International students and alumni of Beijing's colleges join the fight against the novel coronavirus
Date: 2020-02-13
Source: Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal Government Beijing Municipal Education Commission
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Novel coronavirus has affected hundreds of millions of Chinese people in different ways. It has also affected a special group of people who, despite differences in nationalities and cultural and educational backgrounds, hold dear the land they now live in. During the epidemic, they have stood with China and supported the country in the way they could. They are international students in Beijing.

1 Donating medical supplies to people in need

A friend in need is a friend indeed. After they learned of the novel coronavirus outbreak, international students in Beijing took immediate action. They managed to collect medical supplies from different sources and brought much-needed protective masks and suits to China.


Galor Razzvi, an Israeli alumnus of Peking University

“We pay close attention to the epidemic situation in China every day, and we really want to do something for Chinese friends,” said Galor Razzvi, an Israeli alumnus of Peking University. He studied at the School of International Studies at Peking University from 2014 to 2018.

Knowing that medical workers on the frontline were in dire need of medical supplies such as masks, protective suits, medical gloves, and disinfectants, Galor Razzvi mobilized resources to acquire the needed supplies. After many twists and turns, with the help of pharmacies, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Israel, and medical device suppliers, he managed to bring together masks, medical gloves, and surgical gowns within 24 hours, and arranged for their transportation to Hubei.


Two Pakistani students at Beijing Institute of Technology help secure medical supplies 

Shahzad Waseem and Raza Hamid, who enrolled in Beijing Institute of Technology's doctorate program and master's degree program respectively in 2018, had already returned to their home country, Pakistan, when the outbreak occurred. Learning there were shortages of medical supplies in China, the two immediately contacted their colleagues and relatives and friends in government agencies and actively helped the Pakistani government arrange masks, protective suits, medical gloves and other donations to China. The first consignment of medical supplies they helped collect has arrived in Wuhan.

They said, “China is our second home. We receive lots of help and support here. We will do our best to help China pull through this. We will continue to stay here. Chinese and Pakistanis will be friends forever.”



Many other international students in Beijing, including Noureldin, an Egyptian student studying at Beijing Institute of Technology, Le Thi Thanh Loc, a Vietnamese alumni of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Otsukiriko, a Japanese student studying at Central University of Finance and Economics, have also participated in the arrangement of donations to support the fight against the epidemic in China.

2 Sending messages of support to Chinese people


Many international students have used videos, WeChat Moments or other ways to send messages of support for China and for Wuhan. Some of them refuted rumors about the epidemic in China, some called people to stay calm and to unite in the fight, and others prayed for China and for Wuhan, hoping the epidemic would end soon. In different ways, they showed their sincere friendship.

Click here to watch the video

Messages of support from Capital Medical University's international students


Noel Sirerol, a Spanish student at Beijing Normal University

Many warm-hearted international students have taken it upon themselves to refute rumors about the epidemic on the Internet. Noel Sirerol, a Spanish student at Beijing Normal University, has produced a video to share his own experience in China and refute rumors circulating in other countries.

Noel Sirerol said in the video, “I would suggest you do not trust online posts too easily. Many posts spread rumors that have been refuted by official evidence. Taking the virus seriously is a good thing. If you want to know the latest developments on the epidemic, please check the official websites.”

Khan Sudheer, an international student at Beijing University of Technology, said, “We are impressed by China and the courage of Chinese people in this battle. If we can help China at this difficult time, it will be our honor. We will stand with China and do our best to provide moral and material support for Chinese people.”

Sattar Abdul, an international student at Beijing University of Technology, said, “I firmly believe that China will win the fight against the epidemic. The national flag of China will always fly high!”

Ehteshami Yasamin Sadat, an Iranian student at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, said, “China has been my second home for many years. She has welcomed me and taught me a lot of things. I have good memories here. I have met amazing people and received support from them. Now it is my turn to return the favor. I believe this difficult period will soon pass and our life will return to normal. We will stand with Chinese people and protect each other. We are not alone! China, stay strong!”


Lim Jia Yi, a Singaporean student at Beijing Dance Academy

Lim Jia Yi, a Singaporean student studying at Beijing Dance Academy, said, “The Spring Festival is a time of family reunion. As overseas Chinese, we have inherited many traditional customs of the Chinese people, such as eating yusheng (raw fish salad) during the Spring Festival. The word for ‘fish' is pronounced the same as ‘surplus' in Chinese, so eating yusheng is associated with prosperity and blessing. The 2020 Spring Festival gave me a memory for a lifetime. There was no hilarious party. We celebrated the occasion with the traditional yusheng dish and prayed with great sincerity – Stay strong, Wuhan! May the new year of everyone be filled with peace and happiness. I want to tell people in Wuhan, in China that we overseas Chinese are with you. All the best Wuhan! May the force be with you.”

Mokhinur Zakirova, a Russian student at Central University of Finance and Economics, said, “China has become my second home and the Chinese people are like my siblings. I believe we can overcome whatever difficulties come our way!"

Fandjinou Kossi, a Togolese student at Beijing Forestry University, said, “China is a great country, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It is a place where I pursue higher education and chase my dreams. It is my second home. I know everything will be fine because I have seen the dedication and solidarity of the Chinese people ... Our fates are connected. We will stand with the Chinese people. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. China, stay strong!"

Laxmi Khanal, a Nepalese student at Beijing Forestry University, said, “I pray that this problem will be solved soon. China is not alone in this. Together, we will conquer this tough time. I want to pay tribute to doctors and nurses working on the frontline. I love you from the bottom of my heart!”

The virus is ruthless, but people are not. We would like to express our gratitude to these international students who have provided us with great support and assistance. What they have done delivers a clear message about solidarity, love and hope.

The cold winter will eventually pass. Spring is sure to come.

China, stay strong!