外籍人士“Health Kit(健康宝)”使用问答 Q&A on the Use of Health Kit

01 “Health Kit(健康宝)”是什么?为什么要申请“Health Kit(健康宝)”?

What is Health Kit? Why should I use it?

“Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序是在疫情防控期间为境外人士提供自身防疫相关健康状态查询的工具,查询结果可以作为复产复工、出入公共场所等场景的健康状态参考。

The mini-program Health Kit (Jiankang Bao) is a tool that provides the COVID-19-related health status of foreign nationals during the period of COVID-19 prevention and control. The query result serves as a reference for assessing one’s fitness for resuming work and production and going to public places, etc.

02 外籍人士如何使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”?

How to use the Health Kit? 

您可通过微信、支付宝搜索栏输入“Health Kit”,点击进入小程序,选择语言(中英文均可)后,您只需在首次使用时输入姓名、护照号,拍摄并上传证件个人关键信息页,即可查询自身健康状态。

需要注意的是,当您使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”时,上传的证件信息应与您入境时所使用的入境证件照片页保持一致,以便于核验。

You can type in “Health Kit” in the search bar of WeChat or Alipay, click to access the mini-program, and select the language (Chinese or English). As a first-time user, you need to enter your name and passport number, take a photo of the key information page of your passport and upload it, and then you can check your health status.

For the sake of verification, when you use the Health Kit, the information uploaded should be consistent with the photo page of the passport you used when entering China.

03 我可以替他人申请“Health Kit(健康宝)”吗?

Can I check health status on behalf of others on Health Kit?

可以。“Health Kit(健康宝)”具备“他人代查”功能,您可以在登录状态下,输入被查人姓名、证件号码,拍摄并上传证件个人关键信息页,获取被查人防疫相关健康状态,每人最多可为4人代查。

Yes. Health Kit has a feature entitled “query on others”. When you log in, enter the name and passport number of that person, take a photo of the key information page of his or her passport and upload it to the mini-program to get the result. Each person can check health status on behalf of four other people at most.

04 如何修改我的个人信息或更换我的证件照片?

How to edit my personal information or replace my passport photo on Health Kit?


You can directly check your current health status information by logging in the mini-program. There is no need to re-submit information or re-take a photo. You need to re-log in to edit your personal information and retake your passport photo.

05 我的英文名字比较长,输入不进去怎么办?需要输入中间名吗?

My English name is too long to fill in the name column. Do I need to enter my middle name?

您在“Health Kit(健康宝)”内输入的姓名应与您入境中国时使用的护照内姓名保持一致,目前“Health Kit(健康宝)”允许姓名处最多可输入30个字符。

The name entered in the name column on Health Kit should be the same as the name on the passport you used when entering China. Currently, a maximum of 30 letters are allowed in the name column.

06 “Health Kit(健康宝)”不同颜色状态有什么区别?

What is the difference between different color codes of Health Kit?

“Health Kit(健康宝)”小程序提供“状态自查”功能,用户通过输入姓名、证件号码,拍摄并上传证件个人关键信息页照片后,即可获得自身健康状态,分为红、黄、绿三种。具体对应关系如下:






The Health Kit mini-program enables you to learn about your health status. After entering name, passport number, taking and uploading the photo of the passport with key personal information, you can learn about your health status, which is shown by the color of red, yellow or green. The details are as follows:

1. The red code (observation at a designated placeindicates that you need to be placed under medical observation in isolation at a designated place.

2. The yellow code (home observation) indicates that you need to be placed under medical observation in isolation at home.

3. The green code (no abnormal conditions) indicates that according to the current data and information on the COVID-19 prevention and control, you have no abnormal health conditions.

You can click the Question Mark on the right side of the query result page of the mini-program to get detailed explanations and relevant contact information.

Data and information on the epidemic prevention and control will be updated on a timely basis as the situation evolves, and the result of the query does not mean you are free from the risk of infection. Even if you have a green code, you should still take protective measures, refrain from going to public gatherings and parties, and wear masks in public places.

07 我没有确诊,也不是密切接触,为什么显示我是红色状态(集中观察)?

I am neither a COVID-19 confirmed case nor a close contact. Why is it that the Health Kit shows a red code (quarantine at a designated place) for me?


It means you need to be placed under medical observation at a designated place, probably because it determined you have a high exposure risk or you have a travel history of entering China within the past 14 days. 

08 我现在是“集中观察”状态,目前健康状态良好,怎么做“Health Kit(健康宝)”状态才能恢复正常?

I am under quarantine at a designated place, but I am in good health condition. What should I do to get a normal code on the Health Kit?


Upon verification by the competent authorities, your registered health status will be updated upon your completion of quarantine as required by the relevant Beijing municipal regulations. 

09 我使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”一直是绿色,怎么突然提示“系统暂不能确认您的防疫相关健康状态”了?

My Health Kit code has been green all along. Why does it suddenly indicate that the system is currently unable to confirm my registered health status? 


This is because that your recent travel into or out of Beijing triggers the need for quarantine at a designated place. Please contact your residential community immediately to fulfill your COVID-19 control obligations. 

10 我使用“Health Kit(健康宝)”获得了“绿色状态”,是不是意味着我就可以在北京市内绿色通行了?

Can I go out freely in Beijing if I get a green code on Health Kit?

“Health Kit(健康宝)”绿色状态可以作为您防疫相关健康状态参考,但仍要自觉遵守我市疫情防控有关规定,在进出小区、园区、楼宇、商超、酒店等公共场所时,服从相应管理要求。

A green health code on Health Kit indicates your health status during the COVID-19 prevention and control period. You still need to comply with the relevant municipal regulations on epidemic control and management requirements when going to public areas such as residential communities, parks, office buildings, shopping malls, supermarkets and hotels. 

11 虚假填报有什么后果吗?

Are there any consequences for providing false information?

您好,当您进入“Health Kit(健康宝)”页面并选择语言后,会自动弹出“声明”,北京市防疫相关政策公告明确要求民众不得谎报瞒报,请自觉遵守。一旦发现谎报瞒报等情况,相关部门将依法追究责任。

After you enter the “Health Kit” page and select the language, a statement will pop up, indicating that municipal epidemic prevention policies strictly prohibit providing false information or concealing relevant information. Please comply with these polices. Anyone who provides false information or conceals relevant information shall be held accountable by the competent authorities in accordance with the law.
