What's New in Foreign Affairs in All Districts
Date: 2024-03-11
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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All districts have taken concrete actions to improve Beijing's role as a center for international exchanges by engaging with international communities, focusing on the high-quality development of the capital, and better telling the story of Chinese modernization to the world.

Haidian District

Turkmenistan delegation visits CPC Service Center for the Public in the subdistrict

At the Xueyuanlu Subdistrict Community Services Center in Haidian District, the delegation, led by Ata Serdarow, Leader of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, learned about the progress of Party-led governance at the primary level.


Impressed by the Party-building culture gallery, multi-functional conference room, book bar, and community meeting room, the delegation members hailed the community services here as distinctive and informative. They looked forward to achieving common development through mutual learning as the primary-level party organizations of the two sides intensify exchanges and cooperation.

Shijingshan District

Promotion of preventive consular protection in community

More than 50 residents participated in the "Consular Protection for All" campaign in the Qinshanshuibei Community, Babaoshan Subdistrict, Shijingshan District.


Focusing on residents' concerns such as overseas security and emergency response, a lecture was held to share information on consular protection and skills for emergency response and risk management outside of China. In addition, leaflets with information on 12308, the global consular protection and service hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some overseas security service platforms were distributed to help residents raise their risk prevention awareness and better protect their legitimate rights and interests when traveling abroad in the future.

Changping District

Advancing biomedical cooperation with Russia

The Foreign Affairs Office of Changping District Government, the Beijing Institute for Drug Control, and the China-Russia Center for Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Standards Transformation held a seminar on recent exchanges with the Far East Biodiversity Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Medical Science Monitoring Center, and other institutions.


At the seminar, they reviewed the work, chartered future course, and discussed the preparatory work for the "China Tour of Russian High-level Medical and Health Experts".

(Based on information from foreign affairs offices of the above districts)