Learning English for the Olympic Winter Games: Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Lectures (3)
Date: 2020-09-02
Source: Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal Government
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Starting from July 25, the Beijing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and Radio Beijing International will present the “Learning English for the Olympic Winter Games: Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Lectures”. In this program, hosts experienced in teaching English as a foreign language from Radio Beijing International and well-known language experts will guide you through the most useful English expressions in daily life.

第三讲:出租车行业常用英语表达 Lecture III: Taking a Taxi

对话一 Dialogue 1

司机: Good evening, where do you want to go?


外宾:I want to go to the train station. I'm in a hurry. My train leaves in an hour.


司机: Which train station, the Beijing station or the west station?


外宾: It's the Beijing station.


司机: Oh, the traffic is very bad now. It's going to take time.


外宾: How much time?


司机: Maybe 40 minutes.


外宾: Please hurry. I don't want to miss my train.


相关词汇 Vocabulary

火车站 the train station /the railway station

北京南站  the Beijing South Station

东 east    南 south   西 west    北 north

东南 southeast

东北 northeast

西北 northwest

西南 southwest

匆忙、赶时间 in a hurry


鸟巢 Birds’ Nest

冰立方 Ice Cube  

奥林匹克森林公园 Olympic Forest Park 

大运河森林公园 Grand Canal Forest Park

天坛 Temple of Heaven

颐和园 Summer Palace

机场 airport

对话二 Dialogue 2

外宾: Driver, can you go any faster?


司机: Sorry, sir. As you can see, the traffic isn't moving. Sorry, but you are going to miss your train.


外宾: OK. Let me out at that subway station. Maybe I can get there by subway. How much?


司机: Just a minute. The fare is 15 yuan. Do you want a receipt?


外宾: No, thanks. I don't need a receipt.


相关词汇 Vocabulary

where 哪里

fare 交通工具的费用

receipt 发票

traffic jam 交通堵塞

Let me out at that subway station/ Drop me at that subway station.


地铁的4种英文说法:How to say “地铁”in English:subway/ metro/ underground/ tube

The lectures are broadcast on the English for the Olympic Winter Games program at the last two weekends every month.

Saturday and Sunday: 12:00-12:25; 16:00-16:25