
(二) 功能疏解与经济发展

1. 疏解非首都功能

to relieve Beijing of functions nonessential for the capital

2. 京津冀协同发展

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development

3. 突出创新发展、京津冀协同发展、开放发展、绿色发展、以人民为中心的发展、安全发展

We will build an open and people-oriented economy, underpinned by green growth, innovation, safety and security, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development.

4. “轨道上的京津冀”畅通便捷

The rail network connecting Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei will provide greater convenience than ever before.

5. 坚持“一核两翼”联动

to strive for close linkages between “the core area and the two wings”(The "two wings" refer to the BMC and the Xiong'an New Area.)

6. "三城一区"

the “three science cities and one hi-tech area”

7. 综合极端条件实验等5个大科学装置

five big-science facilities including the integrated experimental device for extreme conditions

8. “最多跑一次”

"All in One Go"

9. 两区:国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区和中国(北京)自由贸易试验区

the “two zones”: the Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone

10. 实施“五新”政策

The policy of promoting new forms and models of business in five areas (i.e. new types of infrastructure, new application scenarios, new models and areas of consumption, new initiatives of opening-up and better services to businesses through new policy packages) was rolled out.

11. 胸怀“两个大局”

to bear in mind what is unfolding in China and the world

12. 稳中求进工作总基调

to make progress while ensuring stable performance

13. 贯彻新发展理念

to follow the new development philosophy

14. 培育隐形冠军企业、独角兽企业和瞪羚企业

We will foster hidden champions, unicorns and gazelles.

15. 完善“监管沙箱”实施机制

to improve the “regulatory sandbox” mechanism

16. 推动新三板改革

to push for NEEQ reform

17. 发挥好首贷、续贷、确权融资、知识产权质押融资中心作用

to ensure the functioning of service centers for first loans, loan renewal, rights confirmation, and IP pledge financing

18. 推进“证照分离”和告知承诺制

to promote the separation of permits from business license and the notification and commitment system (Under this system, the government notifies the applicant conditions to be met, and if the applicant assures that all conditions are met and is ready to take the responsibility for false representation, then government approval is given; no actual submission of proofs from the applicant is needed.)

19. 加强事中事后监管

to strengthen interim and ex post supervision

20. 全程网办和全城通办

to make sure more service items can be processed online and across district boundaries

21. 完善“双随机、一公开”

to improve oversight through random selection of targets and inspectors and timely release of inspection results

22. 推出一批“两新一重”投资项目

to launch a number of new infrastructure and urbanization initiatives and major projects