




Strive to Make New Advances in Beijing in Fully Building a Modern Socialist China under the Guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics For a New Era

Delivered at the Thirteenth Beijing Municipal Congress Of the Communist Party of China

June 27, 2022

Cai Qi



The past five years are a journey of perseverance and advance. We owe all our achievements, first and foremost, to the strong leadership and guidance of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

In the past five years, General Secretary Xi presided over many meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, during which he gave instructions on important plans and matters concerning the long-term development of the capital. He stressed the importance of giving full play to Beijing's role as China's political center and putting people first in our work. During his inspection of the BMC, he charted the course for its long-term development and encouraged the Party and government staff working there to deliver a good performance. 

He announced the official opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport. In his video speeches delivered at the Global Trade in Services Summit of CIFTIS and the opening ceremony of Zhongguancun Forum, he announced a full range of major policy measures, including the "two zones" development, the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange and new pilot reforms in Zhongguancun, thus giving strong impetus to Beijing's high-quality development.

At the critical time of fighting Covid-19, he paid two visits to the frontline and gave guidance in person, thus strengthening our resolve to beat the virus. He visited Beijing's old town where he asked residents in the hutong about their lives, pasted posters of the Chinese character of happiness and made dumplings with them. He told us that the people's pressing concerns and difficulties must be addressed. He affirmed the government service mechanism of making swift response to public complaints and instructed us to continue this practice.

In the five years of making preparations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games, General Secretary Xi made five inspections to the competition zones in Beijing and its Yanqing District, including Xiaohaituo Mountain, the National Stadium, the National Speed Skating Oval and the Olympic Villages. As Covid-19 continued to rage globally, he instructed us that "the success means to run the Games smoothly". His instructions ensured the success of the Games.

General Secretary Xi has participated in tree planting in Beijing for ten years, encouraging all of us to build a beautiful homeland of harmony between humanity and nature. 

All these scenes and his words remain fresh in our minds. We are deeply inspired by his vision, foresight and leadership, and his commitment to serving the people and meeting their daily needs. When he instructs us to fulfill a mission, he both shows us the way and sees to it that we have the necessary means to meet challenges. All this shows that the General Secretary's support and guidance are crucial to every step forward we have taken and the changes taking place in Beijing. With General Secretary Xi leading our way, we are filled with confidence and power to succeed in all our endeavors.


We also owe our achievements in the past five years to the strong support from the central Party and government departments and institutions, other provinces, autonomous regions and provincial-level cities, and people from all sectors of society across the country. These achievements have also been made by all the people in Beijing through their hard work. 

In the past five years, with a keen sense of responsibility to the cause of the Party and the people, all of you in the Party organizations at all levels across the city have fulfilled your duties and missions. You have delivered a commendable performance by ensuring the success of a series of important celebrations and events. You have demonstrated your loyalty and commitment to the Party by resolving many difficult and urgent issues. You have stepped forward and risen to challenges at critical moments, displaying strong political commitment, a pragmatic work conduct, and high morale. All this has fostered a lively atmosphere of unity, harmony and dedication.

Here, on behalf of the 12th CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, I would like to pay high tribute and express heartfelt thanks to all our Party members, officials, and people of Beijing, to retired senior officials and comrades, to all central Party and government departments and institutions, to the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force units based in Beijing, to other provinces, autonomous regions and provincial-level cities, to other political parties, federations of industry and commerce, and public figures with no party affiliation, to our fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and to overseas Chinese and foreign friends who have shown understanding for and given support to us as we do our work in Beijing.


There is much that we have learned from the journey we have traversed in the past five years.

First, we must bear in mind that Beijing is judged first and foremost by its political stance.

We should closely follow the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core in political stance, direction, principle, and path. We should follow the guiding principles that General Secretary Xi Jinping has laid out in his instructions on Beijing, and bear in mind the political imperatives and the larger interests in all work we do.

Second, we must keep in mind the strategic status of Beijing as China's capital and develop the city according to its role as the four centers that delivers four services. 

We should see that Beijing's development is planned and advanced in a way that best meets our country's strategic needs. We should keep upgrading Beijing's function as China's capital and ensure its security and stability, so that it can better meet the priority needs of our Party and country.

Third, we must apply the new development philosophy to all areas throughout the capital's development. 

We should embrace and boost the country's new development dynamics and pursue higher-quality development that is more efficient, equitable, sustainable, and secure.

Fourth, we must promote high-standard reform and opening-up.

We should make full use of the central authorities' policies in support of Beijing, deliver more benefits by furthering the reform, unleash greater vitality through further opening-up and foster all-round innovation spearheaded by innovation in the field of science and technology to boost productivity.

Fifth, we must strive to meet people's expectations for a better life.

We should ensure and improve people's living standards through development, enhance social equity and justice, and build an effective governance system for this super large city, so that the benefits of development will reach all the people in a fairer way.

Sixth, we must act on the general principle of making progress while ensuring a steady performance. 

We should adopt a holistic approach, think in big-picture terms and work in a pragmatic way. We should act as a policy executor and improve approach to our work to ensure that all the decisions and plans made by the central Party leadership are fully implemented in Beijing. 

Seventh, we must see that the Party exercises effective self-supervision and strict self-discipline in every respect. 

We should see that the Party plays its key role of providing overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all stakeholders, and improves its ability to govern and lead, so as to provide strong support for various development endeavors in the capital. The above valuable experience is of long-term relevance to us and it should be enriched in practice.


However, we should also be keenly aware of the many obstacles and challenges on our way ahead and that there is still room for improvement in our work.

We are yet to fully meet the expectation of our Party and people in strengthening Beijing's role as the four centers and its capacity to deliver four services.

Problems associated with a megacity remain formidable and resources available and environmental capacity to meet the needs of a large population remain insufficient. Traditional growth drivers now play a less important role in our city that takes a development approach with less input and relocates its functions non-essential to the capital elsewhere. But innovation is yet to become a driving force powerful enough to generate momentum for development. And there is a pressing need to break bottlenecks in high-tech sectors.

Insufficient development in urban and rural areas and uneven development between them and among different parts of the city remain an acute issue. More efforts should be made to improve people's well-being and public security.

Competence and work conduct of Party officials need to be improved in order for them to take up new tasks under new conditions. Improving Party conduct, tightening Party discipline and curbing corruption remain an arduous task, and more needs to be done to strengthen the Party. Ensuring strict self-improvement of the Party remains a long-term task. We must take these issues seriously and resolve them with effective measures.