Xi Jinping Meets with Pakistan's Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif
Date: 2024-06-07
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
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On the afternoon of  June 7, 2024, President Xi Jinping met with Pakistan's Prime Minister  Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, who is paying an official visit to China, at  the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Xi  Jinping pointed out that China and Pakistan are good neighbors linked  by the same mountains and rivers, good friends with mutual trust, good  partners supporting each other through thick and thin, and good brothers  sharing weal and woe. The China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership has continuously deepened and enjoyed solid  public support with a strong internal driving force and broad prospects  for development. China stands ready to work with Pakistan to firmly  support each other, strengthen the bond of cooperation, deepen strategic coordination, accelerate the building of an even closer China-Pakistan  community with a shared future in the new era, and make greater contributions to regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

Xi  Jinping stressed that the key to the ever-strengthening ironclad  friendship between China and Pakistan lies in mutual understanding, a  high degree of trust and firm support between the two sides at all  times. He thanked Pakistan for its long-term and firm support for China  on issues related to China's core interests and major concerns. China  will, as always, firmly support Pakistan in safeguarding national  sovereignty and territorial integrity, in pursuing a development path  suited to its national conditions, and in resolutely combating  terrorism. China is ready to synergize the high-quality Belt and Road  cooperation with Pakistan's development plans, carry out cooperation in  agriculture, mining, public wellbeing and other areas in accordance with  local conditions, and jointly develop five major corridors for growth,  better life, innovation, green development and openness, with focus on  building an upgraded version of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor  (CPEC), so as to promote deeper and more substantive progress in the  high-quality cooperation on CPEC and help boost Pakistan's economic and  social development. Xi expressed the hope that Pakistan will continue to  create a safe, stable and predictable business environment and  effectively protect the safety of Chinese nationals, projects and  institutions in Pakistan. China is ready to strengthen coordination and  cooperation with Pakistan in the United Nations, the Shanghai  Cooperation Organization, and other multilateral mechanisms, to jointly  promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally  beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, focus on the  development agenda, address security challenges, improve global  governance, safeguard the common interests of developing countries, and  uphold international fairness and justice.


Shehbaz Sharif said  that under the wise leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has made  remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation, anti-corruption and  development. President Xi Jinping's vision and outstanding leadership  are sincerely admired and applauded by the people of Pakistan and the  rest of the world. Bearing in mind the well-being of all humanity,  President Xi Jinping, has worked actively to promote world peace, and  advocate dialogue over confrontation, and has put forward the Belt and  Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. These initiatives  have provided strategic guidance for solving the problems facing the world today and advancing the building of a more peaceful and better  world, which Pakistan highly appreciates and fully supports. The CPEC has strongly promoted Pakistan's national development and brought  tangible benefits to the Pakistani people. Pakistan will learn from  China's governance experience, and work with China to carry forward the  high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and deepen practical cooperation  in various fields. He once again expressed the Pakistani government’s  deep condolences for the loss of Chinese lives in the terrorist attack  in Dasu in March this year, and noted that the Pakistani government will  resolutely crack down on and severely punish the terrorists involved  and take practical and effective measures to ensure the safety of  Chinese nationals and institutions in Pakistan. Shehbaz Sharif  reiterated his belief that no force can stop China's development and  growth or shake the ironclad friendship between Pakistan and China.  Pakistan will steadfastly remain China's most reliable friend and partner. The one-China principle is an unwavering commitment of the  Pakistani government, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's  territory. Pakistan will continue to firmly support China's position without any hesitation on the Taiwan question and all other issues  concerning its core interests, including those related to Xizang,  Xinjiang and the South China Sea.

Wang Yi and Zhang Youxia attended the meeting.
