrial cooperation, starting a new chapter in China-Germany government-enterprise dialogue, exploring new opportunities for China-Germany industrial cooperation, and showcasing recent achievements of the industrial clusters". The forum consists of four featured activities, including an opening ceremony, a German enterprise symposium, a thematic forum, and a professional exhibition. These activities showcased the achievements of the Beijing China-Germany Industrial Park in exploring new models for international economic and technological cooperation and promoting the cross-border integration of China-Germany innovation factors.

At the symposium, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau, and Shunyi District respectively presented the development of high-end industries, the "two zones", and the Beijing China-Germany Industrial Park, along with corresponding supporting policies in Beijing. Twenty-seven representatives from chambers of commerce, associations, and well-known German enterprises in the industry engaged in in-depth discussions on core technologies, key components and parts, and new product development.


In addition, the forum also held a special exhibition of hidden champions, highlighting achievements in key areas of China-Germany and China-Europe cooperation, such as new energy intelligent vehicles, smart equipment, and the digital economy, to bolster enterprise development.

Currently, the Beijing China-Germany Industrial Park has shown a promising momentum as more than 150 German companies, including more than 30 hidden champions, are expected to settle in by the end of 2025.

The China-Germany Industrial Cooperation Development Report was released at the forum.