Beijing in Eyes of Great Wall Friendship Award Winner: Interview with Vice-Principal of Beijing-Dublin International College
Date: 2024-02-22
Source: Beijing Foreign Affairs Office
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Editor's Note

The 16th Beijing Great Wall Friendship Award is about to be presented!

The Great Wall Friendship Award stands as the only and most prestigious honor bestowed by Beijing Municipality upon foreign nationals in the city. During its previous 15 sessions, a total of 206 individuals from 31 countries have received this accolade. In 2023, Beijing launched the 16th Great Wall Friendship Award selection and commendation, which produced 15 laureates in the fields including economy, finance, science and technology, education, medicine and healthcare, culture, and sports.

So, who are they? What notable contributions have they made to Beijing? What are their thoughts on Beijing? What advice do they have for Beijing's high-quality development? Let's take a look.


Cultivating international talents to support Beijing's sci-tech innovation

Henry B. McLoughlin, Vice-Principal for Teaching and Learning at Beijing-Dublin International College of Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), is a renowned computer scientist from Ireland, with expertise in both academic and applied research. McLoughlin first came to China for work in 2007 and has been returning ever since, staying longer each year due to his love for the experience. As one of the primary architects of the educational program at Beijing-Dublin International College, he has made significant contributions to the promotion of Sino-foreign joint education. McLoughlin has been involved in the launch of the joint college between University College Dublin (UCD) and the BJUT since its planning stages, and is delighted to have contributed to its planning, development, and growth. 

Beijing will grow into a leader in sci-tech innovation

McLoughlin believes that Beijing will emerge as a global leader in sci-tech innovation. He noted that Beijing is home to numerous outstanding universities, many of which are world leaders. The integration of sci-tech innovation into the daily lives of Beijing residents is evident. He observed that both the younger and older generations have adapted to this modern lifestyle and are adept at using various apps. He added that with a smartphone, one can easily access medical, shopping, and travel services, which represents an important trend for future development.

International talent cultivation adds vitality to Beijing

As a professor who has been teaching for many years, McLoughlin expresses his admiration for Beijing's high-quality education and talent resources. Sino-foreign joint education programs like the Beijing-Dublin International College play a unique role in nurturing talent. "After graduation, students can pursue advanced studies at the world's top 100 universities and bring back an international perspective to Beijing," he said. He believes that ambitious students will inject vitality into the future development of Beijing, and in return, the city will offer them ample and diverse opportunities.

Building a bridge to strengthen cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world

After years of working and living in Beijing, McLoughlin has assimilated into Chinese culture. While he still retains some of the graceful and shy characteristics of the Irish, his greetings now carry a distinct Beijing accent. He noted that despite rapid socio-economic development, Beijing has managed to preserve its historical and cultural traditions, which adds to the city's charm. McLoughlin is influencing and attracting an increasing number of Irish students to learn about Beijing and consider China and Beijing as their destination for future studies and work. He expressed his willingness to serve as a bridge for friendly exchanges between China and the world.